09 March 2020

Hope in God's Mercy

Do you enjoy trying to find the perfect gift for someone?  When I wasn't sure what to buy I used to enjoy walking through the shops for ideas.  With enough time and persistence I would nearly always be excited with what I found and look forward to giving it away.  There have been gifts given which were appreciated nearly as much as the giver hoped, but it is especially fun to see people pleased with what they have received.  Some are tough to please, yet many people derive more joy over the person who gives them a gift than in the value of the gift itself.

That is one remarkable thing about God:  though He is perfect, literally has everything, and has the loftiest standards, He is pleased with humble things.  Visiting royals presented King Solomon lavish gifts of gold and precious jewels, spices, the best of oil and wine, and exotic animals--that hardly made a dent in the goods he already acquired.  What could a common person afford to gift a king, much less the KING OF KINGS?  Psalm 147:11 tells us what God takes pleasure in:  "The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy."  God delights in people who reverence Him, who "hope in His mercy."  Mercy is kindness to others from a heart of love.

Now this is a wondrous thing, that God delights in people who acknowledge and expect to receive mercy from Him!  The prophet Jeremiah said concerning God's mercy in Lamentations 3:21-26:  "This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. 22 Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed,because His compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning;great is Your faithfulness. 24 "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!" 25 The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. 26 It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD."  When Jeremiah and the children of Israel faced the brutal consequences of judgment for their sins at the hand of their enemies, those who feared God were patiently sustained by God's mercies which were new every morning.  Like the manna which sustained the Hebrews day by day in the wilderness, so God's mercies upheld those who faced war, famine, and pestilence.

When we give a gift how satisfying it is to see it joyfully received, and the same is true concerning God:  who is a more generous Giver than He?  His delight is in those who sense their lack and need for His presence, in those who hope in His mercy.  Those who fear God seek Him and receive His loving kindness.  God is not a greedy despot who demands sacrifice to be satisfied but is pleased to see His gifts gladly received and appreciated.  The greatest thrill for a chef, baker, or grill master is to see people heartily enjoy their quality offerings, and God's pleasure is not by what we offer Him but that we happily receive what He freely gives us out of His mercy, grace, and love.

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