12 December 2011

Risk Worth Taking

I recently read John Piper's book Don't Waste Your Life and was challenged.  It is easy to go through life being busy but not necessarily with things that count for eternity.  As a Christian, I know that I am called to walk by faith.  Faith is demonstrated through obedience to God without understanding the particulars of His plan from start to finish.  Abraham was called to leave his family and country and go to the land God would show him.  Without being able to tell anyone his goal destination on this side of heaven, Abraham trusted God and went.  Because God is worthy of trust and capable to act beyond the imaginations of my limited intellect, I am called to take the next step as God directs.  It is a conscious act of relying upon the character and ability of God to do what I cannot predict.  His ways are higher than my ways, and faith releases God to do His wonders.

Since Christians are called to walk by faith and absolute trust in God, the denying of the flesh to obey God will make my flesh uncomfortable.  The flesh is conditioned to walk by sight, not by faith.  The path of following Jesus Christ does not always appear to the eyes to be safe or even desirable.  But since Christ is both the means and the substance of my life, He is always to be treasured above all.  In his book, Piper voiced some excellent observations concerning the aspect of risk in following Christ.  He writes:  "Why is there such a thing as risk?  Because there is such a thing as ignorance.  If there were no ignorance there would be no risk.  Risk is possible because we don't know how things will turn out.  This means that God can take no risks." (Piper, Kindle edition, pg. 100)  God can take no risks, and any apparent "risk" from a worldly perspective a Christian takes by faith in God is simply a mirage.  The fact that I see risk is proof of my ignorance.  I embrace the fact of my ignorance that I might rest in God's wisdom!

You've probably seen the ads on television for investment firms who provide historical data and statistics to aid people in selling and trading stocks.  Based upon evidence, people invest money where there is the probability of lowest risk and highest yield.  Often the higher the risk, the higher the potential yield or loss.  When setting up investments, financial advisers recommend that investors diversify so all the money is not committed to a single fund.  The theory is while one fund may lose money another will remain stable, and the conservative funds will slowly build.  But Jesus tells us we cannot diversify our faith in this way.  We cannot put some of our faith in our business, a little in our savings and properties, and invest our faith in Him when it is time to pay the bills and taxes.  No, we must put all our faith in Him alone.  The following quote is often attributed to Jim Elliot:  "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot risked his life to share the Gospel to unreached people in Ecuador and he was killed in the mission field by Waodani warriors.  But it was not a risk to follow Jesus on that path of the cross.  In dying a Christian gains what he cannot lose:  a glorious entry into eternal life with Christ, where we shall worship, glorify, and serve Him forever.

When we follow Christ in faith, inevitably we will be faced with what appears to be risk.  If there is no risk in our Christian experience, then we must seriously consider if we have experienced Christ!  God cannot risk because He knows all things.  This is not an invitation to be foolhardy or cavalier, assuming God will come to our rescue when we make foolish decisions because of pride.  But if God directs you to take a step of faith, there is no risk in obedience.  So take that step, believer!  God is able to accomplish all that concerns you today!  

11 December 2011

Your Daddy Matters

On Saturday my club baseball team played after a three-week hiatus.  When I slid into second base ahead of the throw, I bent my right wrist back.  I never used to be sore after playing baseball as a young person.  The only thing which experienced soreness was my throwing arm after pitching.  Now I have all sorts of lingering injuries:  knee, calf, hamstring, wrist, AND shoulder.  Getting older makes a person long for heaven!

As I grimaced and moved the wrist around, the second baseman said, "Injury?"  "Just aggravated an old one," I said.  Then she said something I did not expect:  "That's because you came from apes."  While I was sorting out whether it was intended as a personal insult based upon my appearance or sharing her views of the origin of the human race, the ball was hit and I was off to third.  I found the comment disturbing because I do not believe that any human being is a descendant of apes.  I believe that Adam was the first human being, formed by a loving God in His own image.

Her comment prompted me to ask the question:  how would my life be different if I truly believed my family tree branched off from apes in the distant past.  If an ape is my distant relative, than I was not created in the image of God.  Human beings then are no different than any other animal.  Ethics and morality become empty philosophies with no grounding in absolute truth.  As animals are driven by instinct without free will, so my highest purpose in life is to exercise my glands to feed the desires of my flesh.  There is no heaven, and certainly no hell.  There is no absolute right and wrong.  There is o future judgment but no future hope.  The only thing I could be certain of is disappointment, misery, and death.  Life is pointless, and the sooner it is over the better.

I don't believe in God because it is convenient for me to do so.  I believe and trust in Him because I am convinced the Bible is the Word of God.  Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life in fulfillment of scripture, and rose from the dead proving the validity of His claims.  God created the order we see in the universe, established all natural laws, and created all plant, animal, and human life according to each kind.  The more the scientists investigate into the cell, DNA, and even blood clotting, instead of mastery the mysteries expand.  There has been an information explosion in the past 100 years.  What the increase of knowledge has done is enlighten us to more things we do not know!

Your family tree makes a difference in how you live.  If your great-great-grandpappy was an ape, you are no better than one yourself.  God has created man to glorify Him and to make Himself known to all people.  Sin has separated man from God.  God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and be saved from eternal punishment in hell - the just punishment for a single sin.  Jesus gave His life so all might be reconciled to God and experience the forgiveness, peace, and love only God provides.  I pray knowing personally the One to whom I speak when I say, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name!"  I know the One who designed apes, human beings, wrists, and knees.  God is my Father, and if you were to trace back my family line it would reach all the way back to Adam - not to some beast.  Jesus is the One who introduced me to real love, and that's the absolute truth.

04 December 2011

Don't Fly from God!

During the conference at Manly, we bought fish and chips and ate on the Corso.  The sea gulls in that region are amazingly well trained.  When the birds notice people carrying the white bags, they congregate with squawks in great numbers.  If someday you decide to sit on the concrete steps facing the surf, be warned that these birds will come up behind you and hover close over your shoulder until the second you lift the delicious chip to your mouth.  Swiftly they will swoop and snatch the chip from the hand.  I discovered that sitting at picnic tables with a person facing each other afforded protection from such thievery.  I'm sure there's a sermon in there somewhere.  True accountability is when we "have each other's backs" by remaining face to face with open communication, looking out for one another motivated by love.  But I digress!

While a group of us carefully ate our dinner, I noticed a sea gull whose legs were tangled with a length of black thread.  The bird was able to stand on one foot and fly, but was clearly hobbled.  The lack of the use of his bound leg would no doubt lead to atrophy or potential infection.  Someone suggested we attempt to catch the bird to free it from the cord which bound its legs together.  Being a wild bird, however, there was no way this bird could ignore its instincts to flee and trust that our intentions were simply to free it.  Whenever we came within six feet, it would fly away.  It was sad to see the bird in that condition, and harder still not to be able to do anything about it.

When people are hurt by life experiences, they can respond in a similar manner to the bird.  Perhaps they had once in their pain trusted well-meaning people to help them and were only injured more deeply.  That bird relied on its wings for safety, but they were powerless to free and heal.  As human beings we can build walls to insulate and protect ourselves from future hurt emotionally.  But in doing so we can deny loving people and even the healing power of God from restoring our joy, strength, and trust.  It is very sad when hurting people withdraw from the saving power of God because they don't trust Him.  Afraid that they will only be hurt worse or humiliated for their trouble they flit away, legs still bound with that dark thread.

Much more than we wanted to help that hurting bird, God desires to heal the hurting, hopeless, and helpless.  God allowed His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the sins of the world who knew no sin, and made Him to be sin for us.  God's heart of compassion yearned to free Jesus from the weight of the sin of the world on the cross, but He knew the salvation that would be wrought by grace through faith in Christ's shed blood.  John 1:12 reads, "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name...".  Jesus was willing to be bound to that cross, pierced with nails and thorns, being the perfect Lamb of God without blemish or spot.  What comfort we have in knowing Jesus has risen from the dead, the Good Shepherd, who anoints and heals us by His grace.  We must choose to submit to His healing touch.

I close with words which were not intended to be limited to memorial services, the words of David in Psalm 23:1-6:  "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."  Trust God and never fly from His goodness and mercy!

02 December 2011

Envision Conference

This afternoon I returned from a four-day Calvary Chapel "Envision" conference in Manly hosted at St. Matthew's Anglican Church.  It was wonderful to meet with pastors and friends from all over the world, hailing from Australia, United States, the UK, South Africa, Scotland, the Philippines, France, and no doubt other places.  As we worshiped God through songs of praise, the teaching of His Word, the fellowship of the saints, and serving one another, it was a spectacle of God's grace and love.  How good it is to see brethren dwelling together in unity!

As we sang together, it occurred to me how wonderful it would be if we could stay together in Manly, day after day, night after night, praising God and ministering to all the people who wandered in.  When we lifted praise to Jesus people stopped, stared, and walked through the doors asking, "What's going on in here?"  There is no shortage of people who need Jesus Christ who walk past the open doors of St. Matt's sanctuary every day.  But as much as I have a heart to see salvation come to the people in Australia through faith in Christ, I caught myself.  It is good to gather together in one accord to seek God with all our hearts.  Yet it is God's design that His people would go out into all the world, preaching the Gospel and making disciples of all people!  God's power is revealed tangibly through His people in whom the Holy Spirit dwells.  If all the Christians at the conference stayed in Manly, God would do great things.  But how much greater a work will He do through us when we walk with Christ out of the sanctuary and take Him into our homes, families, workplaces, cities, and nations, with the express purpose to introduce others to Jesus as LORD and Saviour!

The time spent at the conference was sweet, but sweeter days are yet to come.  God has a global vision for evangelism, salvation, and discipleship that would blow us away if we were to catch even a small glimpse of it.  There are times for joining hands in prayer and voices in song, and there are times to depart riding trains and planes.  All these seasons exist for the glory of God, so Jesus Christ may be lifted up and draw all people to Himself.  It's not the size of your church that matters.  One person walking in step with Christ is more effective in ministry than a thousand who lift their hands in unison and sing a song.  Whatever you do, do it with all your might for the glory of God.