17 May 2023

God's For-ness

The LORD blessed me with the opportunity to grow up in a family with a dad and mum who feared God and set an example of walking in love.  To some my parents seemed "strict" because they restricted us from freedoms others enjoyed and held us kids accountable to obey them, do chores together as a family and  provided ways to earn money through work rather being given an allowance.  If we wanted a toy, wristwatch or fishing reel, we needed to learn discipline to save up for it.  All my childhood, youth and adult life, by the grace of God I have enjoyed the love and support of my parents who cheered me on and supported me through all seasons of life.

My parents demonstrated their love for their children in practical ways:  carting me to and from baseball practice, paying for dental work, investing time and effort in our schooling, playing games with us and disciplining us when needed.  Whether I was pitching or at bat, I could hear encouragement coming from them.  Knowing they were for me built our relationship upon a foundation of love.  This made receiving correction, instruction and rebuke easier because there was never a doubt their words and actions were in my best interest.  They would be the first to say they were not perfect parents, but they were perfect for me and exactly who I needed by God's grace.

I agree with what Dallas Willard wrote:  "As firmness of footing is a condition of walking and secure movement, so assurance of others being for us is the condition of stable, healthy living...When the required type of "for-ness" is adequately present, human "circles of sufficiency" emerge...Ultimately, every human circle is doomed to dissolution if it is not caught up in the life of the only genuinely self-sufficient circle of sufficiency, that of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  For that circle is the only one that is truly and totally self-sufficient." (Willard, Dallas, et al. Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ. Form, 2021. pages 185-186)  Knowing my parents were for me led me to know the God from whom all love, wisdom and grace comes from--Jesus Christ who made my parents the people they are.  Much heartbreak and disillusion comes when we put anyone in the place of honour only God deserves.  To elevate a spouse, child, pastor, church or cause as our primary source of sufficiency will end in our ruin.  When we realise the grace of God is sufficient for all, we are strengthened and enabled by God to endure.  Rather than destroying us, the painful process will refine us more into the image of our Saviour.

Paul wrote in Romans 8:31-32, "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"  A privilege of the born-again Christian is knowing God is for us.  He has demonstrated His "for-ness" by coming in the person of Jesus Christ and suffering on the cross for our atonement, redemption and salvation.  God's love for us sinners was so glorious He gave His only begotten Son for our sakes and thus will not withhold any good of the kingdom of God from us.  Since God is for us presently we can experience rest by His grace, and He also has wondrous plans for our future with Jesus.  All trials, pains, fierce opposition of Satan and overwhelming feelings can be made as nothing because God is for us.  Knowing God is for us and nothing can separate us from His love, we can be strong in the LORD and rejoice in Him today as we trust Him.

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