07 April 2013

No Dramas!

This morning we called for a meeting after church to discuss recent developments concerning our visa for residency in Australia.  To make a very complicated story short, it came to light this week that there had been a mistake on the nomination form lodged over seven months ago.  We were made aware of legislation passed in November that did not help our cause.  We submitted the application portion of the visa process about a month ago, not knowing yet that the nomination could not be approved in the current state.  An immigration agent called me and a fellow board member, suggesting that we withdraw the application because a withdrawal is better than a refusal.  This was done and here we are, exactly one week from our 428 Religious Worker's visa running out, no bridging visa, and with the prospect of applying again at full price - with a price tag of just over three thousand dollars.  And you know what?  I'm not mad, worried, or freaked out.  It is a testimony to the reality of an All-Powerful God.  Because if I didn't know Him, that's exactly how I would feel!

People say, "God is on the throne."  That's not just a cliche to polish up in difficult times.  It is a fact:  our God reigns!  He allows obstacles, difficulties, trials, tribulations, and persecutions.  His perfect love casts out all fear.  As we discussed the situation with those able to stay late at church for the meeting, there was a tangible sense of God's presence.  There was no finger pointing, accusations, blaming others, or veiled threats.  The was a profound sense of love, grace, and understanding.  After the meeting I was struck by how blessed we are to have a fellowship filled with friends who stick closer than a brother.  I am convinced that God will use this situation for good and will undoubtedly bring my family and I to His desired end.  Who but God knows what priceless gems will be mined through this experience?

The current plan of action is to re-apply for the 186 direct-stream visa in the next couple days which will automatically initiate a new bridging visa to allow our family to stay in country until it is resolved.  We are praying that God will give us wisdom and favour with immigration to have all the information supplied by the deadlines which are quickly approaching.  We are confident that money is not a problem for our God and therefore it won't be a problem for us or the church.  In Australia we have a saying which is basically synonymous with "No worries."  When in the States someone would say "Piece of cake!" people in OZ say, "No dramas!"  There's a lot of drama in this world, but nothing is too hard for our God.  We can take God at His Word to provide for all our needs.  As we fight the good fight of faith, let us stay true to our LORD no matter our circumstances.

Thanks for praying for Calvary Chapel Sydney and the Grisez family!  We are blessed beyond measure, greatly enriched by the love of the saints, and rejoice in the faithfulness and provision of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ!


  1. Praying for your family and fellowship while rejoicing in your steadfast faith and HIS provision in all things. Hugs to the family.

  2. Ben & Laura, I know God is in this too! Roadblocks and detours are just strengthening tools. It's hard not to worry, but it doesn't do any good either. God bless your family. Thankfully, NO Drama :)

    Boulanger Family

  3. I will join with all the others in prayer for you and the family knowing that it is settled with God all ready. You inspire me.

    Love, Kay


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