30 September 2021

The New Sheriff in Town

A familiar plot in many westerns begins with outlaws and anarchy reigning because there is no sheriff in the town, or the sheriff or deputies are unwilling or unable to do anything because of corruption or fear.  It is only after a brave lawman comes to town that order and peace are restored to the community.  This is the plot arc of a movie I watched as a kid called Support Your Local Sheriff, a parody of westerns and a comedy starring James Gardner who was just a guy "on his way to Australia."  His talent with a firearm was only matched by his ingenuity as he made a prison without bars secure with a little red paint.  There was no question having a new sheriff in town meant there were changes in the ways things were done, and for the better.

Years ago when I lived in the States my wife and I purchased a house with the aim to completely renovate it.  Over the course of many months the layout was altered significantly as walls were knocked down, the kitchen and bathrooms gutted, plumbing fixtures and appliances were relocated, new lighting added, tile and carpet laid.  The consequence of having new owners who had a vision and enacted a plan resulted in dramatic changes to the house and property inside and out.  The difference a new sheriff or homeowner came to mind as I considered the impact of Jesus and the truth of the word of God in the lives of Christians according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-6:  "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."

What is striking about Paul's words to the Galatians is the premise that in the lives of Christians there are strongholds of erroneous beliefs in the hearts and minds of God's people.  It makes perfect sense that children of the devil brought up in the wisdom of the world--not to mention as flawed, sinful, proud and selfish human beings--would to any degree live in light of God's holiness.  It follows that Jesus, having purchased us with His own blood, aims to have strongholds of sin torn down as He makes us new creations by grace through faith.  There are beliefs about God, practices, lustful desires and pride that must be confessed as sin and forsaken.  God has given us spiritual weapons of far greater power than sledgehammers and wrecking balls to rip down strongholds, throw down arguments and anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God provided in His word.  Having heard the words of Jesus, by faith we build upon Him by faith, our solid foundation and Rock of Salvation.

When the Holy Spirit enters us by saving belief in Christ, we are washed free from sin and guilt, the righteousness of God imputed to us by faith.  The Holy Spirit does not just start smashing walls down like the Hulk:  it is like He points out the slipshod wall that must come down and hands us a hammer.  There are many passages we will read that illuminate sin in our lives through our conscience:  we will recognise our previously justifiable outburst of wrath as sin; suddenly we realise we cannot remember a time when we were not envious or habitually looking with lust.  It comes like a thunderbolt we have doubts of God's goodness or have at times imagined Him to be petty, vindictive and manipulative.  The strongholds built by ignorance, unbelief and rebellion are many, but God and the weapons of our warfare are far stronger.

As a homeowner there is always something that can be done, whether it is a major renovation, painting or something minor like cleaning.  Things like cleaning the oven, BBQ, moving the lounge to sweep or vacuum under it, spraying for pests and washing windows can easily be neglected.  Sometimes it takes new eyes to notice the chair we always sit in is torn, stained, and falling apart.  Imagine what happens when Jesus walks into our hearts and looks with His kind, gentle and piercing gaze upon our thoughts and ideas.  How valuable is the word of God, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and fellowship with the Body of Christ the church, for by these God provides illumination of the renovations He desires to do within us and identifies strongholds of error in us He would have us part with forever.  Having agreed to pull down strongholds of lies, we ought to take heed how we built on the foundation of Jesus (1 Cor. 3:9-13) knowing our obedience will yield eternal rewards by God's grace.

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