20 April 2022

Owning Sinful Thoughts

 As children of God we ought not to be ignorant of Satan's deceitful tactics.  That father of lies craftily includes bits of truth so we will swallow down his destructive deceptions.  Whether he worked to tempt Eve or Jesus his approach was the same:  he appealed to human needs and desires coupled with rebellion against the almighty God.  Satan even quoted scripture to lure Jesus to transgress, but Jesus wisely saw through the paper-thin facade to the wicked being who would suggest He tempt the LORD God.

The devil has the power to tempt us, but no one can blame the devil for choosing to yield to him.  Satan can shoot fiery arrows at us, imaginations and thoughts that are wicked, but he cannot force our hand.  I suspect most of the time when someone says, "The devil made me do it"  it is a cop out to avoid repentance, a shift of blame from one whose actions condemn them as guilty to an entity a person has never actually met.  You see, we don't need to have spoken with the devil to adopt his carnality, deceit, selfishness and pride.  Our flesh naturally tends towards evil even as our bodies breathe without a thought.  If you are one who blames the devil for your faults, realise you have developed skill to do a flawless impersonation of him.

It is an exceedingly rare quality to admit and confess sin without blaming others or a caveat.  When he sinned Adam blamed Eve and God, and Eve blamed the serpent who deceived her.  After God confronted Cain for murdering his brother Abel he did not take the blame before the God who sees and knows all, for he denied all knowledge of his brothers blood crying out from the earth.  When David was called out for his sin in the circumstance with Urijah the Hittite he simply said, "I have sinned."  He did not blame Bathsheba, a moment of weakness or justify himself:  he owned the sins of adultery, theft, deceit and murder as his own and repented of them before the LORD, sins we do not see him later repeat.

At the end of holiday camps articles of lost property are held up before the group of campers and I am always surprised how much remains unclaimed.  Every hat, sock and towel was brought to camp by campers who are unwilling to admit the lost items are theirs.  Maybe they are embarrassed or perhaps the item is dirty or unrecognisable.  Maybe the campers simply aren't paying attention.  Whether the person left the item on purpose because it was soiled or forgot it isn't the point:  the point is it is theirs to claim.  The same is true when we have thoughts in our heads that are sinful according to the word of God.  These could be temptations to sin or indications our hearts are not pure before God.  Regardless, we do well to take each thought captive to the obedience of Christ and choose to honour and obey God.  Our sin, having been claimed or owned by a child of God, can be thrown into the rubbish like an old sock because Jesus has provided atonement.  It doesn't need to lie around in an old box any more.

Even if Satan himself puts a thought in your mind, there is wisdom and strength in Christ to stand firm on the truth of God's word.  Those who are preoccupied with how "under attack" they are in their minds by God's grace can switch this around and fix their minds on things above with eyes on Jesus Christ who has overcome, having secured the victory over sin, Satan, the flesh and death with His own blood once for all.  Let the attacks come:  does a warrior in body armour fear a caged, barking dog?  Nothing can separate us from the love of God, and He has bid us to be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might.  With the Holy Spirit within us we are protected and provision is made for us to walk in victory.  There was a time when we were without the Holy Spirit in our unregenerate state and looking back God was faithful to protect us during that season as well.

Rejoice, servants of the LORD!  When a venomous viper literally latched itself onto Paul's hand, he threw it into the fire and suffered no illness whatsoever.  Even as the venom injected into his body was neutralised miraculously by God, if Satan is permitted by God to flood your mind with temptation we need not submit to it for a moment.  There is no cumulative, negative effect upon us for all the thoughts brought captive to the obedience of Christ in an hour or day:  our problem is when we cease doing this and our will is worn down as we try in vain to do in the power of the flesh that which can only be done by the Holy Spirit.  Own that dirty sock, claim that temptation and admit the wickedness in your own heart without caveat and repent and thus walk righteously and sincerely with Jesus who put away our sin (2 Corinthians 10:1-6).

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