01 December 2020

The Unexpected Miracle

God is always working, and He works miraculously in unexpected ways.  Like Namaan who imagined the prophet Elisha would wave his hand over him to heal him of leprosy and was disappointed when directed to dip seven times in the Jordan river, we can assume the best course of action for God to take.  Dipping in water wasn't nearly as flashy as invoking the power of God with a wave, but God sovereignly required faith by humility and obedience to a basic task Namaan needed to do.  Namaan's miraculous cleansing shows God is faithful and worthy of our trust.

Yesterday afternoon I was blessed to see the LORD work in an unexpected way through a lost pair of glasses which were swept away in the surf.  Upon hearing the news, I returned to the area where the glasses had been washed away.  I had no idea where the glasses were, and the chances of me finding them washed on the beach were minuscule.  As I walked alone on the beach with eyes scanning the breaking waves, I prayed God would provide the glasses my friend needed to see and participate in the group's activities.  Confident God knew where the glasses were and his need, I prayed they would be deposited miraculously at my feet.  There was not a shred of doubt God was able or willing to answer the prayer of faith.  After awhile I walked away from the shore without the glasses in hand.

I was unable to find the lost glasses, but my prayers were more than answered.  A friend of ours living almost 2 hours away was able to pick up another pair of glasses from the home of my sight-challenged friend and brought them to us by nightfall.  The needed glasses were not thrown at my feet scratched with sand according to my request but carried safely to him personally by a brother in Christ who demonstrated the generous, sacrificial love of Jesus.  What do you think is more amazing:  that God could cause an ax head to float, lost glasses to beach themselves on the shore or for a person to willingly, cheerfully drop everything to drive nearly four hours in total to deliver a pair of glasses because he was asked?  That to me is the most marvelous, for in this deed the love of Jesus is manifested.

The unexpected miracles God does in and through people who trust in Jesus should not passed over for the overtly supernatural manifestations of God's power.  Whether God answers our prayers immediately in the way we think He should or not, let us continue to ask believing, knowing He will accomplish His good purposes even in a mundane thing like a lost pair of glasses.  Praise the LORD who only does wonderful things!

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