06 December 2010

All for Good?

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." 
Romans 8:28

There are few verses as loaded as this to blast our doubts concerning the sovereignty of God.  Countless books have been written on the subject, and more sermons preached besides.  Because of the prolific and often flippant use of this scripture, we can be numb to the reality of the promise contained within.  It is one thing to quote this verse:  do we actually believe it is true?

The Bible teaches us that we do not see things as God sees.  We are limited in sight.  We cannot see the good in a 20-year-old man who lost limbs in war and is now confined to a chair.  We mourn with those who suffer debilitating illness, and shake our heads over the pain of separation of parents as they bury their only child.  There are many things we can see no good in, and frankly there is no good in them.  Death and all causes of it are due to sin being in this world, and sin is pure evil.  But we know for certain that God makes all things work together for good, for that is a promise in God's Word.  It does not say "God is able to make things work for good:" the Bibles clearly states that "All things work together for good."

God rules above all things and graciously allows both good and evil to work for good.  We can struggle to believe this is true when painful events occur in our lives.  We are so caught up in our suffering that we cannot see any good.  This "good" is not like the "Pollyanna Glad Game" of trying to put a positive spin on everything.  It is a profound, purposed good that only God can do.  Man in his short-sighted wisdom makes disaster when he tries to make good.  He sets up a charity to help starvation and many take advantage of the situation to steal.  Years ago cane toads were imported from Hawaii to Australia to rid the cane fields of a devastating beetle.  This proved to be both ineffective and disastrous!  Without a natural predator, cane toads have increased exponentially and become a terrible pest and destroyer of native wildlife.  They have poisonous glands on their bodies which are dangerous to animals and people alike.   Only God can make good out of man's mistakes.  It is not like the cliche "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" but more like the tale of Rumpelstiltskin who made spun gold from straw.

"...We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."  Many people, believers in Christ or not, are quick to say, "I know that everything happens for a reason..."  This is a misunderstanding which sells scripture short.  Things do not just "happen."  God allows all things to fulfill His purposes.  He employs both good and bad things to work together for good.  The word "reason" has a much different meaning than "purpose."  A reason can be an excuse or an opinion.  But God has a purpose for all things.  The word in the Greek for "purpose" means "intention, proposal."  A proposal in today's use would be a contract drawn up for approval.  It is concrete, not abstract.  God's purposes always align with His righteous judgments, holiness, and perfect will.  We have been created by God for God that we might bring Him glory.

God uses all things to work together in my life for good.  When Job was smitten by Satan, God used that terrible circumstance and loss for great good and gain.  When Jesus died on the cross by the hands of sinful men, through His death all people can be born again through repentance and faith in Him and live forever.  If God can use the death of His only Son to bring life to others and greater glory for Himself, won't He also be faithful to use the circumstances of my life?  Even Pharaoh who hated God was used for God's supreme purposes.  King Nebuchadnezzar was called "my servant" by God before he even knew God!  With God there are no accidents.  Everything occurs according to His divine plan either by decreeing or allowing things to occur.

Some have found fault with God over this and in doing so fight against Him.  They cannot see the good so they deny good could exist.  There are also some who feel released from all responsibility to do good because God can make all things work for good.  These views are false and twisted.  Neither of these extremes are based upon faith in God and faithfulness to actively honor Him.  We must cling to what we know to be true no matter what, that God makes all things work together for good!  We might not be able to explain with our mouths the process start to finish, but we can rest in the character and holiness of our Savior.  Besides, who can know their life from start to end?  God has a purpose for each one of us.  He does not delight in the death of the wicked but is long-suffering towards us all, not willing that any should perish. 

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