This palm did not grow by itself but from a seed, and the soul that rejoices in salvation and righteousness received them from the LORD most high. The speaker in Isaiah 61 said of God, "He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness..." This is true for everyone who is born again by faith in Jesus, for He has imputed righteousness and granted salvation to us when we were dead in sins and spiritually barren. God clothed Adam with skins at the cost of the life of an animal, and He clothes those who believe in Jesus with righteousness at the price of His only begotten Son. His word has gone out to all the nations and even in places that appear dry, barren and impossible He will cause His righteousness and praise to spring forth from the nations. Glory to God for His goodness and for spreading the Gospel abroad. Let us praise Him today and always!
25 July 2022
Unexpected Fruit
This palm did not grow by itself but from a seed, and the soul that rejoices in salvation and righteousness received them from the LORD most high. The speaker in Isaiah 61 said of God, "He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness..." This is true for everyone who is born again by faith in Jesus, for He has imputed righteousness and granted salvation to us when we were dead in sins and spiritually barren. God clothed Adam with skins at the cost of the life of an animal, and He clothes those who believe in Jesus with righteousness at the price of His only begotten Son. His word has gone out to all the nations and even in places that appear dry, barren and impossible He will cause His righteousness and praise to spring forth from the nations. Glory to God for His goodness and for spreading the Gospel abroad. Let us praise Him today and always!
23 July 2022
The New Covenant
21 July 2022
The Torch Lesson
19 July 2022
God and Rights
"A right is an entitlement conferred on a person by another who has the authority to give such entitlement. In order for foundational and innate human rights to be legitimate, they must be conferred as part of our creation. Some have argued that God has indeed given universal basic rights simply as part of our human existence, but this cannot be supported by the Bible. Some have argued that such rights are a self-evident aspect of human development, which must be enforced by law, in order to bring justice to the world. However, the Bible says that it is only the resolution of man's sin that brings true justice, not the claiming of man's rights. Furthermore, Jesus expressly teaches us to forgive rather than to claim a right of retribution against those who have hurt us." (Cross, David. What's Wrong with Human Rights: Uncovering a False Religion. Sovereign World Ltd, 2018. page 35.)
If a right exists, it is conferred upon people by God or even by a government upon citizens upheld by law. From a biblical worldview all governments and those in power are placed there by God, and thus we honour them not only as public servants but as those responsible to serve God. This responsibility exists whether a politician believes or admits this, and in a secular society this would flatly be denied--even as the existence of the God who created all things is denied. But scornful denials do not make this untrue. The God who graciously gave us life will hold all people accountable and will judge us all according to His righteousness. All legitimate rights must come from someone greater before whom they submit, and thus a claim of rights acknowledges God.
A well-directed point Cross makes (among many) is the difference between ability to do something and a right to do it. God has given every person the freedom to make choices concerning our beliefs, what we choose to say or do. We have the choice between doing what is right and wrong, walking in faith and obedience to God or going our own way. The Beastie Boys song goes, "You gotta fight for your right to party," and people have taken up many fights for rights that are just as biblically illegitimate. When He came to earth Jesus voluntarily laid down His divine right to rule as the only begotten Son and took up residence in a human body that grew in Mary's womb of the Holy Spirit. He humbled Himself, made Himself of no reputation and was a servant of all though LORD of all. He carried His cross to Calvary to satisfy the justice of God and atone for the sins of the world through the Gospel.
God had given the nation of Israel that land occupied and ruled by the Romans, but Jesus did not espouse the right of Jews to fight to own their land. Luke 9:23 says, "Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." Jesus did not teach passivism, capitalism or socialism but the denial of self and submission to God in faith marked by obedience. All people alive today, regardless of their circumstances, have been given life by the grace of God. To those who answer the call of Christ to follow and enter into the covenant in His shed blood are given the right to become children of God--and with that other rights as citizens of His eternal kingdom are included. In our unregenerate, sinful condition we are stripped of these rights, yet we are so loved and valued by God He sent His own Son to redeem us, fill us with His presence and crown us with glory. We have no right to be saved but except for the grace and mercy of God.
I have observed a lot of anger and frustration in people when they feel their "rights" are being stripped away. The religion of humanism that looks to government, politicians, legislation, self and the "power of the people" cannot provide comfort for our souls at the best of times, for legislation passed today can be overturned tomorrow; when the majority rules they do not always walk in righteousness. Until people are willing to acknowledge God's sovereignty and resolve to confess our sin, repent and follow Jesus in faith, the crusade for human rights will charge on with soul-crushing impact. The claim and pursuit of human rights can be at its core a denial of God who is our only Hope and falsely claim humanity alone is capable to save the planet and ourselves. Instead of fighting for rights, let us choose to do what is right by seeking forgiveness from God for our own sin. Then we will be led in love towards others and walk in newness of life, and the future will never look more bright.