God can use fear, cares and worries to instruct us concerning our persistent lack of faith in God and chronic unbelief. One example in my own life was during my union apprenticeship. As I embarked in what I saw as my career path after working other part-time jobs, I prayed God would help me to excel as Daniel did in Babylon University. My schooling began well but in my second year an experienced foreman made it his aim to stir up trouble for me with the apprenticeship coordinator. The accusations were so severe the coordinator drove down from Los Angeles to have a face-to-face discussion with me in San Diego. I was incredulous...and angry.
I was frustrated that a co-worker I trusted would go to such lengths to try to make me miserable, and I was angry with the degree of success he had. I had heard many times, "The reputation you make as an apprentice you will carry for the next 10 years." I wanted a good reputation among colleagues and contractors so I would be hired at a local shop and have a chance for advancement. I felt disillusioned a person I considered a friend would lie about me for who knew what reason. God used these bad feelings of betrayal to show me I had made my reputation an idol, something I was working for rather than Him. My fear of a tarnished reputation revealed unbelief in God I did not realise I had, for I had put my trust in my abilities and efforts rather than in His providence, guidance and protection.
I am glad to say the difficult season eventually passed without any negative repercussions on my career or ability to be gainfully employed. The situation was instrumental in teaching me to rely on and trust God more rather than worrying about "my" reputation. Jesus made Himself of "no reputation" and took upon Himself the form of a servant, and God exalted Him above all names. God exposed my selfish reasons for wanting to excel like Daniel (not that it was a bad desire in itself) and used the prospect of a reputation in tatters to teach me it is trusting and pleasing God in humility before Him that matters. In God's hands, little troubles can lead to massive life lessons.