29 August 2023

The Mirror Miracle

God is present in the everyday situations of life, and sometimes we are given insight to see Him at work that brings encouragement.  Looking back on God's faithfulness to people in the pages of scripture, through the testimonies of others and our own experiences, we can rest assured God will be faithful to us presently and in the future forever.  Though the future is uncertain, we can know without a doubt our good God knows us and will preserve us going forward.

Recently I reminisced over a challenging move that took place years ago.  Several fellows from church and I organised to help a family move house.  This move was a struggle because the family moving was not sufficiently prepared, it was on a weeknight, and we needed to travel a long distance--and we were all slated to work early the following day.  In our initial discussion, we were told to be extra careful with a bureau and a large matching mirror.  The furniture had been in the family for a long time and it carried a great deal of sentimental value.  "I don't really care if anything else breaks," he said.  "This is the one thing that cannot be broken."  We carefully communicated the importance of the furniture to the crew and carefully secured it in the truck.

After overcoming hiccups and obstacles, we finally arrived at the new residence.  It was nearly midnight as we began transferring items from the truck into the garage--and we were far from home and hours from sleeping in bed.  The unloading was much quicker than the loading had been.  And then the unthinkable happened:  as I raised the Tommy Gate to full height I watched in horror as the large mirror began to fall forward in slow motion.  We were too far away to catch the mirror as it quickly gathered speed and slammed to the deck.  I was in disbelief how this could have possibly happened with all the precautions we had taken.  In grim silence a fellow worker and I lifted the mirror that amazingly, miraculously had been preserved.  There was not a scratch or mark on the mirror that should have shattered into a million pieces after falling straight onto the truck bed.  Our sigh of relief was also praise to God who marvelously helped us.

If God saw fit to preserve a mirror that was special to someone, how much more will He preserve His beloved children He treasures though they fall?  He is there to lift us up again.  Jesus asked in Luke 12:6-7:  "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."  Sparrows were not precious, five of them purchased in exchange for two small coins, yet God took note of every one of these small, relatively insignificant birds.  God is not only concerned with a bird or a whole person but knows the number of all the hairs on our heads.  Jesus exhorted His hearers, "Do no fear:  you are of more value than many sparrows."  Glory to God for loving and valuing us as He does, and assured of His faithfulness we need not fear anything that befalls us.

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