30 December 2011

Make a Difference with Jesus

Our family is enjoying the privilege of hosting my parents who are visiting us from the United States.  It has been great to chat at length, share delicious food, and show them around our area.  Though we have been able to stay in touch via phone calls, skype, and email over the past year we've been in Australia, there's nothing like spending time in person.  Even while I type this, I can hear my folks singing praise songs to the LORD.  That's something I haven't heard in a while!

Today I went to wash my hands in the upstairs sink, the same place where my sons brush their teeth morning and night.  The sink was clean and sparkling.  I thought to myself, no doubt my mom has been here.  My boys are not slobs, but they are boys.  They still at times need to be told when sinks, toilets, and even their bodies need some attention with soap and scrubbing!  After they clean the sink, it is not long before it needs to be cleaned again of the ever-present toothpaste residue.  Seeing that sink my mom left cleaner than she found it was a good object lesson of how Christians ought to impact this dirty world through the influence of Christ.

Christians are called by Jesus Christ to go the extra mile, not just doing the bare minimum.  If our job is to put away the knives and forks and we notice the container is a bit grubby, we can wipe it clean before we put them away.  In a spiritual sense, we should seek to bless others with a joyful countenance and a good attitude.  If the conversation begins to drop into the gutter, let us speak wholesome words.  When we are treated unfairly or with animosity, we can respond with meekness, humility, and love.  If someone feels left out, we can greet them with a smile and engage them in meaningful conversation.  Christ is the reason why we serve and we rejoice in following His example of giving and giving some more - even doing menial, thankless tasks like washing feet or removing toothpaste residue.

No matter our situation, through Christ we can perform good deeds to bring glory and honour to God.  When my kids forget to clean their toilet I can grit my teeth and mutter in frustration:  "Those lazy kids!  When will they ever learn?"  Or I can use it as a moment to demonstrate the love and patience of God and use it as a teaching opportunity.  People think serving the LORD is when you volunteer at church, preach sermons, or hand out tracts.  Serving God is doing all things unto Him right where you are, meeting even the smallest needs around you as God leads.  There is nothing more fun or satisfying than labouring for the glory of God!  God wants to make a difference with His positive influence through you today!

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