28 May 2022

The Reality of Faith

It is wonderful when investigation into the claims of scripture confirm the truth of God's word.  Because the Bible is the word of God, we can place our faith in the infallible accuracy of the revelation.  I believe a problem can arise when well-intentioned people take it upon themselves to "prove" the Bible is true by the discovery of ancient artifacts or sites.  The Bible is not true because we have found the actual 10 Commandments or Noah's ark:  it is true because it is the word of God, and we therefore expect the evidence over time will stack up.

There will always be naysayers and doubters even if every single ancient artifact mentioned in the Bible was produced, authenticated, cataloged and kept safe in a museum.  The discovery of the Ark of the Covenant would not necessarily stir belief in the historical authenticity any more than an empty tomb near Jerusalem prompts people to believe Jesus is risen from the dead.  The facts are Jesus did rise from the dead, and it is possible the tomb carved out of the rock was used for others after Jesus rose.  The Garden Tomb in Israel is a wonderful spot where a tomb carved out of the rock sits empty as a memorial of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Whether this was the actual tomb or not is not important:  the important point is Jesus is risen, just as He said.

Those who make appeals to science to "prove" the Bible is true can undermine their position when alternative scientific evidence is provided to the contrary.  Because God created the world and upholds the natural laws therein, science can be a asset to better understand and appreciate the greatness of God.  We also know God routinely is able to overrule the natural order with miraculous power like with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  To try to "prove" a human body can rise from the dead after being dead for days would be an impossible undertaking.  This is not difficult to believe, however, if you believe God miraculously created the heavens and the earth from nothing.  God spoke and it was done.

The word of God reveals the living God to those He created in His image, each with their own mind and will.  Those who take God at His word and choose to believe in Him do so according to knowledge.  The maps in the back of our Bibles remind us the setting for the scripture is in the world we live in, the world ruled by the almighty God who spoke light into the darkness, the God who brings life out of death, the One who offers eternal life by His grace.  The skeptic who demands proof Jesus existed would be hard pressed to prove Jesus did not exist.  Our faith does not rest in stones, wood or gilded boxes but in God who has given us His word, sent His Son Jesus Christ and saves all who trust in Him.

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