28 February 2025
Living By Faith
24 February 2025
Sovereign God's Will
"The Moslem attitude toward suffering is perhaps simpler than any other attitude. The Moslem is impressed with the sovereignty of God. All that happens is his will. He has predetermined and predestined all that happens. The good and the evil that come upon us are alike his will. The attitude of the faithful is to submit to that will. Islam literally means submission to the will of God. The Moslem view of suffering, therefore, is to the accept it as the will of God and submit to it...Islam, great and noble in many ways, has nevertheless sterilized the life of vast portions of the East, because its acceptance of inequalities and sufferings as the will of God lays a paralyzing hand on any civilization that adopts it. It is an opiate." (Jones, E. Stanley. Christ and Human Suffering. 1933. New York, The Abingdon Press, pp. 60–61. Accessed 24 Feb. 2025.)
I have observed Christians who, when awed by the omniscience and sovereignty of God, can adopt a fatalistic view of God's will that credits (or blames!) Him without consideration of human agency or God's redemptive power. One can mistakenly assume everything that happens must be God's will when God allows human beings to act contrary to His will continually by sin (2 Peter 3:9). The Bible says clearly it is not God's will any should perish, yet He sent His own Son Jesus to enter humanity and taste death for every sinner. By paying the price atonement requires with a righteous sacrifice, by death God could swallow death forever and offer eternal life for all who trust in Him.
Christians ought to be impressed with the sovereignty of God, but we should never use His sovereignty as a cloak for our sin of doing what we please and assuming God approves of it, or to shirk our responsibilities when God has chosen us to do His will revealed to us in His word. Because God is a Saviour and sovereign He is able to redeem what was intended by man or Satan for evil and use it to do great good. God's sovereignty ought to move us to submission under His loving and gentle hand even when circumstances feel harsh and painful, for faith in our good God enables us to stand according to His will. God is sovereign, and has also given people the freedom to choose how we will respond to the circumstances of life. God has provided something infinitely greater than an opiate for our pains by His presence and promises, and He empowers us to be fruitful and spiritually prosperous by His grace with all He allows.
We are not made noble by suffering alone, but it is noble to suffer and continue to praise God with gratitude and thanksgiving of which He alone is worthy. Pain can cloud our outlook and negatively colour our attitude, yet the love, grace and goodness of God provides comfort and peace beyond words for those who choose to entrust their lives into His hands. By faith in Christ we know God, and knowing we are known and loved by Him shifts our perspective to seek Him and to do His will He helps us to do as 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says: "Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."