09 July 2024

Rejoicing in Christ

I enjoy reading good books that provoke reflection and provide insight into living like Jesus Christ.  I especially like concrete examples that aid personal application of points being made.  In Spiritual Leadership, a list from the Life of Robert E Speer was provided for leaders to measure their maturity in practical and timeless ways.  Most of those listed were things to avoid because it is our natural, fleshly inclination we all suffer from in various degrees.  Here are some I found most useful:
  • Not to murmur at the multitude of business or the shortness of time but to buy up the time all around.
  • Not to groan when letters are brought in; not even a murmur.
  • Not to magnify undertaken duties by seeming to suffer under them, but to treat all as liberties and gladness...
  • Before censuring anyone, obtain from God a real love for him.  Be sure that you know and that you allow all allowances that can be made.  Otherwise, how ineffective, how unintelligible or perhaps provocative your best-meant censure may be.
  • Oh, how well it doth make for peace to be silent about others, not to believe everything without discernment, and not to go on easily telling things.
  • Not to seek praise, gratitude, respect or regard from superiors or equals of age or past service.
  • Not to feel uneasiness when your advice or opinion is not asked or is set aside.
  • Never to let yourself be placed in favorable contrast with another.
  • Not to hunger for conversation to  turn of yourself.
  • To seek no favor, no compassion; to deserve, not to ask for, tenderness.
  • To bear blame rather than share or transmit it.
  • When credit for your own design or execution is given to another, not to be disturbed, but to give thanks. (Sanders, J. Oswald. Spiritual Leadership. Marshall Pickering, 1986. pages 118-119)
There is much in the world, in the church and in ourselves that can be disheartening when we focus on faults and failures.  But when we learn to trust God, continue to cast our cares on Jesus, and expect to see the goodness of God in the land of the living, we will experience comfort from the LORD as we rejoice in our Saviour.  Examining the motivations of our hearts and walking in integrity before God and man is our calling and a blessing afforded us as God's beloved children.  By God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit we can implement Philippians 4:4 in all seasons of life because Jesus is our Life:  "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!"

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