08 February 2016

Addressing Source or Symptoms?

Head colds are common ailments usually caused by viruses.  Symptoms include a sore throat, blocked or runny nose, and sinus pressure.  There are many over-the-counter medications which can alleviate the symptoms in varying degrees.  It is important for the sufferer to realise the runny nose is a problem and an irritation, but it is not the source of the problem:  the runny nose is indicative of a virus the body will overcome in due time.

It would be silly to think the source of the head cold was eliminated by jamming Kleenex in the nose or irrigating the sinus with a saline solution.  Treating the symptoms of a chronic illness or disease never touches the root cause.  It would be foolish to load up on caffeine to fight fatigue when the body is suffering anemia or heart disease.  Morphine is very good at numbing pain, but it does nothing to mend a broken bone or remove bowel cancer.  Unless the source is dealt with directly, all efforts to treat the symptoms will not promote healing or restoration.  Efforts to remove white patches off tonsils with a wire brush will only add complications to pain.  The alleviation of symptoms without discovering and addressing the cause is problematic as well, for it masks the insidious nature of the sickness which will continue to rage unchecked.

It may be we only want our symptoms relieved, but wisdom demands we discover the source of our symptoms and seek a genuine cure.  The symptoms of spiritual illness are often played out in the physical realm.  A lack of peace, joy, or contentment should be an impetus to seeking God and His counsel through the Word.  Waywardness of eyes and thoughts are often indicative of a wandering heart from steadfast faithfulness to God.  We can toil against the lusts of our flesh and eyes and not realise the problem is not with all the temptation offered in the world but the sin which sits enthroned in our own hearts.  We are called to guard our hearts, for from the heart springs all the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

Sinful conduct and habits is like a spiritually runny nose and fever:  it is an indicator something inside us is sick and in need of a physician's care.  It may appear passive to allow a virus run its course, but in truth the body is working overtime to see the viral threat destroyed.  God designed our bodies with an intricate defense system which identifies and attacks all threats to the health of the body, and God allows feelings we classify as bad, sickness, waves of depression, and circumstances so we might recognise our need to repent and refocus our trust on God once more.  It is not more self-control in one area we need, but to abide in Christ's love by making God's will our practice in all our lives.  Resist the urge to force superficial change in yourself by modifying behaviour without considering the implications of how your actions reveal your heart.  Unless a heart is humbled before God in faith and surrender, lasting transformation is not a viable option.  Efforts of the flesh to clean our exterior resemble a man with a fever who scrubs his inflamed tonsils with a wire brush - and that is an ugly picture indeed.

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