04 February 2016

Upheld by Love

As I reflect upon the trip I took to Cambodia in 2015, this image (courtesy of Vanny Phal, an amazing chemist and sister in Christ) is the one indelible memory of the trip.  To me it sums up the truth I realised in a very personal way.  I always want to be the strong one who helps others, but there are times when I am weak and need to be upheld by my sisters and brothers in Christ.  The sweet scene depicted in the photo played out for me as a literal parable.

During one of our medical clinics in a mountain village, I noticed this little man starting to fade into sleep as he patiently sat on the bench.  His mother was having dental work done, so his big sister picked him up, held him, and gently rocked him to sleep.  I watched amazed for over an hour as this little girl held her brother who was half her size without complaint or visible discomfort.  I had no idea how this scene would unfold in a personal way and in dramatic fashion.

After our time in Cambodia came to a close, we flew to Singapore before returning home to Sydney, Australia.  It was in Singapore I began to feel unwell.  It began with what I thought perhaps was hunger or indigestion, and I was glad to be boarding a flight heading home.  I had not been seated for a minute before I felt like it would be advisable to go to the toilet - just in case.  When I found the toilets locked, I leaned against a bulkhead to think and suddenly...I found myself lying on my back in an aisle, surrounded by concerned staff who asked me to tell them my name.  I had fainted and been unconscious for almost a minute!  After convincing everyone I was right as rain and was seated, I promptly fainted again.  I was deemed unfit to fly and wheeled off the plane utterly humiliated and disappointed to be denied passage home.  But I understood.  They did the right thing.

Eventually I did make it home, after being diagnosed with food poisoning.  What I haven't explained is how God used two women from our church who accompanied me on the trip to uphold me.  One of them literally caught me as I fainted so I didn't injure myself when I lost consciousness.  The other decided to stay with me in Singapore, denying herself the chance to fly home, so she could ensure our flights were quickly rescheduled and I was properly cared for.  You see, I was the little boy in the picture.  God provided two sisters in Christ to uphold me.  What I must remember is that I am still that little boy:  weak, frail, unable to be strong all the time, with genuine needs I cannot meet myself.  Just today I was so encouraged to hear from a sister in Christ that she is praying for me, upholding me and the ministry here in Sydney in prayer.

Sometimes God will use you to be the girl in the picture, but more often than we care to admit we resemble that little boy:  in need of love, care, and support.  Praise God for the family He has provided in Christ and all the support we receive we will never know about.  Thank you friends and family who faithfully support my family and me in countless ways.  God has made us a Body, the church, and when all its movements are governed by the love of Christ there is nothing more beautiful.

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