27 June 2011

Limes and Mandarins

When we first moved into our home in Australia, I didn't notice there were fruit trees in the back yard.  Because of their small size and the lack of fruit, they more resembled bushes than trees.  After a month or so, I examined the shrubs more closely and realized someone had planted two citrus trees in the corner of the yard.  One turned out to be a lemon tree, and the other seemed to be a lime tree. For several months I monitored the progress of the bumper-crop of limes and wondered how I could best use them.  Then seemingly overnight, much to my shock, the small green fruit turned bright orange.  I had misjudged the tree by its fruit.  I didn't know it at first, but my lime tree was a mandarin tree (tangerine for you American readers)!

 As I sampled a mandarin this morning (very glad it wasn't a lime!), I thought about how Jesus says, "By their fruits you shall know them." (Matt. 7:20)  The works of the flesh are very distinct from the fruit of the Spirit.  Fruit takes time to develop and grow.  When I first saw the tree, a cursory glance did not reveal any fruit.  But it was there.  And after a while I saw the fruit and thought it to be a certain variety.  But time and the miracle of growth proved that I again was incorrect!  Though I was wrong from start to finish, now I am the beneficiary of delicious fruit.  I didn't plant the tree, I didn't prune the tree, I hardly watered the tree, but now I enjoy God's results.

How true this is of our spiritual perceptions at times!  We look according to appearance and make judgments based upon what we can see or understand.  How wise we would be not to make such judgments concerning others!  Sin in scripture is clearly defined and must be seen as such.  But speaking for myself, I have misjudged fruit even as I have been blind to the hearts and intentions of others.  I am learning to leave all judgments to the LORD.  God grants time for fruit to ripen to maturity.  I think mandarins are more useful than limes, but God makes limes, lemons, grapefruit, and oranges too - different flavours, different colours, but all of the citrus family.  God has made us all different with unique personalities and ways we communicate.  A mandarin is no better than a lime:  both have been designed and crafted miraculously according to God's will.

Praise God Christians are part of the Body of Christ and Jesus is the Head!  He has saved us, forgiven, and purified us, ordained, called, and equipped us to serve Him and others.  Instead of judging, let us commit our ways and the ways of others to the righteous Judge, Jesus Christ.  Isn't all the fruit made by Him and for Him anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Whether He calls me to be a lime or a lemon... may I desire to bear much fruit... may I always look at others through the lens of Jesus and not judge according to my own understanding. Instead, trust that just as I am a work in progress, others are too and He alone is the One who will complete that beautiful work He has begun, in His timing according to His perfect plan... in the meantime may we encourage one another to abide in Him that we may bear fruit and pray for one another and love one another always. Thanks Ben for that reminder. Lord forgive me for those times of judging wronlgy, help me to see others through Your eyes.


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