23 January 2025

Yoked With Christ

When Jesus invited people who were weary and heavy laden to take His yoke upon them and learn humility from Him in Matthew 11:28-30, it is ironic because it was a call to labour.  The realisation people are weary and burdened does not lead us to suggest placing a yoke on their shoulders as a solution.  We tell them to take a break, to cease from labour!  The point is, Jesus is easily able to carry all loads that burden and crush us, and by submissive labour by the side of Jesus we will find rest for our souls.  His yoke is easy and His burden light because Jesus is mighty, strong and our Saviour.  In drawing near to Jesus by faith and labouring alongside with Him, Christians find joyful rest.

As someone who worked in a building trade for more than a decade, one of the things drummed into workers was the need to learn to work and talk at the same time.  Some people never learn this lesson:  when they begin talking, their hands stop working.  Workers who were slow to learn this lesson worked alone until they did.  While working with Jesus does not always take the form of manual labour, Paul called out Christians in the Corinthian church who had become distracted from Christ and factional over their preferred preachers or loyalties due to whom God personally used in their lives.  People like Paul and Apollos were elevated by great people who esteemed them for the fruitfulness of their ministry.  Paul exhorted the people to return to the unity they had by faith in Jesus and to glorify Him, knowing it was Christ who will reward His faithful followers.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:5-9:  "Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. 8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. 9 For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building."  Men of God like Paul and Apollos were only fruitful because they were "of God" and ministers who could only offer others what God freely provided for them.  One planted, another watered, and God gave the increase.  Again and again Paul downplayed the glorification of people who do God's work--people who were the epitome of faithful labourers--because God is responsible for all spiritual fruitfulness.

All Christians are called to work together with Jesus, and each one of us will receive our own reward according to our labour and all by His grace.  The last verse is an amazing truth:  in Christ we are God's fellow workers; we are God's field and His building.  God chooses to plant the good seed of His word in us that bears spiritual fruit.  Our lives have been built on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ who is the chief Cornerstone.  We are God's servants, His purchased possession and chosen dwelling place.  Knowing this is our identity in Christ, it ought to unify us as believers to labour together to promote Him.  We are privileged to have been given duties by our LORD and Saviour, yet at the same time who are we?  We are souls who were heavy laden who found rest in Christ.  Let us unite with those who are yoked with Christ, knowing God will give the increase.

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