12 May 2012

The Big Move

Over the years I have helped a lot of people move.  The biggest move I was ever a part of, however, was moving with my family from San Diego to Sydney.  My wife, our family, and more people than I can name helped us with packing, storing, shipping, and delivering.  Before we could move, a lot of preparation was involved.  Having to move brings to light how much stuff you have and how much stuff you don't really need.  When a friend of mine moved to Africa, he spoke of this phenomenon.  We simply don't realise how much stuff we have accumulated over the years until we are confronted by the moving experience.  Slowly but surely cabinets, drawers, closets, and shelves start to fill up and overflow.  So much of the stuff we tossed out or gave away was of use, but we rarely or never used it.

Accumulation is part of life on earth.  "Accumulation" is defined as "an increase by natural growth or addition."  We accumulate stuff, knowledge, memories of experiences good and bad, even body fat!  Some of the things we accumulate are positive and useful, but a lot of it is simply junk which serves no beneficial purpose.  It would be worth next to nothing at a garage sale.  It seems to me it is a lot easier to clean out a closet than my thoughts, yet sometimes I struggle to even straighten out my closet.  If we can let the closet or the garage become choked with clutter, I should assume the same could happen concerning the spiritual issues of the heart.  Our lives can be packed with activities, but are we grasping for what truly matters?  Wrong ways of thinking, speaking, and coping are certain to accumulate in a human heart.  It takes divine illumination from the Word of God to reveal just what needs to go.

Very few people are actually ready to move when it is time to move.  Though a family may know the move is scheduled, most people are ill-prepared when the moment comes.  Often much is not yet packed, furniture has not been disassembled, items have not been organised, and there is a frantic pace of action in the last days before a move.  Decisions about keeping and throwing out are still being made hours before the keys need to be handed over.  I don't know how many times I have helped people move over the years, but people have a major similarity when it comes to moving:  they are largely unprepared.  I think the same can be said of many people when it comes from leaving this earthly shell of flesh and being ushered into eternity through physical death.  When it comes to dying, often people simply aren't ready.  Unless they have prepared their hearts and been born again through repentance and trusting in Christ, they are unprepared for their final move.

Jesus says in John 14:1-3, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."  I don't want my heart and mind cluttered with the useless junk of this life when I have a Saviour preparing a place for me where nothing of the earth can be brought.  I don't want to be debating what needs to go and what I want to keep when it is time to put off this earthly tent and go to my permanent home in heaven.  I don't want the dazzling trinkets of this world to take my eyes off the prize of the upward call of Christ.  I praise God He has removed the rich gleam of the earthly so I might treasure Him above all.  It is good to have our hearts and minds purged and uncluttered of worldly accumulation!

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