30 January 2016

Fellowship of His Suffering

Paul desired to be found in Christ so he might experience the power of Christ's resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:9-10).  He wanted to be conformed to the death of Jesus Christ so he could partake of His life and resurrection.  All men, Christian or not, are lured by a desire for power.  Most people would love to possess the miraculous power displayed in the life of Jesus Christ.  But very few people have any interest whatsoever to share in the sufferings of Christ.  All people suffer, and to increase our degree of suffering seems to have little upside from an earthly perspective.  It is important to recognise it is impossible to have the power of Christ without suffering with Christ.  And if you are content to have one without the other, there is a disconnect between God's will for your life and your own will.

When you think of suffering for Christ's sake, it is likely persecution which leads to suffering by unbelievers which comes to mind.  It actually goes far deeper than that.  When we choose to walk in love as Jesus did, we will suffer on all fronts.  You will experience the same feelings of rejection in sharing the Gospel with people who don't care as Jesus did when He invited people to follow Him and they refused.  You will understand a new depth of sorrow of watching people ignore biblical wisdom and destroy themselves with sin.  You will mourn over people who love to debate the truth which has never managed to impact their attitudes or choices.  How Christ suffered these same things Himself, called a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.  At the cross His pain could have stopped with that climactic moment in history, but no:  He rose from the dead as conqueror and overcomer, alive with a heart which loves, cares, and continues to feel profoundly.

Faith in Jesus Christ provides the power we can draw upon to suffer.  God's ministers suffer to a high degree in many ways, and Jesus gives the miraculous source of strength to persevere.  It is hard to lead Christians to the Living Water and watch them leave thirsty and despairing.  It is sad to offer the Bread of Life to a starving soul and watch them fade away into a spiritual coma.  It is sorrowful work to stamp out fires of the flesh when the desire of all believers is to see people baptised with the Holy Spirit and fire.  Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they refused His love, and it is a grief when we are reminded that  the nature of man towards the love of Christ or His ambassadors has not changed.  Love suffers long and is kind, and when our love reaches an end we can know it was our love, not God's.  It is shocking when the faithful follower of Christ becomes a prodigal, and to see them content with the companionship of swine with no desire to come home.

Yet this story of suffering and dying to self does not have a tragic end:  out of the terrible pain God brings new life!  Jesus suffering immeasurably on the cross for the sins of mankind, yet He rose glorified with healing in His wings.  Though we will suffer in this Christian walk, we have fellowship with God which brings wonder, joy, and contentment beyond price.  There are no shortage of encouragements and moments of ecstasy to see the light pierce through a darkened conscience, when the truth of the Gospel is received with joy and salvation comes to a household.  It is painful when people choose to leave the fellowship of the local church, but how lovely it is to see young lambs gamboling about!  The fellowship of Christ's sufferings makes these victories all the sweeter, and it is clear Jesus Christ is the author of these unspeakable joys.  It is His power which makes life worth living and to taste the sweet fruit of His sacrifice is a double blessing.

If you are in a season of suffering, do not despair:  fellowship with Jesus Christ is available to you through faith in Him.  He supplies the power to continue walking with Jesus.  Consider how Jesus suffered and that the Father never made Him suffer needlessly.  You need not suffer alone, for Jesus has opened His arms wide to you.  He will faithfully speak to you from the Bible.  The Father has sent the Helper and Comforter to indwell you.  He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.  We will suffer upon the road, but Jesus will bring us to His glorious end.

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