31 December 2017

Enabled to Stand

It all started like a regular day at church:  there was prayer, fellowship, and giving.  Things changed after a large financial gift was presented to the church leadership.  Instead of commendation, blessing, and acknowledgement, there was rebuke.  It was divinely revealed the man had only given a portion of what he claimed, and suddenly he fell down dead.  This was a day at church no one would ever forget, and three hours later it became even more crazy when the wife of the man also fell down dead in the congregation for lying to God.  This is a true story, and you can read about the demise of Ananias and Sapphira in the book of Acts chapter 5.

The Bible says great fear came upon all those who heard these things, and the wise today still take notice.  After teaching this portion of scripture at church this weekend, I put myself in the place of a congregant in the church in Jerusalem.  How would I felt to see these sudden deaths for lying to the Holy Spirit?  Then I started thinking, what if something like this happened in church today?  What would be your response if this happened in your church on Sunday?  What would you tell your children who were eye-witnesses?  Would you keep going to that church, would you look for other church options, or would you quit going to church altogether?  Though the early church met from house to house, there was only one "Christian" church option in Jerusalem.  How might have this display of power affected you or your worship?

I cannot speak for you, but seeing Ananias and Sapphira fall down dead would not have put me off following Jesus or gathering to worship in Jerusalem.  The word of knowledge through Peter, the discernment provided by the Holy Spirit, and the power over life and death proved the presence of God was there.  As a lover of God, where else would you go?  Wonders, healings, and deliverance from evil spirits continued in the name of Jesus Christ by the apostles and believers, and people were added to the church continually.  Why?  Jesus alone has the words of life and only through faith in Jesus is forgiveness and salvation.  The God who kills can also make alive, and all who have been born again through the Gospel can rely upon the goodness, mercy, and grace of God forever.

It would not be long before persecution scattered the true church in Jerusalem across the globe.  New churches united in the name of Jesus sprang up in every place, having been grafted into the body of Christ.  Today we have the benefit of various expressions of faith and fellowship in Jesus Christ, and like nomads many believers drift from fellowship to fellowship looking for something.  If the words of life - the teaching of the Word of God - are absent, it should be no surprise if the power and presence of God is quiet.  Praise the LORD Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to fill every Christian, and even in a church gathering some might classify as "dead" there is new life ready to spring forth.  Let us be as those in the early church, brave pioneers who were glad to continue meeting even when people fell beside them.  Followers of Jesus can say with assurance, "A thousand may fall at my side but it will not come near me." (from Ps. 91:7)  As God enables us to stand, may we do so in purity, holiness, righteousness, and power.

29 December 2017

The God Who Is

God is not like a person who conveys, "Do as I say but not as I do."  He is not like a parent who needs to apologise after doing or saying something they forbid of their children.  He is utterly consistent in His righteousness and purity.  His holiness reaches infinitely beyond our ability to ascertain, and He says truly of Himself:  "I am the LORD; I change not."

Romans 1:31 sums up the condition of a sinner worthy of death with five words which are the antithesis of the of character of God:  "undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful."  Having established His throne on righteousness, God is the source and sustainer of all life.  God is discerning, knowing all things.  He is absolutely trustworthy for He cannot tell a lie.  God is loving, demonstrating this reality by sending Jesus Christ to save sinners.  He is forgiving, a quality not found in men who nurse grudges and remember wrongs done against them.  He also delights to show mercy because He is merciful.  This is the God who was, is, and is to come.  He is our Creator and divine sovereign who is worthy to be worshipped and praised.

Though we have all been undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, and unmerciful, we sinners can be born again and sanctified by the grace of God.  The wickedness which marked our lives we cannot undo, yet God can make us new with a clean slate.  Because of the Holy Spirit who indwells us, our thoughts, motives, and ability to perceive spiritual truth begins to align more with His.  Naturally in us there is no good thing (Romans 7:18), and thus any attribute deemed good has been gifted by God to us.  How we need Him, and may we do more than appreciate Him:  let us praise Him, exalt Him, and honour Him now and forever.

26 December 2017

Eyes Open to See

"And Elisha prayed, and said, "LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."
2 Kings 6:17

It seemed like a hopeless situation:  the Syrian army surrounded the city of Dothan to bring Elisha to the king.  When the servant of Elisha saw they were surrounded by this great force he was overwhelmed.  He said, "Alas my master!  How shall we do?"  "Alas" is a word used to express pity, grief, or concern.  The servant of Elisha realised he and the inhabitants of the city were out of their depth given the tenuous situation, and given the circumstances it is likely most people would have panicked.

The perspective of Elisha was quite different than his servant.  Elisha didn't ask what they should do because he knew something his servant did not:  they were not alone or forsaken.  God was with them and had the situation completely in hand.  He said in 2 Kings 6:16, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."  Elisha asked God to open the eyes of his servant, and then he was divinely enabled to see the Syrian army was completely surrounded by horses and chariots of fire.  God could have laid waste to His enemies in a moment, yet He would have them live.  When the Syrians came to arrest Elisha they were struck blind and he led them to Samaria.  After feeding them he sent them on their way.

I wonder how many times we are lamenting an overwhelming situation like Elisha's servant when Jesus our Master has everything in hand?  How often have we been afraid because our eyes have been closed to God's promises and presence in our lives?  Walking by sight things seem impossible, yet with God all things are possible.  He has all knowledge and power at His disposal, and He is gracious to deliver and save.  This passage shows even those who rise up against God and His people benefit from His grace.  May God open our eyes to see we are never alone and can have complete confidence in the God who sees and knows all.

It is a little thing for Christians to perceive potential danger or opposition rising against us.  It is obvious we live in a world where there is great animosity against God and His people.  Those who know God and whose eyes have been opened to see remember those who are with us are more than those who are with them.  Elisha and his servant were two among countless foes, yet because God was with them they were the far stronger side.  Praise the LORD for this!

23 December 2017

A Presence Regarded

Have you ever received a call you declined to take because it was a "private" number?  In the old days people would "screen" their calls by listening to the caller speak on their answering machine in real time:  if they wanted to take the call, they could.  But if it was a caller they would rather not talk to at the moment (or ever!), the machine ran interference.

This morning I read a passage which showed similar to how we screen calls, God in a sense screens prayers.  Those who do not fear or regard Him do not have the access and immediate response He gladly gives to those who trust and obey Him.  The situation is described in 2 Kings 3 when the king of Moab rebelled against Jehoram king of Israel.  Jehoram enlisted the aid of king Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom.  Of the three only Jehoshaphat feared the LORD.  When Jehoram blamed God for dooming their mission, Jehoshaphat suggested they inquire of the LORD and Elisha the prophet was summoned.

2 Kings 3:13-14 reads, "Then Elisha said to the king of Israel, "What have I to do with you? Go to the prophets of your father and the prophets of your mother." But the king of Israel said to him, "No, for the LORD has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of Moab." 14 And Elisha said, "As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, nor see you."  Elisha the prophet was a man who spoke for God, and idolatrous Jehoram nor the king of Edom were deemed worthy of an audience.  The presence of Jehoshaphat, on the other hand, was regarded by God.  Access to the glorious presence of the LORD cannot be earned but is happily granted by God to all who trust in Him.  The cries of the humble will be heard and answered by the Almighty God of Israel.

God was gracious to respond to the inquiry of Jehoshaphat in spite of the kings who he sat beside.  God's grace is even greater magnified by God's answer and action which would benefit them all by giving their cattle water and smiting the Moabites before them.  The requests of unbelievers went straight into the spam folder, but God honoured the presence of Jehoshaphat as a son in whom He was well pleased.  Who would you rather be:  to be one whose presence God regards or to be one He will not look at or see?  Do you want your prayers to be screened and silenced or to be likened to a call God immediately takes at any hour of day or night?  Those who regard God's presence will be gladly regarded by Him.