29 January 2014

What God Longs For

First impressions can be most misleading.  Many deep friendships I now have did not start off that way.  The initial snapshot we have of others, the conversation we walked in on, a few words spoken misunderstood, can give us a very jaded and unfair picture of reality.  This same thing happens when it comes to knowledge of God.  God's character is complex and multifaceted, and it is easy for people to grab bits and pieces out of biblical context to create a monstrous caricature in their minds.  Some can only see God as a mushy "God of love" and others see Him as always furious, ready to dole out judgment for the slightest trespass.  Only through scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit can a man begin to know God.  Those who are known of God on earth can know Him, but our knowledge, experience, and sight is incredibly limited.  Through eternity those saved by the blood of Jesus will be ever growing in our knowledge, appreciation, and worship for who God is and all He has done.

After God revealed Himself to the Israelites in power on Mt. Sinai, the people were overwhelmed by His presence.  When they realised how far above and beyond them God was, they were afraid even to speak with Him!  Yet this mighty God chose them, saved them, and made a covenant with them.  God made a covenant with His people according to His grace, for all people are undeserving of His great divine condescension.  God made a covenant knowing His people would not always be faithful to Him nor heed His Word.  He knew they would rebel, break His laws, promote idolatry and sin, murmur against Him, refuse to believe, and ask for a king like all the other nations rather than being ruled by God alone.  Knowing all His people would do:  cast His words behind them, kill the prophets He raised up to teach them, spit in His face, and murder His only Son, God accepted them anyway.

If man had the foresight of God, he would not give like God.  Even though people are deeply, profoundly flawed, He desired only good for them.  Consider the longing of God in Deuteronomy 5:29:  "Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!"  Does this sound like a God who is "out to get people?"  God alone knows the insidious nature and the far-reaching consequences of sin and rebellion.  God did not give His people commands to restrict them from having fun, but to protect them from their own wickedness.  God knew what would happen should His people seek after mediums, pervert justice, worship idols, or fornicate:  the land would vomit them out!  Judgment would be required!  God longs that people would have a heart to fear Him and keep His commandments.  Jesus told His disciples in John 15:12, "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

How has God loved you?  Jesus demonstrated the love of God by laying down His own life as a sacrifice for your sin.  God knew people could never measure up to His perfect standard, so He made a way through the sacrifice of His Son so all could repent, receive the Gospel by faith, and have eternal life.  God desires that it would be well with us and our children forever.  With new hearts by grace through faith in Christ, may we fear God and always keep all His commandments.  No matter what befalls us in this life, it will be well for us.  God will see to it!

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