03 October 2012

Sold Your Soul? Jesus Will Buy it Back!

Few things have fueled the exponential interest in conspiracy theories as the internet.  People make a lucrative living from "exposing" the hidden agendas of politicians clamouring for a new world order, the not-so-secret "Illuminati" in Hollywood and the music industry.  While much of it is conjecture which borderlines hysteria, I have no doubt that there is more than a shred of truth to the claims.  Sites and news feeds focus on pictures of celebrities throwing down symbolism of the "All-Seeing-Eye," or the use of 666 by Dr. Dre and Brittany Spears in ads or on clothing.  Is the Illuminati really calling the shots?  Is there a satanic plot to use music, movies, and media to influence people and destroy Christian ethics and morality?  In such a convoluted world where alleged conspiracies and connections are made between a hand signal and global domination through subliminal influence, it is hard to figure out how deep the rabbit trail goes.  It is not a trail which can be followed, but rather an expansive void to lose oneself.  The trouble is, these self-proclaimed insiders and experts cannot agree.  It impossible to tell up from down, left or right in this dark vacuum.

Beyonce's ring in the shape of baphomet, the involvement of Lady Gaga, Rhianna, or Jay-Z in the Illuminati, whether innumerable artists have sold their souls for rock-n-roll, these are all ploys to distract from the one who is behind all corruption, lies, and deception:  Satan.  The conspiracy of Satan to steal, kill, and destroy is nothing new.  This is not a newsflash to anyone who has read the Bible.  When the devil tempted Jesus, what did he offer Him?  In Matthew 4 Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and the glory in them in a moment's time and said, "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."  Jesus told Satan, "Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thous serve."  Though turned down by Jesus Christ, Satan has held forth the same offer to countless people today from all walks of life:  businessmen, actors, musicians, politicians, rappers, and on.  Many people have agreed to the devil's terms, choosing a life of fame, wealth, and power in exchange for their souls.

The blues artist Robert Johnson and many others have claimed to have made a pact with the devil, to give their souls in exchange for skill in songwriting and playing music.  Even for those so foolish and short-sighted to do so, there remains genuine saving hope and deliverance in Christ.  Jesus Christ has the power and authority to free all from the life of bondage you have chosen.  Whether or not you have consciously made a deal, your ticket to hell has already been punched because of sin.  I believe most people have no idea that they are born in bondage to self, sin, and Satan by virtue of being a descendant of Adam.  Man is born "sold under sin" in his carnal state (Romans 7:14), but Jesus freely laid down His life on Calvary and shed His blood to redeem all sinners who will repent and trust in Him.  I was in bondage to sin and heading towards certain death in hell until I was cleansed and reconciled to God by the blood of Jesus by grace through faith.  You don't need to be a rich man or an influential celebrity on the red carpet of Hollywood to have made a pact with Satan:  the pact was already in place before we were even born!  It is nothing for Satan to bribe his followers with millions of dollars and adoring fans before he comes to collect.  Satan has nothing I want, for everything I need is in Christ.

Satan is a defeated enemy of God.  Satan cannot harvest souls, for only God has the power of life and death.  Satan's life is already forfeit, having chosen a life of sin, immorality, pride, and rebellion from God.  He will be bound in a bottomless pit for 1,000 years and later be thrown into the Lake of Fire with Death, Hades, demons, and all who reject Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour.  Should we cringe in fear because there is a conspiracy to deceive and delude the youth of today?  Should masonic imagery, occult symbols, and Satan's agenda cause us to cower in fear?  Absolutely not!  Satan has always had his puppets, but there is no power or life in them compared to Christ.  Let us fear God, trusting that the power of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin and graciously gives us eternal life.  The devil delights in deceiving those he claims to help, chewing them up and spitting them out.  The body count is rising of those who dance with darkness.  My heart breaks for those he has tricked into bargaining with him.

For all of those who are in bondage to Satan and believe no hope for you remains, you have been deceived.  You may drown out the voices with alcohol, drugs, and pleasure.  All that you have longed for - the money, sex, fame, and power - will be shackles on your hands and feet and a mouth full of gravel that breaks your teeth.  Suicide will provide no escape for you, for apart from Christ hell is every man's destination.  Jesus Christ is the One who loves you, has shed His blood to redeem you, and will drive out the demons with a word.  He offers forgiveness, grace, love, and eternal life by grace through faith.  He will rid you of your fear.  He will protect and sustain you.  Jesus Christ is the only One who can save you from your living hell.  Isaiah 61:1-3 says,  "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; 2 to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, 3 to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified."

01 October 2012

In God is Our Help

On my way home from a meeting this morning, I could see a line of traffic extending towards me from the intersection of Windsor and Samantha Riley Drive.  The coloured lights of a fire truck, police cars, and ambulances flashing through the boughs of swaying trees told me there had been an accident.  The 10 minute wait as traffic was an unexpected setback, but was nothing like the shock and serious injury of being the one in the smashed vehicle.  A blue hatchback suffered severe damage, and the airbags had been deployed from a frontal collision.  I could drive away from the accident as a bystander, but as I did I thought how there are likely some people who will carry physical injuries and frightening memories for the rest of their lives.

Life can change in an instant.  As durable and hardy as people are, life is a most fragile gift.  I expect the driver of that blue car expected to reach his or her intended destination.  But instead they were rushed to hospital in an ambulance as they received treatment for injuries.  We all know "accidents happen," but we are still shocked when they happen to us.  Planes crash, boats sink, people are mugged, abducted, raped, and murdered.  Sudden illness and injury and can permanently change our lives.  No one plans to have a heart attack, stroke, or to have to learn to eat, talk, or walk again later in life.  We see these things happen all around us and know that sooner or later the reality of the frailty of human life will strike closer to home than we ever imagined.  Only faith in God and His Word can aid us in successfully navigating the troubled, unpredictable waters of life on earth.

It is at this point where I am greeted by a greater tragedy than the ills of a world steeped in sin:  the tragedy of men, women, and youth who have been exposed to the saving life of Jesus Christ and choose to walk away from Him.  I cannot count how many young people I have witnessed be brought up hearing the words of life and choose to walk away.  They know with their brains the truth that will set them free but they choose instead a life of bondage to sin.  Intoxicated by the passing pleasures of sin, they choose death.  They reject Jesus Christ, the One who died so they might live.  It is something akin to horror I unfortunately know only too well, when I see a life once verbally consecrated to God now marked with profanity, fornication, immorality, and godlessness.  These nominal, illegitimate Christians fit well the description of Titus 1:16:  "They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work."  It is the obedience of a follower of Jesus Christ that proves his faith genuine.  Unless we obey Jesus, He is no Saviour of ours.  Hebrews 5:9 says, "And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him...".

What joy we have in knowing that even if we are foolish to wander from Christ, salvation is offered to all who repent and return to Him.  Hosea 13:9 reads, "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help."  Man is a master of self-destruction, because all his natural appetites are drawn to feast upon sin, and final result of sin is death.  It tastes sweet to the tongue but is bitter poison in our bellies:  it is deceptive food.  In God we find help, forgiveness, deliverance, salvation, and strength for the day.  One person dying as a result of sin is too many, and no one goes to hell by accident.  Man should not be surprised when death comes to collect his just due.  Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Allow me to offer a word of encouragement for all who grieve because you know one who has wandered from Christ.  Paul shared the Gospel with Onesimus, a slave who had run away from his master.  Onesimus responded to the message of salvation, became a Christian, and had become profitable to Paul and others with his service.  Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon with these encouraging words concerning his once wayward slave:  Philemon 1:15 reads, "For perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever..."  God's purposes are not thwarted when people wander from Christ and fellowship.  God sometimes allows people to depart for a season where they experience hardship so they might be humbled and return to Him for good.  The prodigal son was such a man.  I was such a man.  Many people I know who have been greatly used by God as steadfast and faithful disciples were not always so.  God loved them enough to let them depart and suffer so they might seek their healing only in Him.

If man had it his own way, he would destroy himself.  But God, who is rich in mercy and not willing that any should perish, is willing to allow people to fall so He might pick them up.  May we be those who are wise to abide in Him forever!

29 September 2012

The Beauty of Desperation

It occurred to me how seldom I have seen people actually desperate to be saved.  In the Bible there are grave warnings given concerning those who have done wrong.  Ezekiel 18:20 bluntly states, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."  The death spoken of here is not merely a physical death, but a spiritual death spent in eternal torment separate from God.  I have great concern that this warning is either not being given, people don't really believe it is true or could care less.  Most people are more worried about being stuck in traffic, their car breaking down or losing their mobile phone than going to hell.  Something is very wrong with that picture.

Are people any less desperate now than they used to be?  I don't think so.  We are so desensitised to death from TV and movies that when we see it for real we don't know how to respond.  There are also more distractions in our lives than ever to keep us from thinking about the things of eternity.  For years there was an outcry warning against too much television.  Funny, I haven't heard how bad plunking down in front of television is lately - or computer screens, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, iPads, and the like.  I've heard statistics about how much time people spend in front of televisions on average per day, but for the life of me I can't remember hearing of a single statistic on how often people on average spend in front of a computer screen.  Maybe the people performing the studies are too glued to their electronic devices to crunch the numbers.  I would assume computer and mobile phone screen-time have hammered time in front of the television into the dust.

Another challenge people face today on an unprecedented level is the amount of information and misinformation readily available on the web.  Blogs and videos which contain genuine, biblical truth are tossed in with the rantings of fanatics and lunatics, like coins that sink obscured in a murky well.  Stacks of chaff must be sifted through to find a grain of edible wheat.  The truth of God's Word is not malleable clay a man fashions according to personal bias but to be taken literally and applied personally.  My opinions about the reality of an afterlife do not matter any more than a six-year-old in Chattanooga, a fisherman off the coast of Japan, or a herdsman in Tibet:  what God's Word says matters because it is true.  If God says there is a place of eternal torment called hell where people are sent who break a single point of His Law, then there is such a place.  Therefore if I have told a single lie, dishonoured my parents by disobedience, or coveted something which was not mine, hell is my eternal destination.  That's how horrible sin is.  Hell is even more horrible still, a place of unspeakable torture prepared for the devil and his angels where men choose to go because of their rebellion against God.

But God is not willing that man should perish.  He made an escape from that fiery pit in outer darkness where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched.  God does not tell men they are headed to hell so He might gloat over our damnation, but so we might heed the warning to repent and be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Should a man resent loud sirens and the shouts of the fireman who wakes him from his sleep to pull him from his house which is burning to the ground?  Why should we die when God has freely provided life through the shed blood of Jesus?  Many trials in life make a man desperate:  disease, loss of a job, going to jail, divorce, or losing financial investments.  Yet few men - very few - are ever desperate enough to repent and trust in Jesus Christ.  People are willing to spend thousands of dollars and travel internationally to have a "spiritual experience," but they will not bend their knees before the Creator in their bedrooms, say they are sorry for their sins, and commit to follow Jesus in faith.  They are unwilling to give the life and existence they say they hate to Jesus to change and transform for good.  Tragic.

There is no shortage of people in this world who are miserable, wounded and dying inside.  How can it be that even in this condition they are not desperate enough to repent and commit their lives to follow Jesus?  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  He came to save people from hell, forgive them of all their sin, guilt, shame, demonic oppression, addictions, hate, bitterness and lust.  Jesus has come to set the captives free.  Maybe it sounds too good to be true, that Jesus has been the answer all along.  Won't you repent and trust Him today?  And if you have trusted Him, follow Him faithfully.  Are you desperate for love and life?  It is only found in Jesus!

27 September 2012

Feast with the King

The Bible is an utterly awesome book in every respect.  I feel humbled and privileged every time I open God's Word and explore the limitless storehouses of wisdom contained therein.  It is not just history, poetry, dialogue, and hard-hitting action:  it is the primary means of God speaking to us as we are led by the Holy Spirit.  Every word of it is pure, powerful, and relevant to the struggles and questions we have today.  For a high daily percentage of the last 30 years of my life, I have read the Bible.  The lustre of its truth has not dimmed, nor the depth of the riches of wisdom.  Through it God is revealed to man, and man is shown his great need for a Saviour and King.

When I was young, I used to report weekly at church to my friend Evan all the juicy tidbits I found.  I loved reading the book of Judges most of all.  Some of the historical accounts are quite graphic in detail.  One of my favorites was when Ehud gutted King Eglon in his private chamber with a sword a cubit long.  Because Eglon was a heavy man, the fat closed over the hilt of the blade and Ehud was unable to remove it.  I also loved reading the wisdom contained in the Proverbs and the words of Jesus Christ.  The more I read, the more I was delighted by the height, length, depth, and breadth of it.  These are not mere "stories" for entertainment or pithy sayings of learned men:  it is the completely accurate and true Word of God intended to instruct men in the character and will of God which transcends time; to provide insights starting with creation and extends to the end of the world; to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgment through the power of the Holy Spirit; to reveal promises, prophesies, and fulfillments; and to establish Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah of all flesh and the only Way to forgiveness and eternal salvation.

Some view the Bible akin to a collection of ancient fairy tales which may profit certain weak minded individuals.  History shows us that certain sects and individuals have used the scriptures unlawfully, claiming to possess special knowledge of the hidden truths of God for selfish and sinful purposes.  But this does not mean the Bible in itself is flawed or that it cannot be understood by common people.  The key to comprehending and rightly applying God's Word is to be born again through repentance and faith in Christ.  Once the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us, our eyes are opened and our hearts are prepared to receive the truth of God's Word.  1 Corinthians 2:12-14 says, "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 13 These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."  Some unbelievers might appreciate the Bible on a strictly literary plane, but God intended His Word to speak to and meet our deepest spiritual needs.

The wisdom and humanistic philosophies of this world are in direct opposition to the truth of scripture.  The widely accepted views promoting self are like the self-indulgent, idolatrous, and wicked Queen Jezebel.  It was nothing for her to kill her own subjects to advance her interests.  The wisdom of this age parades around with heavy make-up, surrounded with her impotent eunuchs.  When Jehu entered into the city of Jezreel, the grand and illustrious queen presented herself in a window with her royal crown on her head.  She scoffed at Jehu for his insurrection against her wicked house.  2 Kings 9:32-33 reads, "And he looked up at the window, and said, "Who is on my side? Who?" So two or three eunuchs looked out at him. 33 Then he said, "Throw her down." So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses; and he trampled her underfoot."  When we open the Bible, we are forced to either side with Jesus or the wisdom of this age spawned by Satan.  We are either for Jesus or against Him.  He says to us, "Who is on my side?"  We are to thrown down all worldly wisdom to be trampled underfoot, for all things have been placed under His feet and authority.  There is not one stone of these vain theories and philosophies of men which will not be overturned when Christ returns to set up His throne.

The Bible instructs and the Holy Spirit empowers Christians to submit all our beliefs, thoughts, and actions under Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:3-6 states, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."  The Bible is not comprised of opinions to be considered, but commands to be obeyed.  It is absolute truth to be believed and lived out.  To do this, we must cast down the world's ways and embrace Christ.  When we follow Him we will not even notice we are giving things up because He is our focus:  our Redeemer, Deliverer, and Lover of our souls.  He stands at the door and knocks, desiring to dine with us.  Cast down the wisdom of this world and leave it for the dogs.  Open your Bible instead and feast with the King!