13 December 2013

Waging War

During the drive home from church last night I asked Abel, "So what do you think about the new house?"  After pausing a moment he said, "I really like it - except for the roaches."  I have not discovered any evidence of an infestation, but few mornings begin without me finding a roach or two lying belly up somewhere in the house.  Since recently moving in I have laid down a generous amount of barrier spray around doors, windows, and skirting inside and out.  Some people are fine with a bug here or there, but when I see a roach or evidence of mice I go into warfare mode.  I want to unleash the strongest, industrial strength poison on the unsuspecting squatters - keeping in mind the health and safety of my family!  I spare no pains to do damage on any filthy critter populations that try to move in and establish themselves in my house.

Roaches in a house are like sins in the heart.  They can find their way in no matter how vigilant one may be.  They may even be able to evade barrier spray laid down at suspected high traffic areas.  But when one roach comes to our attention, we can either ignore it, run away from it screaming, or wage war.  Bugs will not just "go away" on their own when you are supplying them shelter, food, and supply of water.  The cost for neglecting to eradicate a stray roach or mouse can lead to an infestation which could cause great damage to property and health.  Even when the evidence of bugs and pests is reduced, it is not time to slack off.  When the battle turns in your favour, it is not time to celebrate yet.  With tenacious discipline we must continue to observe the perimeter, check in cupboards, under furniture, and carefully monitor bait stations.  If we will use the right baits, poisons, and make necessary repairs to holes, even an infestation can be brought under control.

After being born again through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, a Christian must wage war upon the sins that creep into his mind and heart.  Self-examination is critical as we observe our thoughts, the use of our time, our actions, and attitudes.  One sin allowed to remain unchecked is too many.  We are called to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and refuse to allow Satan a foothold in our lives.  We must wage war on sin, for those who have been freed from it should live no longer therein.  Christ has imputed unto us His righteousness.  After being filled with the Holy Spirit we must remain vigilant, for it does no good to sweep clean our hearts but leave the door wide open for anything to enter.  I really like life on earth - except for sin.  When God brings it to our knowledge through the scripture and conviction of the Spirit, let us spare no pains to kill it off.  Show no compassion for sins Christ died to save us from.  Sin brings death, but Christ brings light and life to all who believe.

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