15 January 2024

Seeing Clearly and Speaking Truly

"And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous."
Exodus 23:8

A bribe is a gift with strings attached given out of corrupt motives to influence or sway others away from doing or saying what they know is right.  A bribe is similar to flattery, for the heart behind both of them is insincere.  Giving someone a gift is a generous and kind thing to do, even as it can be encouraging to receive a compliment.  When the heart of the giver is corrupted and seeks to manipulate others, a gift is reduced to a bribe to gain influence.  Bribes may take many forms, and those made wise and discerning by faith in God are not immune to the negative impact of receiving them.

This verse provides insight into how receiving bribes affects those who receive them:  it blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous.  A discerning person is one who sees with understanding of the truth of things, and receiving a bribe blinds us to the motivations of others, to the greed in our own hearts, and even keeps us from looking to Jesus.  Man's eyes are drawn to the gift and are prompted to please the giver in return--even more than God.  As one hand washes another, so receiving a gift incites a generosity of heart towards the giver.  This can mean turning a blind eye to the truth, and this is a very dangerous prospect when God speaks the truth and Jesus is the Truth.

The second effect of receiving a bribe is also of great concern, for the problem of perverse words goes right to the heart.  Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and when the words of the righteous are perverted they are no longer truthful and sincere.  Half-truths and plain lies will begin to permeate our thoughts and speech:  excusing, justifying or promoting something we know is not right.  Let us not imagine bribes must only be objects or money, for flattery or public honour can be a bribe as much as anything.  There is nothing wrong with praising one who does well, but we must be careful not to receive such things as one does a bribe--and being rendered blind and perverse.

The Jews were proud to be God's special people, and Paul revealed God's people in a spiritual sense are those who live for His praise in Romans 2:28-29:  "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God."  It was not the outer conformity of being circumcised and keeping the letter of the Law of Moses, but the ones praised by God for their faith marked by obedience to Jesus Christ.  To those Jesus says, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"  Our obedience to Jesus is not to be a bribe to get what we want from Him but a joyful duty since He is worthy and as a grateful response for all He has done for us.  May the LORD give us by faith in Jesus discerning eyes, upright hearts and words of truth to speak and live accordingly.

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