13 December 2017

Making His Mark

There is a longing in every person for significance, to make a lasting impression in the world.  No matter how much effort we put towards this end, however, will ensure success.  Absalom wanted to be remembered so he built a tomb which stands to this day, but it is an testament of his failure because he never was buried in it.  After he was killed for his villainy he was dumped in an unmarked grave.  Recently a surgeon was caught burning his initials into the liver of his patients - seriously.  Far more common is when people etch their names or press their palms into wet concrete, but even well-formed slabs aren't permanent.  Monuments, plaques, and tombs carry memories precious to some which fade over time.  It is as the Bible says:  our lives are as a breath, like vapour which vanishes without a trace.

As I walked around the oval during cricket training yesterday, I noticed a bare patch of silty dirt surrounded by turf.  This dirt had many impressions upon it:  I recognised the tyre treads of a truck, a bicycle, and and few shoe prints.  With a little wind, rain, or others trampling the surface these marks will be erased forever without memory.  I started thinking about how footprints in a sandy beach are noticeable at first but in moments begin to fade.  How many sand castles have been carefully formed which later were flattened by waves!  The great holes in the beach we dug as children have effortlessly been filled in over time, and not one person can tell exactly where (or why) they were dug.  This is the vanity King Solomon talked about, great effort and accomplishments with the passage of time seem meaningless.

While I pondered these things the question Jesus asked rang in my mind:  "What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his own soul?"  Most people approach life without thinking about what happens after our life on earth is finished and therefore do not invest in what will endure.  Money, gold, silver, and Bitcoin all have their limitations and we cannot take what we acquire with with us.  Like any legacy we leave, it will be left for others to use, maintain, or waste.  The words Jesus said strike at the heart, for we all know this life on earth with someday end - the world itself has a limited life span.  We are all using borrowed money and a gift of time we have no idea when it will be rescinded.  The clock is winding down, and we have not the power to wind it again.  In choosing Christ we only have gain, though perhaps not as the world measures it.  But the gain the world is after will all perish;  it will all fade, be forgotten, and worthless to us when we are gone.

We all want to make our mark on the world, but sin has made permanent marks on us.  Not one of us measures up to God's standard of righteousness and our souls are doomed to destruction in hell forever.  But God has made a way of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ through faith in Him and supplies the everlasting richness of God's kingdom.  Psalm 130:3-4 says, "If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? 4 But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared."  How glorious it is to be forgiven, to have our souls saved and cleansed forever!  This forgiveness can be obtained without money but through faith in Jesus and the precious blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary.  He has imputed His righteousness to each one who is born again through faith, and this mark is a permanent one.  We are sealed with the Holy Spirit and are guaranteed to live forever.  Better than making a mark in this world is when God puts His mark on us, claiming us as His very own.

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