22 March 2021

The Better Hope

"For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness, 19 for the law made nothing perfect; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God."
Hebrews 7:18-19

The Law God gave Israel was good, a divine revelation of God and the standard of righteousness required to draw near to Him.  The writer of Hebrews, however, pointed out the demonstrated weakness and unprofitableness of it to perfect those who were under it.  It had no power to make a man sinless, for by the Law is the knowledge of sin.  It is like a doctor who skillfully diagnoses a fatal disease but is powerless to provide a cure.  The Law was of no profit to save a man or render him rightoues, for it could only condemn.

The weakness of the Law was also displayed in the fallibility of human administration.  One does not need to delve far into the priesthood to see those who anointed and sanctified to appear before the LORD were flawed men.  Hophni and Phinehas fornicated with women at the tabernacle, and their father Eli took no action to remove them from their roles.  Abiathar the priest undermined the rule of David toward the end of his life, and Caiaphas condemned Jesus Christ the LORD to death!  There were long seasons when the temple was polluted, the doors locked, and priests were unable to serve.  Even the best priests among the sons of Aaron ultimately passed away and could not continue in their office.

God who established the Law is able to annul it as a means of drawing near to Him and provide a better hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Abraham was declared righteous by God for faith in Him before the Law existed, so it is clear the keeping of Law was not required to find grace in God's sight.  Jesus Christ is the living hope which has forever changed the way men are to approach God because He has an everlasting, unchanging priesthood of the order of Melchizedek.  The letter of the Law kills, but the Holy Spirit spiritually regenerates those who trust Christ unto eternal life.

The Law held forth blessings for the obedient and curses for the disobedient.  Every sensible person desires a blessing, and God has already blessed us with life, His love, and offer of forgiveness and salvation.  All mankind labours under the curse of sin the Law could never overcome, and praise God He has overcome sin and death.  Why should man revert back to what is weak and unprofitable in a desire to please God when we have a better hope provided by faith in Christ?  Jesus said during the Sermon on the Mount referring to Law, "It has been written...but I say unto you!"  It is Jesus we are called to trust and obey who lives and gives eternal life, not the Law which can only condemn.

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