24 February 2014

Ignorance is No Fix

While driving this morning, I noticed something a bit odd in my rear-view mirror.  The vehicle behind me had what appeared to be a parking ticked tucked underneath the windscreen wiper, flapping madly in the breeze.  I wondered if the person hadn't noticed it before they climbed into their car.  But then again, perhaps the driver had noticed it.  Maybe they thought if they kept driving and the ticket happened to fly out, they could deny all knowledge of being ticketed for parking illegally.  People aren't that silly, are they?

I wondered.  Every driver with a reasonable amount of sense knows when they are ticketed, their details have been recorded by the governing body to enforce legal parking.  The loss of the paper ticket does not erase their infraction, nor will it wipe the fine they owe from the record.  It would be utterly foolish to ignore that ticket, watch the wind pry it loose from the wiper, shrug the shoulders and ask with a grin:  "What ticket?"

There is no doubt in my mind this is a similar approach some take with God and His righteous requirements.  They drive around (so to speak) with little scraps of paper flying from their vehicle they hope will slip away to litter the ground as they speed along.  Some think they do themselves a favour by ignoring their debt of sin before God.  Perhaps they believe that when they stand before God on the Day of Judgment they can "play dumb" and by pleading willful ignorance they can escape the enormous, compounded fine they owe for a life of sin.  Ignorance does not provide freedom from the Law and its righteous demands.  The only way to "fix" a ticket is to deal with it with the governing body and meet their conditions in the time permitted.  In similar fashion, the only way our sins are forgiven is when we own up to it before God, humbling ourselves according to God's conditions.  Our sins need not hang over our heads because atonement and forgiveness has been provided to all who repent and trust in Jesus Christ as LORD.

Ever so often it is reported on news stations a sting has been carried out to arrest people who have outstanding warrants for all manner of crimes.  These home arrests are typically carried out when the lawbreakers would not expect it, usually before the light of day when they are asleep in their beds.  We know that God often requires the souls of people at a time they do not expect.  Every word and deed will be brought under His righteous judgment.  Both Christians and non-Christians will be brought before God and will be required to give an answer, either of the quality of our stewardship or the denial of Christ.  When God brings it to our attention we have transgressed, let us take that slip of paper and own it, choosing repentance over willful ignorance.  Praise God He has provided the means of our atonement, forgiveness, righteousness, and reconciliation!

23 February 2014

The Blessedness

When Paul wrote his epistle to the church in Galatia, he did not waste much time before going straight to the heart of the matter.  After a brief introduction, he launched into the purpose of his letter with grave concern.  The growing church in Galatia had initially responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ with great joy.  But after Paul left them, others came to the body of believers and perverted the message of the Gospel.  The people in the fellowship abandoned the simple grace of God and adopted a legalistic approach - that as followers of Christ, they were compelled to keep the ordinances given to Moses.  They had come to God through grace, yet they were deceived to think they were justified through their works.

The issue Paul dealt with severely in the Galatian church is not unfamiliar today.  There are many people who make a joyful acceptance of the Gospel yet it is not long before they are turned aside from the simplicity of it.  They heap upon themselves doctrines of men taught as the commands of God.  Some align themselves will Paul, Apollos, or Cephas instead of Christ!  Like the Pharisees before them, they work to measure up to an arbitrary standard and forget their calling to follow Christ and make disciples who follow Jesus too!  Christ drew them with His love, mercy, and grace, yet some professing believers do not demonstrate the same simplicity of heart.  How many have shipwrecked through devilish deceptions disguised as piety!  How many have become twisted, angry, frustrated souls, trying to accomplish through the flesh what Jesus has done through the Spirit!  My heart breaks for those who are turned aside from the Gospel through their revelations and knowledge.

The Galatians did what is common for all men:  they followed mere men.  They were fickle and easily fooled, not having a strong foundation in the Word of God.  God used Paul to expose them to the truth of the Gospel, but it was not long until they saw him as an enemy!  Paul wrote in Galatians 4:13-17:  "You know that because of physical infirmity I preached the gospel to you at the first. 14 And my trial which was in my flesh you did not despise or reject, but you received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. 15 What then was the blessing you enjoyed? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me. 16 Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth? 17 They zealously court you, but for no good; yes, they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them."  Paul did not come to Galatia as a grand orator, nor did he have any manipulative motives.  He was deeply burdened by the possibility they were not even born again, for their lives had no evidence of Christ's love or good fruit.

Beware the day when we trade the blessedness of the Gospel for anything less!  If any doctrine or emphasis begins to trump the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His love and grace, it is only a matter of time before we will begin to alienate ourselves from those who truly love us.  It is so tragic when Christians see fellow believers as enemies, reconcilable only if they choose to agree with their pet doctrine or emphasis.  People will know we are Christians by the love we have toward one another.  When we keep in clear view the blessedness of Christ's Gospel, His love will be evident and fruitful through us for God's glory.

21 February 2014

Reading Right

As I prepared a study in the book of Proverbs, a thought crossed my mind.  How many times in the past I have read those sayings of divine wisdom almost as I would read quotes from famous people?  Job 12:11 says, "Does not the ear test words and the mouth taste its food?"  What tastes lovely to one person may not appeal to someone else.  There is a range of subjectivity to personal preferences when it comes to food.  When we hear or read a quote, a process similar to tasting food is begun.  As we chew the food, no hands are forcing us to do so.  At any moment, we can decide that bite is simply too much to handle and spit it out. As we read a statement or hear words spoken, we weigh the words against our beliefs.  We can choose to reject what is said or file it away for future use because we agree.

The absolute worst way to read the Bible is to weigh the proverbs or sayings against our own experience or opinions.  The Bible is not true by virtue of my agreeing with it, but on the basis that it is actually what it claims to be in its entirety:  the Spirit-breathed Word of God.  What a mistake we make when we read a proverb and say, "Hmm, does my experience agree with this statement?  Do my prior opinions line up with the implications of what is being said?  Because I can think of an example from my own life to support it or I already happen to agree, I believe it is true."  This is a grave error and one to be avoided at all cost.  The Bible is not like a book of quotes where we are free to pick and choose what is true based upon our feelings, experience, or implications we agree with already.  It must be viewed as absolutely authoritative and true, trumping all my opinions, even my own experience viewed through the skewed perspective of the passage of time and my human frame.

There is a right way to read scripture if we are convinced it is the Word of God from a position of belief.  It is true on the basis of the righteousness of the Author, who through the Holy Spirit moved men to pen these immortal passages.  It's true that we can draw many examples to illustrate the truth of scripture from the pages of the Bible, our own lives, the world in which we live, confirmed through history.  Confirmation is everywhere for those who read with personal knowledge of the God who wrote those words.  They are indeed the words of life and that without controversy.

18 February 2014

Increasing and Abounding in Love

I love it when God opens my eyes to a particular verse and then continues to bring it to my attention day after day.  Through His Word God speaks.  The repetition provides confirmation of the particular area God is directing me to pray, and reveals how intentional God is to speak into my life.  It also prompts a response from me, for in His wisdom God knows exactly what I need even if I am unaware or clueless.  1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 says, "And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all, just as we do to you, 13 so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints."  What the LORD continue to impress upon me is my need to increase and abound in love to one another and to all.  God points out my faults and insufficiency so I will admit my need and seek Him as my sufficiency.

I am aware of my need to grow in love for God and others in a theoretical sense, but God wants me to accept this as His will for me right now.  The Bible confirms this is a process all believers should embrace according to His will.  God does not simply desire my love increase but to abound.  Instead of measuring out active love to a select few, I am called as a follower of Christ to seek Him that I might increase and abound in love to all!  Only through Christ can our love increase and abound.  Jesus said in John 10:10-11, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."  Paul wrote in Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Though Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead almost two thousand years ago, His demonstration of love remains in the present tense.  Our love for one another must also perpetually remain in the present tense through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Paul did not "attain" in this life.  His life after being born again was marked by his increasing and abundant love for God, fellow believers, and all people.  But while he remained in a body of flesh, the road of sanctification stretched out far before him.  If Paul needed this growth, how much more do I need to increase in love as well!  I do not want to be content only with a measurable increase of love demonstrated through my life, but a super-abundance of Christ's supernatural love.  This is not something I can do by my best efforts, but God delights to cause my love to increase and abound towards all.  He is able!  This is not a work He will do until I admit my great lack, confess my sin in repentance, and walk in obedience to Him by faith.  It is the LORD who will make me increase and abound in love, and I'm thankful He will do this so He might "establish my heart blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints."