12 January 2022

Inspires to Shine

Yesterday I had a discussion with someone who is preparing to sit an exam.  I was asked, "Do you have any motivational or inspirational quotes?"  In the moment nothing came to mind.  I suppose the cliche approach to offer a one liner like the cat poster in the The Lego Movie simply captioned "Believe!" or another that says, "Hang in there!"  Playful images and cliches cannot provide any reasons or suitable answers for the persistent doubts that can plague us or how to live life wisely.  Cute doesn't cut it.

In thinking it over from a biblical perspective, God supplies motivation and inspiration in abundance for us to do what pleases Him.  Our motives are to be guided by the fear, love and glory of God.  The world operates in a totally contrary way and suggests we must believe in ourselves and great inspiration comes from following the desires of our hearts in the pursuit of our dreams.  We are liable to hijack statements in the Bible as motivational sayings by stripping the words from the context and applying them in the hope of fulfilling our own agendas.

When Paul said in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," it was written in the context he had learned to be content whether he had abundance or lacked, how he was taught contentment in Christ by being abased, hungry or full.  God told Joshua, "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage."  This wasn't advice for Joshua to trust or believe in himself to overcome obstacles to accomplish his plans but to trust and rely upon God and boldly do what God commanded:  to lead the children of Israel across the Jordan river, drive out the enemies in Canaan and to distribute to each tribe an inheritance.

The greatest inspiration and motivation that can be found is by faith in God Himself.  He is more lovely than the most breathtaking views in nature or the awe-inspiring glimpses of distant constellations.  The willingness of people to suffer for worthy causes can be inspirational, but nothing compares to the gracious sacrifice Jesus made to redeem lost sinners through His own death and resurrection.  Knowledge of God, His love and power is not rightfully used to goad us to try harder and do better for ourselves, but to offer ourselves willingly to God so He would be glorified, to do all as unto Him because He alone is worthy of honour, praise and majesty.

Believers in Jesus already have the assurance of eternal life and an everlasting reward.  This ought to inspire us to walk worthy of the love, grace and goodness God has provided for us.  Do you find God's love inspirational, a motivation to do what pleases Him?  The revelation of God and His love for us ought to prompt us to seek and serve the LORD with rejoicing, for He is our life and reason for living.  Believe in Jesus Christ and hang in there friends, for God has not left us hanging!  Jesus hung on a cross, was buried in a tomb and rose from the dead to prove His victory over sin and death and gives abundant life to all who trust in Him.  May Jesus be the reason we rise every morning and shine brighter than the sun by His grace.

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