In a marriage, workplace or in our relationship with God, there should be non-negotiables. During an interview with a company years ago, I told the business manager who was hiring I was not available to work on Sundays regardless of overtime. For me, it was a non-negotiable because my wife and I were already committed to attend church with our children on Sundays. I was not tempted by double or triple time because the decision to go to church had already been made. The decision to go to church was not impacted by a busy week, late nights or if I was feeling well-rested. I was going to church unless I was not physically able to go because of sickness that would keep me from going to work during the week.
Recently I heard someone say that we shouldn't make doing what is good and right dependent on our feelings, and I agree with this. Doing what is good should be a non-negotiable for a child of God and going to church, giving, serving and helping ought to be in the non-negotiable category. Nothing in this world is certain, but we ought not to waffle between going to church or staying home every week depending on how we feel. What God commands us to do--like not forsaking the gathering of believers together--we ought to do by faith in Him. God has given us wisdom in His word, the power of the Holy Spirit within us, and the ability to do His will: He holds us responsible to do our part according to His will.
It is wise to determine before a pressure-filled moment to decide what is the correct course of action and not be swayed by fleshy, selfish influences that are not of God. Sometimes our non-negotiables arise from transgressions. We decide we will no longer drink alcohol even when it is offered because we find we are unable to show restraint. At the same time we should not need to commit adultery before we establish wise boundaries concerning our conduct and communication with members of the opposite sex. Our non-negotiables ought to be established by faith and obedience to the LORD as we communicate with our spouse and fellow believers. The LORD is faithful to help us walk in wisdom and strengthens us to stand resolute in His grace.