I read a discourse to working men called "The Great Strike" by W.R. Bradlaugh who spoke of a young woman who had been a prodigal. After making a decision to follow Jesus Christ as LORD she returned home at midnight and was surprised to find the door unlocked. She found her mother praying for her. After an embrace she expressed her surprise the door was unfastened. "That has never been fastened since you went away," the mother said. "I knew you would return, and it should never be said my child came home and could not get in." Bradlaugh used this to preface the following heartfelt message for doubters, infidels, and those who have departed from Christ:
That is just how our Heavenly Father acts. He neither slumbereth nor sleepeth. He is ever ready to receive the wanderer. Friend, sin has separated you from a father's love and a father's care. But though you have wandered from God, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, has gone after you, and tonight He is here seeking to save and inviting you to come. Pardon has been purchased. Salvation is free. The blood of Christ has been the price paid. The ransom price has been accepted. And now let me bid you in the Saviour's name return to the Father. Is there a poor degraded drunkard here, a lost and fallen sister, a scoffer, a Sabbath-breaker? If so, I say, arise, and go to your Father while the door is open. Go at once. Go direct from the fields of sin and the swine-troughs of Satan to your Father's home. Go just as you are. No father ever welcomed back a returning prodigal as God welcomes the returning sinner. Desponding one, degraded one, God sends a special message to you; He invites, He entreats, He beseeches you to return. Return, and experience His compassion now. Return, and receive His forgiveness now. Return, and prove the greatness of His love. Return, and taste the sweetness of being reconciled to God. Return, and heaven and earth shall rejoice over thee. Soon the Bridegroom will come, and the door will then be shut, never again to be opened. Saints will be shut in, sinners will be shut out. Enter the door, for death approaches, and you may at any moment be cut down. Enter the open door now, for if you perish you will only have yourself to blame. Enter now, for tomorrow may be too late, and when the door is shut opportunity, mercy, and hope will have fled forever, and your doom will be sealed. There are angels lingering here to carry back the news. What is it to be? Are they on swift wings to bear the glad news that a sinner has repented, which shall cause the angelic throng to strike their harps and make the heavens ring with songs of joy over the lost one's return? Or are they on heavy wings to mount upward, stand before the most High, and, veiling their faces with their snowy pinions, declare that you, sinner, have been invited to the feast, and would not come? --that you were told of the love of God, but you despised it? --that you were pointed to the Saviour, but in your unbelief you trampled on His blood, saying in your heart you would stifle conviction, resist the Holy Spirit, and become your own destroyer? Which is it to be? (Moody, Dwight Lyman. Men of the Bible. Bible Institute Colportage Assn., 1898. pages 149-150)