26 August 2012

Do You Want to Be Made Well?

Our eyes are valuable because they enable us to see.  During our waking moments we are almost entirely dependent upon them.  It it difficult for someone who can see to even fathom living without the blessing of sight.  Yet there are limitations even to a set of eyes with perfect vision.  We cannot see through thick fog or solid objects.  Our range of vision is limited by distance and the direction we currently face.  No one actually has functioning eyes on the back of their heads, though some people can make you wonder by their uncanny ability of perception!

Man is constantly stretching the boundaries of what he can do and accomplish.  But there will always be a boundary.  The time for a human being running 100 meters will never be 0.00.  Because of the things we can see and do we sometimes forget there is more to the picture.  From our limited perspective, we create expectations of what needs to happen in our lives.  As Christians, we often pray according to what we can see.  We pray according to sight, not by faith.  We observe what appears to be a huge problem and tell God how we think He should handle things.  And when He doesn't operate in the way we expect we can become bitter and disillusioned, wondering if God hears our prayers or actually loves us at all.  From time to time God will pull back the veil on things that happened years ago and we see clearly what He was doing we didn't perceive then:  He was with us and acting for our good the whole time.

In John chapter 5, a passage talks about a man who suffered from a debilitating infirmity for 38 years.  It was no doubt a source of great struggle and difficulty.  He lay by a pool called Bethesda, waiting for the moving of the water.  John writes that from time to time an angel would stir the water and whoever stepped in first would be healed from whatever infirmity they suffered.  Jesus visited this man.  John 5:6-8 reads, "When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, "Do you want to be made well?" 7 The sick man answered Him, "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me." 8 Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your bed and walk."  Jesus asked the sick man if he wanted to be made well.  Instead of answering the question, the man pointed out that being healed seemed impossible since he had no one to help him be the first in the water.  He had figured out what he thought to be his best and possibly only chance for healing.  Unless he had a man to put him in the water, he was doomed.

Jesus asks you the question:  "Do you want to be made well?"  How do you answer?  Do you tell God what needs to happen before you can be healed?  For 38 years or more you may have suffered from your condition, and you are still waiting for God to acquiesce to your plan.  It is time to stop pointing to the obstacles, blaming others, or yourself.  If it time to look to Jesus and say, "Yes.  I want to be healed and I know you can do it.  I give you freedom to ask or do anything you wish because I trust you."  How silly it was for the man to be lamenting he did not have a man when the God-Man Jesus Christ stood before him with the power and willingness to heal!  The Saviour stands before you today, knocking at the door, and calling out your name.  He may not act in the way you expect, but expect Him to act!

23 August 2012

What Happens in Vegas...

Prince Harry made headlines in Australia because of his partying ways in Las Vegas, often referred to as "Sin City."  Famous for its strip of hotels, casinos, clubs, risque adult entertainment, call girls, and endless buffets, the city of Las Vegas has a adopted a bold-faced lie as its slogan:  "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas."  The moniker fits in my opinion because sin is deceitful.  The concept that there is a geographic place on earth where morality and consequences are nil is the fantasy of fools.  Most people leave Vegas with less money than they came, so obviously money stays there!  Even if mobile phone cameras hadn't been invented, Prince Harry and others just looking "to have fun" leave Vegas with far less dignity.  What happened behind closed doors has been shouted from the rooftops with the long reach and permanent smudge of the internet.

The potential for scandal is not based upon geographic limits.  A city nor outside influences are justifications for scandalous behaviour.  The issue is one of the heart.  Just like what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas, the desires and lusts in the heart of a person will find their release.  The things people think about and the fantasies they entertain will eventually spill over into real life.  What we set before our eyes and the people we associate with have the potential to lead us into grave error and sin.  James 1:13-15 reads, "Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death."  We sin when we transgress the righteous commands of God's laws.  Jesus says that if a man even looks with lust at a woman, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  The heart is drowning in sin long before a man acts out on his desires.

The Bible always tells us to do what is right, not just avoid doing what is wrong.  Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."  If a man loves God, he will honour, respect, and obey Him.  A man who loves his wife will not cheat on her or be disloyal.  He will consider her feelings, respect her wishes, listen to her, and spend quality time with her.  Instead of focusing on trying not to do all the things that he knows will weaken and destroy the marriage, his love will positively strengthen and deepen their relationship.  When Joseph (a single man at the time) was tempted by a married seductress to have sex, he did not apologetically decline.  "Well, I know it's old school, but I was raised to wait until marriage.  I mean, you are attractive and it sounds like fun, but if someone found out I would be in big trouble.  We wouldn't want those pics plastered on the pyramids."  No!  Genesis 39:9 says, "There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"  Joseph honoured God and his master.  He saw this suggestion as great wickedness and his heart refused to even entertain the idea of sin.

The devil delights to deceive a man into thinking he can sin without consequences.  The moment a man sins in his heart--even in Las Vegas--God knows.  When desires are conceived they bring forth sin.  And when sin is full grown, it brings forth death.  After a woman becomes pregnant, a tiny person begins to grow within her womb.  As the mother eats, nutrients are passed to the growing baby.  Even though 9 months is the typical length of a pregnancy, a child can be born months before or weeks past the original due date.  Sin in our hearts is like a developing baby,  At first there may be a little "morning sickness" which is actually a disturbed conscience, but people get over that.  A pregnant woman will ultimately give birth to a baby, whether she is aware of her pregnancy or not.  It is not unheard of that a woman goes to the doctor thinking she is experiencing abdominal cramps but is actually giving birth to a child!  The point?  Sin grows in the hearts of all people, developing slowly.  Whether we recognise the symptoms or not, sin when full-grown brings forth death.  Even as a baby emerges from his mother into the world, so all men will face God on the Day of Judgment.  All secret sins will be brought to light, and the soul that sins will surely die.

God made a way for our sins to be forgiven, expunged, and remembered no more.  Our permanent record of sin can be wiped clean by the blood of Jesus Christ when we repent and trust in Him.  Trying to wash yourself clean of sin is like trying to purge the internet of those embarrassing mugshots or bachelor party photos.  Even if you were to do that, it's impossible to strike from our memory some of the things we have done or seen.  But God can cleanse your heart, mind, and soul.  We can have right standing and fellowship with Him again by grace through faith.  Don't be deceived by the apparent latency period of sin.  Galatians 6:7-8 says, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."

22 August 2012

According to His Riches

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

When I was growing up, I wore my favourite clothes and shoes until they wore out.  Silk-screened logos became cracked and faded, and holes grew in my Vans shoes.  One thing I love about the promises of God is that they never become threadbare and worn out from use.  They never lose their lustre or fade.  If anything, the promises of God become exceedingly more precious because our experience proves they are genuine.  God's Word is not to be locked away in a vault somewhere to guard the secrets contained within, but liberally shared and broadcasted everywhere.  Like the bread that Jesus blessed, broke, and distributed to His disciples to dispense, the greater the need the more God supplies.

God is a provider for the needs of His people.  He does not give out of His abundance, but "according to His riches."  This is grace upon grace.  We starving beggars would be satisfied with scraps from the King's table, yet the King has set us beside Himself at the table with a double-portion of royal dainties.  But alas!  Though we are children of God by faith in Christ, in our earthly condition much of what enters the mouth and stomach is not only eliminated, but forgotten.  When the familiar gnaw of hunger grows within us, we worry that we will starve!  We must bring to remembrance often how God has graciously provided for our needs, given us assurance in His Word of His faithful care and provision, and to reject fears and worries as sin.

God will doubtless supply ALL our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  When our sufficiency is found in Christ, what have we to fear?  Let us take God at His Word and receive according to His gracious provision.  2 Corinthians 8:15 says, "As it is written, "He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack."

21 August 2012

Follow Jesus!

One of my favourite paintings is called "The Parable of the Blind" by Pieter Bruegel.  Painted in 1568, I find the attention to detail and profound symbolism striking.  When Jesus and his followers were criticised by the Pharisees, Jesus saw no need to fight with them.  The painting is an illustration of what Jesus says in Matthew 15:14, "Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch."  Who you trust and choose to follow is very important.  There are many people who can see with their physical eyes but are spiritually blind, unable to discern the truth.  The Pharisees substituted the traditions of men for the commandments of God.  They were blind guides who led many to destruction.

A teacher can only take a student as far as he knows.  Exceptional students who desire complete mastery over their subject seek to be taught by experts.  Someone who aspires to be a physicist will need more than rudimentary knowledge of algebra.  The same can be said of martial arts or sport.  A weekend warrior with relatively no experience will not be a suitable coach to prepare people to play at a professional level.  A grand master has the knowledge and ability that enables him to teach and train others to a high level.  The sensei a man decides to train under will be a large determining factor in his ultimate success.  In the Hebrew culture, the rabbi a man followed would influence his beliefs, interpretation, and philosophy.  A man's spiritual progression, wisdom, and status depended largely on the rabbi he followed.  It is imperative, therefore, to choose and follow the best rabbi - not just anyone who will take you on as a student.

When John the Baptist began preaching and baptising people, he gained a following among the Jews.  He had many followers who were faithful adherents to his teachings.  John was a prophet sent by God to prepare the way for the Messiah, the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.  He singled out Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God.  The identity of Jesus as the Messiah was revealed to John after he baptised Him.  The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended and landed on Jesus as a voice spoke from heaven, "This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." (Matt. 3:17John 1:35-37 reads, "Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. 36 And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God!" 37 The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus."  When I read this I thought, here are two men who really understood what John the Baptist had been saying.  They got it!  But even after John claimed Jesus was the Son of God, there were many men who continued to follow John.  Their loyalty to John hindered their growth because a man greater than John had come.  After John pointed out Jesus as the Christ, those who were wise left John and followed Jesus instead.

As Christians, it is imperative and paramount that we follow Jesus Christ.  There are no shortage of people to follow or causes to embrace.  Plenty of people will have you if you will have them!  Unless Jesus is the one we follow, we follow a blind guide.  Unfortunately blind guides have continued to multiply over the years, drawing people away from biblical truth.  Never give your allegiance to a preacher, author, philosopher, philanthropist, actor, musician, or to any person other than Jesus Christ.  A man can only truly follow one master.  Our loyalty cannot be divided.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He is the one who baptises with the Holy Spirit and with fire.  He is the only one who has the words of life.