05 November 2020

Riches that Profit

"Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease! 5 Will you set your eyes on that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away like an eagle toward heaven."
Proverbs 23:4-5

It is good to set goals during our lives, perhaps even financial ones.  But there is one goal which will never be satisfied even when it is obtained:  the desire for more.  Dissatisfaction with our current income or financial net-worth leads to a lack of thankfulness and generosity with what God has given us.  Many people set their sights on being millionaires from their youth and many have obtained this desire.  There is no evidence the more money people have the happier and satisfied they are in life.  In fact, the evidence seems to suggest otherwise.

The Swedish pop band ABBA wrote a hit song in the '70's titled, "Money, Money, Money."  The chorus repeats, "All the things I could do, if I had a little money.  It's a rich man's world."  A desire for a little money, which as King Solomon says makes wings and flies away, leads to a need for more money.  The perspective of the ABBA song is one of longing for more money so life would require less work and offer more fun.  But this approach assumes being able to afford the things you cannot do now is where happiness can be found.  Through his experience Solomon has something to say about that.

King Solomon was a man in the ancient world with unrivaled wealth, power and peace in the height of his reign over Israel.  He received vast revenues of gold and silver annually to amass anything he wanted:  he acquired land, male and female servants, bought chariots and horses, completed building projects, hired professional chefs and singers, and even imported peacocks and apes.  He gave himself to entertainment, wine, women and song.  Few can say what Solomon did in Ecclesiastes 2:10:  "Whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, for my heart rejoiced in all my labour; and this was my reward from all my labour."  After doing anything Solomon wanted his conclusion, however, was very different from the romantic notions of the ABBA song:  "Then I looked on all the works that my hands had done and on the labor in which I had toiled; and indeed all was vanity and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the sun."  In the end Solomon, in his great wisdom, realised all he had and did was empty and pointless.

Solomon did not set his eyes on what was not:  he looked upon all he accumulated and accomplished and determined it was vanity.  He could not keep it, and all he had worked for would pass to another who had not worked for it.  Alcohol could not deaden this reality, and all the entertainment, laughter and excitement he enjoyed could not deliver him from depression and hopelessness.  There are few of us who could possibly make the claims Solomon did based upon experience and so we bop along to the ABBA ideal:  if I had a little more money I could work less (though useful work was a source of satisfaction for Solomon) and do more things because "it's always sunny" in a rich man's world.  And exactly when is a person considered rich?  This is a strange dynamic because the "rich" may not view themselves this way as it is more an elusive feeling than objective fact.  The richest people may live like paupers because they do not want to lose what they have--ignoring that one day it will all pass to others:  to family, friends, the government or foundations run by people they cannot hold accountable.

The Bible does not teach we live in a rich man's world:  by grace we live in a world governed by God.  True satisfaction is not found in health, wealth or financial prosperity but in the God who supplies all good things.  Comparing ourselves with others is unwise, and setting our eyes on what is not causes us to pursue the mirage that a little more money is what we need.  Riches certainly make themselves wings and fly away, yet the soul that rests in the LORD and His abundant provision is eternally rich.  The day we believe we need more than we need is a day when faith is exchanged for walking by sight and caters to the love of this world.  The true riches are found by faith in Jesus Christ, as it is written in 2 Corinthians 8:9:  "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."  Isn't it wise to receive the riches of the Gospel, to value Christ over our temporary net worth on earth?

03 November 2020

Read Good Books...Again

 King Solomon admonished his son in Ecclesiastes 12:12, "...of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh."  It is no easy feat to write a book (especially that is widely read), and it is easier to collect books than read them.  It would be a great shame to put our effort into acquiring books to our library without reading them with careful consideration.  Whether our books be many or few, their primary value is not as familiar decor:  we ought to read and re-read them as we welcome their input like dear friends.  The pile of books to be read for the first time can be interrupted as the LORD leads by books we already possess.

One book which has proved to be an invaluable resource over the years is C.S. Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students.  It is by far the most useful book I own outside the scriptures, as it has provided great insights, wise counsel and encouragement from a man of godly character.  One of the chapters which Spurgeon writes from intense personal experience is that on The Minister's Fainting Fits.  The "prince of preachers" was no stranger to seasons of despondency, and the chapter is steeped in compassion as he urges ministers to continue to keep their hand to the plough in following Jesus and fulfill the ministry given to us according to the richness of God's grace. Following are some highlights from the chapter which work to uplift the downcast:
"As it is recorded that David, in the heat of battle, waxed faint, so may it be written of all the servants of the Lord.  Fits of depression come over the most of us.  Usually cheerful as we may be, we must at intervals be cast down.  The strong are not always vigorous, the wise not always ready, the brave not always courageous, and the joyous not always happy.  There may be here and there men of iron, to whom wear and tear work no perceptible detriment, but surely the rust frets even these; and as for ordinary men, the Lord knows, and makes them to know, that they are but dust..."

These infirmities may be no detriment to a man's career of special usefulness; they may even have been imposed upon him by divine wisdom as necessary qualifications for his peculiar course of service.  Some plants owe their medicinal qualities to the march in which they grow; others to the shades in which alone they flourish.  There are precious fruits put forth by the moon as well as by the sun.  Boats need ballast as well as sail; a drag on the carriage-wheel is not hindrance when the road runs downhill.  Pain has probably in some cases developed genius; hunting out the soul which otherwise might have slept like a lion in its den.  Had it not been for the broken wing, some might have lost themselves in the clouds, some even of those choice doves who now bear the olive-branch in the their mouths and show the way to the ark..."

The bow cannot be always bent without fear of breaking.  Repose is as needful to the mind as sleep to the body...Even the earth must like fallow and have her Sabbaths, and so must we...Rest time is not waste time.  It is economy to gather fresh strength.  Look at the mower in the summer's day, with so much to cut down ere the sun sets.  He pauses in his labour--is he a sluggard?  He looks for his stone, and begins to draw it up and down his scythe, with a "rink-a-tink--rink-a-tink--rink-a-tink."  Is that idle music--is he wasting precious moments?  How much he might have mown while he has been ringing out those notes on his scythe!  But he is sharpening his tool, and he will do far more when once again he gives his strength to those long sweeps which lay the grass prostrate before him.  Even thus a little pause prepares the mind for greater service in the good cause..."

If it be enquired why the Valley of the Shadow of Death must so often be traversed by the servants of King Jesus, the answer is not far to find.  All this is promotive of the Lord's mode of working which is summed up in these words:  "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, said the Lord."  Instruments shall be used, but their intrinsic weakness shall be clearly manifested; there shall be no division of the glory, no diminishing the honour due to the Great Worker.  The man shall be emptied of self, and then filled with the Holy Ghost.  In his own apprehension he shall be like a sere leaf driven of the tempest, and then shall be strengthened into a brazen wall against the enemies of truth.  To hide pride from the worker is the great difficulty.  Uninterrupted success and unfading joy in it would be more than our weak heads could bear..."

By all the castings down of His servants God is glorified, for they are led to magnify Him when He sets them on their feet, and even while prostrate in the dust their faith yields Him praise.  They speak all the more sweetly of His faithfulness, and are the more firmly established in His love.  Such mature men as some elderly preachers are, could scarcely have been produced if they had not been emptied from vessel to vessel, and made to see their own emptiness and the vanity of all things round about them.  Glory be to God for the furnace, the hammer, and the file.  Heaven shall be all the fuller of bliss because we have been filled with anguish here below, and earth shall be better tilled because of our training in the school of adversity..."

The lesson of wisdom is, be not dismayed by soul-trouble.  Count it no strange thing, but a part of ordinary ministerial experience.  Should the power of depression be more than ordinary, think not that all is over with your usefulness.  Cast not away your confidence, for it hath great recompense of reward.  Even if the enemy's foot be on your neck, expect to rise and overthrow him.  Cast the burden of the present, along with the sin of the past and the fear of the future, upon the Lord, who forsaketh not His saints.  Live by the day--ay, by the hour.  Put no trust in frames and feelings.  Care more for a grain of faith than a ton of excitement.  Trust in God alone, and lean not on the needs of human help.  Be not surprised when friends fail you: it is a failing world. Never count upon immutability in man:  inconstancy you may reckon upon without fear of disappointment.  The disciples of Jesus forsook Him; be not amazed if your adherents wander away to other teachers: as they were not your all when with you, all is not gone from you with their departure.  Serve God with all your might while the candle is burning, and then when it goes out for a season, you will have the less to regret.  Be content to be nothing, for that is what you are.  When your own emptiness is painfully forced upon your consciousness, chide yourself that you ever dreamed of being full except in the Lord." (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to My Students: Complete & Unabridged. Ministry Resources Library, Zondervan Publishing House, 1989. excerpts from pages 154-164.)

02 November 2020

Praise of His Glory

"Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the LORD. 20 This is the gate of the LORD, through which the righteous shall enter. 21 I will praise You, for You have answered me, and have become my salvation."
Psalm 118:19-21

The psalmist asked God to open the gates of righteousness so he could go through them with praise.  All who attempted to become righteous by attempts to keep the Law of Moses ended in failure without any assurance of salvation.  Even before the Law was given the life of Abraham demonstrated plainly righteousness comes by faith in God alone.  The Gospel of Jesus provides righteousness to all who trust in Jesus Christ who is the Door by faith through whom Jew and Gentile alike must enter the kingdom of God.  If we want to receive salvation, we must enter in by faith in Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  To these souls by grace God imputes salvation, and all praise to Him.

There is a persistent fallacy that man must work to purify himself or become righteous by effort to be accepted by God.  Because all have sinned and have no power to cleanse or forgive ourselves from sin the only way we can be declared righteous is to have this status imputed to us by God.  It is on the basis of Christ's substitutionary, atoning sacrifice on Calvary which enables sinners who place their faith in Jesus to be deemed righteous.  Jesus is the divine answer to man's fervent prayers for salvation and righteousness we cannot obtain by any other way.

For mankind the gate of righteousness was more impassable than the entrance to the Holy of Holies in the temple for the unsanctified or the sealed Golden Gate today.  Praise the LORD Jesus who addressed the church in Philadelphia and said in Revelation 3:7, "These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens..."  Jesus is the Door and He also has the keys!  The gate of righteousness for people is wide open today through faith in Jesus for all who willingly enter.  A day will come when God will shut this Door for entry, even as God shut Noah, his family and the animals in the ark before the great flood recorded in Genesis.  God shut Noah in and He shut every other living thing out.  If we will have abundant life now and eternal life, now is the time to enter into righteousness through the Door God has opened wide to all who believe.

Having received forgiveness, righteousness and so great a salvation, it is fitting praise would be on the lips of God's redeemed.  The psalmist said he would praise the LORD because "...You have answered me, and have become my salvation."  Having believed the word of truth we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit as proof of our future redemption "...unto the praise of His glory" (Eph. 1:13-14).  Instead of complaints and criticisms our hearts ought to pour forth praise unto God for the glorious things He has done.  How privileged we are to be blessed and no longer cursed!  With our mouths may we make known God's faithfulness to all generations as the praise of His glory rises to His everlasting throne.

01 November 2020

Praise as God Intended

In New South Wales we remain under the COVID restriction of congregants refraining from singing during church services.  While the worship team was wrapping up the service with a song of praise to the LORD, I considered the words being sung.  Then suddenly I had a thought that never occurred to me before.

I recalled that when we were legally free to sing without restrictions, not everyone was pleased with their "singing voice."  This may also be reflected in the way people critically view their own bodies.  As happy we are to have a living, functional body there can be aspects of our appearance some might change:  people can criticise their body's shape, size, height or lack thereof, type or colour of hair, noticeable features they find embarrassing, scars and defects.  People think about their perfected, eternal state and look forward to having the "perfect body" or "pitch-perfect" voice with immaculate rhythm.  As I worshiped silently with the worship team yesterday, I'm not so sure.

Hasn't God made us to have voices and bodies according to His design?  Wouldn't it bring more glory to God if we retained our voices that sing off-key (which is not a sin, by the way!) because He created us unique as He desired?  Who ever said all the voices of angels sound exactly the same?  And what makes us think our bodies will resemble those pressed into a mold of our ideal body shape and size when God created us according to His good pleasure?  Gone will be the days of selfishness, self-consciousness and pride:  the eternal state in the presence of God will be a new era in living to please Him without criticising ourselves or envying others.

Do these thoughts disappoint you believer, that you may never have those ripped abs, be taller, more slim or have the "perfect" voice?  When we are born again by faith in Jesus the voices we now possess can be used to praise and honour God with exceeding joy--not because we are skilled at singing or can carry a tune or clap in time but because God is worthy to be praised.  Isn't God good to receive our praise such as it is today?  Why do you suppose He would ever refuse to joyfully hear your voice as He created it to be?