25 April 2018

Don't Feed the Birds!

I spent the first half of this week at the Collaroy Centre which hosted the "Refresh" conference put on by the Calvary Global Network.  It was a lovely spot with the benefits of sound biblical teaching, fellowship, and worship of God.  The lush area was home to many varieties of beautiful and loud birds like sulphur-crested cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets.  In the outdoor seating area signs were placed on the tables which read, "Do Not Feed the Birds."

There are several reasons provided in Australia for people to restrain themselves from feeding wild birds.  One reason is the offer of free food (which may not be the most healthy for them) can reduce their ability to forage for food in the wild.  If they are conditioned to regular feeding their diet will also not be as varied as it should be.  Whilst those are valid reasons, another reason is most likely why the Collaroy Centre prohibits people from feeding birds.  According to the ABC, "Animals that expect to be fed by people can become aggressive, harassing people for food when they are hungry."  Nobody trying to relax on the veranda wants to be swooped by aggressive, squawking birds, and birds have been known to rip into wood and do serious damage to property.

Thinking about feeding wild birds reminded me about what is written in Galatians 6:7-8: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."  The lustful desires of the flesh could be likened to wild birds that when fed become increasingly aggressive and do great damage.  Sulphur-crested cockatoos are notoriously persistent after they have targeted wood on your home.  Passive deterrents are often not enough!  Many people have been forced to guard their homes from the birds by netting and spraying the pesky parrots with the hose until they understand the house is not worth the trouble.  Feeding wild birds invites mischief, and choosing to feed the flesh creates far greater problems than money or hard labour alone can repair.  It creates sinful struggles you carry everywhere, and only Jesus can provide deliverance.

Sowing seeds will produce a crop according to the variety of seed sown, and when we sow to the flesh we will certainly reap corruption.  It is sowing to the Spirit - having the good Word of God implanted in our hearts and walking in obedience - which results in blessing and eternal life.  We do not earn salvation by our good works, but as born-again citizens of heaven we are divinely enabled to walk uprightly.  One cannot help the fact wild parrots roost nearby, but we should think twice before feeding them.  We all have fleshly desires, but they are to be governed in submission to God.  When it comes to seeking to placate the flesh in ways which do not edify or leads to sin, we must take intentional action to stop doing wrong, repent, and choose to do what is godly.  Passive deterrents may not be enough when the flesh has been stirred even by mistake.  Praise the LORD He has given us the wisdom from His Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to make godly decisions.

When we are vigilant to avoid indulging fleshly lusts, we create a safeguard for our lives and prevent trouble.  It is in seeking the LORD and doing what is right that results in enjoying the victory provided us through faith in Jesus.

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