Perhaps people are drawn to read a book like this is because they are not experiencing God speak to them as they read His word. Like students in school who didn't read the assigned books and relied on Cliffsnotes pamphlets to summarise the content, maybe people don't bother with reading the Bible. The pages of the Bible might as well be Greek or Hebrew to them, and there are many things they don't understand clearly. They want to hear from God as others seem to have, and there are brands of Christianity that put priests, pastors or prophets on a pedestal as the primary means to hear from God--as if God doesn't speak to just anyone. People can come to a pastor for prayer because they believe they have a better chance of having their prayer heard or answered than if they prayed privately. I imagine some people scoop up a daily devotional to help get them in the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer.
There's nothing wrong with daily devotionals: writing in first person as if you are Jesus is problematic because this is an effort to assume the voice and tone of God when the writer is not God. A prophet says, "Thus says the LORD" and God's people can quote the scripture with complete confidence in the LORD to fulfill His word. In the New Testament you will find no examples of people speaking as if they were Jesus because Jesus is alive and speaks. Each book of the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit has variations of style and format. The books of the Bible were not written by authors who attempted to sound like God was speaking but guided by the Holy Spirit penned God's word in truth which is complete. To try to speak in the voice of Jesus is to run the incredibly high risk of adding to or taking away from what Jesus has said because Christians are not Christ. God can speak to us in a multitude of ways that include other people and books they have written, and His word remains the touchstone of all truth.
So you have this book in your library; you've read it and recommended it to others because it was useful to you. Let me exhort you, dear friend, to read the Bible believing Jesus Himself will speak directly to you. That is one purpose of God giving us the Scripture, so we might hear God speak, know Him and walk in His ways. His word guides us into all truth with the help of the Holy Spirit, instructs us in His wisdom, warns, rebukes, corrects and exhorts us. God tells us things we would never have dreamed up and things we do not like because we are not naturally like Him: His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Any daily devotional will become dusty and dry, but God's word is living, fresh and daily supplies our spiritual needs. Call out to the LORD, and He will hear you and answer.
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