18 May 2016

Lighting the Way

We had our regular fire inspection at the church building today.  During the test of the emergency lights I propped the door open for the technicians and dropped off my car across the street for a pink slip inspection.  When I returned, the technicians were finalising their report.  "By the way," one of them remarked, "it seems a miner (an Australian Noisy Miner) is stuck in the back room."  Now this wouldn't be the first time a bird has ventured into the building.  The facility sits against a beautiful backdrop of bush, and sometimes the wildlife comes in for a visit.

After the technicians left, I went into the back room to find the poor bird fluttering around like a bat.  He seemed unable to find the doorway to leave.  So I walked back through the hall, shutting every door so he wouldn't take a wrong turn.  I opened the front door to make sure the exit was as clear as possible.  I went back to the room with a cracker and dropped a few pieces to make a trail.  Yet the bird continued to move back and forth through the room, unwilling to drop to the ground.  Hmmm.  I was running out of ideas and time.  So I googled tips on how to help a bird find their way out of a room.  The article I turned to suggested the best thing to do is turn the lights out in the room and the external light source will help the bird find the door.  Sounded like a good plan.

I turned out the lights and waited.  It wasn't too long before the miner hopped through the door, feasting on the bits of cracker I left behind.  After about a minute of snacking - looking no worse for wear - he flew down the hall and out the front door to freedom.  It was that simple:  the open door perfectly lit the way.  In this interaction I saw the wisdom of God, the One who spoke light into darkness, the One who created birds and men.  With all the lights on the bird could not locate the door to freedom.  In a similar way, the world dazzles men with the bright lights of fame, wealth, entertainment, sport, sex, and achievements.  There is much to see and experience, and like that bird we can flutter from activity to activity, relationship to relationship, weekend to weekend - and perhaps not notice we are trapped in a cycle which ultimately leads to death.  It was only when I turned out the lights the bird was able to find the exit, and God is wise to allow darkness so Jesus can shine as the Way.  He is the only Door through whom we find abundant life.

I was very glad and relieved to see the bird finally emerge from his open prison.  Many people are imprisoned today in addictions, habits, and distorted ways of thinking, yet as the Light of the World Jesus has opened the door and bids them come forth.  It is in the place of desperation and darkness the light shines brightest, and praise God He has caused His light to shine in this dark world.  From the bright lights of big cities to the illuminated screens of devices, there are many distractions and lights which cause us to lose sight of the eternal peril we face because of our sins.  It is in the darkness a glimmer of truth begins to emerge for the soul tired of fluttering to and fro looking for rest and finding none.  It is only in Jesus, the Light of the Word, where we find freedom and rest for our souls.

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