Humans have a way of bringing God down to our level. Because we have brains which reason and think we figure it is sensible for other people to see things the way we do. We also do this with God. Though we have been created by God in His image, God is not comparable to us. His wisdom, strength, justice, and love are infinite. We are ever learning but He is the unchanging truth. Every new scientific or medical discovery no one on the planet had previously known God already knew and designed it to be so. We learn by trial and error but God does not make mistakes.
God spoke through the prophet in Isaiah 40:25-26, "To whom then will you liken Me, or to whom shall I be equal?" says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things, Who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power; not one is missing." God spread out the heavens as easily as we pull back a curtain or pitch a tent. He knows the number of planets and stars in the universe and calls them all be name. Most people know we have 9 planets in our solar system, but did you realise there is estimated to be 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone? It is estimated there are 150 to 250 billion stars in just our galaxy as well! There are about 5,000 stars observable with the naked eye, but God knew about those billions of stars and planets people in Isaiah's day had no idea about - and I have no knowledge of! The knowledge of God is beyond compare.
In light of God's power, wisdom, and knowledge, He asked in Isaiah 40:27, "Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel: "My way is hidden from the LORD, and my just claim is passed over by my God"? If God knows so much about the heavens, doesn't He have complete knowledge of your current situation? God's people figured He had forgotten about them or was in the dark concerning their suffering and present needs, but God doesn't need reminding. He is only light and in Him is no darkness. God did not go to school to learn law for He established all the natural laws which govern the universe discovered through physics, biology, mathematics, astronomy, and all other sciences. Nothing which happens to us escapes God, and His love for us never wavers. Praise the LORD He does not need reminders but we are invited to come into His throne room of grace at any time to find help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
If we believe God knows and loves us, we will boldly approach him in prayer at our time of need. At times we have not because we ask not. Choosing to pray instead of exercising other options shows we do trust God and provides opportunity for Him to help us in ways no one else can. When you look up at the stars, it is likely you know very little about them. They are far away from us, but God is near all who cry out to Him. There may be billions of people on the earth today but the nations are as a drop in the bucket compared to what God knows. Praise God that every person on this planet is deeply loved by God, and He is able to redeem and save those who trust in Him.
God spoke through the prophet in Isaiah 40:25-26, "To whom then will you liken Me, or to whom shall I be equal?" says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things, Who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power; not one is missing." God spread out the heavens as easily as we pull back a curtain or pitch a tent. He knows the number of planets and stars in the universe and calls them all be name. Most people know we have 9 planets in our solar system, but did you realise there is estimated to be 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone? It is estimated there are 150 to 250 billion stars in just our galaxy as well! There are about 5,000 stars observable with the naked eye, but God knew about those billions of stars and planets people in Isaiah's day had no idea about - and I have no knowledge of! The knowledge of God is beyond compare.
In light of God's power, wisdom, and knowledge, He asked in Isaiah 40:27, "Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel: "My way is hidden from the LORD, and my just claim is passed over by my God"? If God knows so much about the heavens, doesn't He have complete knowledge of your current situation? God's people figured He had forgotten about them or was in the dark concerning their suffering and present needs, but God doesn't need reminding. He is only light and in Him is no darkness. God did not go to school to learn law for He established all the natural laws which govern the universe discovered through physics, biology, mathematics, astronomy, and all other sciences. Nothing which happens to us escapes God, and His love for us never wavers. Praise the LORD He does not need reminders but we are invited to come into His throne room of grace at any time to find help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
If we believe God knows and loves us, we will boldly approach him in prayer at our time of need. At times we have not because we ask not. Choosing to pray instead of exercising other options shows we do trust God and provides opportunity for Him to help us in ways no one else can. When you look up at the stars, it is likely you know very little about them. They are far away from us, but God is near all who cry out to Him. There may be billions of people on the earth today but the nations are as a drop in the bucket compared to what God knows. Praise God that every person on this planet is deeply loved by God, and He is able to redeem and save those who trust in Him.