02 November 2010

Be Ready!

When I saw this shirt, I almost immediately asked for a picture of it.  When Nathan traveled up to Sydney, he bought this shirt from a Muslim salesmen at Paddy's Market.  There are an interesting mix of messages on display.

Is Jesus coming?  He has already come as a servant, a Savior who came to seek and save the lost.  After His resurrection, Christ ascended up to heaven where He remains at the right hand of the Father.  But scripture teaches us He will come again, this time as a conquering King.  Jesus says in Revelation 22:12, "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work."  Christians welcome the return of Christ because He will set up His rule upon this earth.  Those who reject Christ and refuse to repent for their sin will face the fierce wrath of God for eternity.  If they actually believed this, they would shake at the prospect of Christ's return.

The part of the shirt which really intrigues me is the ridiculous conclusion the shirt arrives at:  Jesus is coming, so "LOOK BUSY."  I would contend that "looking busy" will do nothing for those who have rejected Christ.  Have they been busy about HIS business?   Looking busy does not mean you are busy.  When I was a kid, everyone looked busy doing work when the teacher was in the class.  But as soon as the teacher stepped out of the room, it was not moments before kids were out of their seats, running around, and had someone posted as a lookout.  When the teacher returned everyone ran back to their desks, picked up their pencils, and tried to look as studious as possible.  Will God reward us for "looking busy" when He has commanded all men everywhere to repent?  Acts 17:30-31 reads, "Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

God knows exactly what we're about.  While we tend to focus on externals God looks upon the heart.  The Pharisees looked busy.  In fact, they appeared totally dedicated to God.  But when Christ spoke to them, He compared them to whitewashed tombs:  they appeared clean on the outside, but inside were dead rotting corpses.  Just looking busy is hypocrisy.  Matthew 24:45-51:  "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. 47 Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods. 48 But if that evil servant says in his heart, 'My master is delaying his coming,' 49 and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, 50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, 51 and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Jesus is coming, and let us be watchful, prayerful, obedient, faithful and sober.  Looking busy will not profit.  Invite God to do an inner work within so we will be enabled to live righteously as we ought.  Praise God for His warnings motivated by love for our good!  Let us urgently do good for God's glory, for it is for this purpose we have been redeemed.

01 November 2010

Leading by Following

"Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses."
Deuteronomy 34:9

Leadership is a quality rarely understood according to the context of scripture.  People sometimes think to be a good leader one must be a visionary, be filled with confidence in his abilities, and in short be the best and brightest.  This is not true according to the biblical model.  In the Bible, the greatest leaders were always followers:  they followed God, and He gave them the wisdom and authority to fulfill their role as leaders.

A quick glance over the men who gained great power in the world were men who did not follow God.  They saw their rule as absolute, and their chief tactic to deal with opposition was systematic elimination.  Men like Hitler, Pol Pot, and Stalin were particularly brutal and violent towards all who could be considered a threat.  Because of their influence and the means available to them, they were able to exercise (though not fully!) ambition fueled by lust for power.  These leaders had thousands of men to do their bidding, men who would kill and even die for their loyalty.  But were these men great leaders?  NO.  Did they invest in leadership beyond themselves?  No.  Because they were led by the dictates of their own hearts they were delusional, power-hungry, sadistic, and murderous.  They were unqualified to lead because they would not be led.

Jesus is the perfect leader because He followed God perfectly.  We do not see Him seething with violence and seeking the destruction of the established government for self-promotion.  He operated continually according to His Father's will.  The focus of His leadership was not on Himself as leader, but His Father in heaven.  Moses did not have a "vision" of the future that governed his life God had given him:  he simply knew God and lived in obedience to Him.  Moses followed God, and God lead him faithfully.  A faithful leader as he is led by God leads others.  Interesting isn't it, that submission is a huge part of being a leader?

When the church needed more leaders, the existing leadership had simple qualifications.  Acts 6:3 reads,  "Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business..."  This was the same Spirit who enabled Jesus, Moses, and Joshua to lead.  He is the same Holy Spirit who leads, empowers, and enables us to be leaders for God's glory today.  Instead of self-promotion, sound leadership is Christ glorification.  As we follow Christ, we can lead others without fear.  We need not be suspicious, for our security is found in our Savior.  Faith in God reveals itself in meekness.

Isn't it great how God's ways are greater than ours?  Only God can use the foolish things to confound the wise, and in our weakness He is strong.  As we live out our allotted days ordained by God, let us be led by Him.  The better we submit to His lead the better leaders we will become.

28 October 2010

Be Bold!

Too many of us Christians lament our lack of opportunity to impact the world for Christ.  By "opportunity" we mean an obvious, fool-proof plan laid out start to finish with no chance of failure.  My friends, this will never exist!  People who are wise in investments make their own opportunities.  While everyone else is reeling, scared to invest, and waiting for "something to happen," successful entrepreneurs manage to create a booming market!  After companies see the success they do their best to follow the formula, usually without success.  They didn't see the opportunity while it remained an option.  Should we choose inaction when we have the Holy Spirit of God?  Christians, there will be no easy opportunities.  Our flesh will resist stepping out in faith.  Satan will try to deceive us to justify why the time isn't right.  The whole world is under the sway of the devil, and we have a message contrary to the world!  We can be so overwhelmed by the scope of potential ministry we do nothing.  And that is the place where most of us have spent most of our lives.  We have missed opportunities because we never recognized them.

You may not be able to change the world today.  But can you help one person in Jesus' name?  That is how Jesus impacted the world - one person at a time!  He says if we offer a cup of cold water in His name we will not be without reward!  Are we willing offer a word of encouragement to someone who is down?  Can we visit one person who is lonely or send them a text message to say we are praying for them?  When we see someone laboring under a load of groceries could we offer help?  When we see someone sitting alone are we willing to sit near them and start a conversation?  We do not need to set goals beyond following the Holy Spirit as He leads us step by step.

Do you know a character trait God has given every Christian, regardless of age?  It is a quality rarely exercised.  You need not be muscular, energetic, handsome, tall, or of great spiritual maturity.  It is boldness!  The disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane before being filled with the Spirit did one of two things:  they ran away or lashed out with violence.  Boldness is a calm confidence a Christian has when he is filled with the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ.  We need not fight with people, nor must we run from conflict.  We can stand our ground, firmly rooted on Christ and the truth of His Word.  Sometimes boldness is opening our mouths when we don't want to say anything.  Other times boldness is saying nothing when we really want to speak!  A little old lady and a small child can have great boldness for Christ.  It will not always take the same form but will always be bourne of the same Spirit!

Some seem to feel that boldness means being rude and confrontational.  We are to contend with error, but we need not be contentious.  God will confront us to be sure, and sometimes He will give us a message not appreciated by those who want to remain insulated from conviction.  Let us make a decision to be bold today for the sake of Christ.  We should not see to fulfill any personal agenda or goal, like trying to get someone to come to church, hoping someone will like us, or to find acceptance.  Let's not limit what God can do though us!  Because we have been accepted by Christ, let us be bold to share that love with others.  People will know by our conduct and character that we have been with Christ.  Isn't that a reason we're living on earth right now? 

27 October 2010

God's Inheritance

"Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession."
Psalm 2:8

Last night I attended a home group where this verse was read by pastor Mark Walsh.  The context is God speaking prophetically to Jesus, His Anointed One.  Psalm 2:7 reads, "I will declare the decree: the LORD has said to Me, 'You are My Son, today I have begotten You."  The Father gives the Son an invitation to ask for His inheritance and later promises all will be subject to Him:  Psalm 2:9 says, "You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel."  A day will come when Jesus Christ will set up His kingdom upon earth and will rule in righteousness.  The earth and all that is in it is Christ's for the asking.  Jesus has affirmed, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."

Most of us have been exposed to the idea of heavenly reward or inheritance.  Thinking back to when I was a child in church I remember the teacher's description about heaven as a wonderful place to live without crying, pain, or death.  Everyone would receive a crown and the streets are paved with gold.  This is an oversimplification, but typically the promise of reward make us think about how they affect us or how we use them.  We are familiar with passages like 1 Peter 1:3-4:  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you..."  Jesus has told us that He is coming quickly, and His reward is with Him.  The prospect of a reward is one that can appeal to our flesh.

As Mark expounded upon this scripture, my thoughts rested upon a portion of it:  "Your inheritance."  Do you realize that we are Christ's inheritance as children of God?  Even more astounding is the implication that when we share the Gospel with others we increase Christ's inheritance!  What a great gift to give back to God!  Many Christians today are caught up in trying to establish an earthly legacy or even a heavenly one - for themselves.  How about we seek to give Christ the reward of His suffering by sharing the Gospel so many would be born again?  We understand the idea of giving our children an earthly inheritance of houses, land, and money:  isn't it time we focus on increasing Christ's inheritance by a life lived just for Him?

When I was a child, I thought every "good" thing I did for God meant He added "another jewel" to my crown.  In my mind, I surely had a ruby-diamond-emerald encrusted-golden-atrocity for headgear awaiting me!  Conversely if I sinned, God reached over and broke a chunk of my crown off.  I was always motivated by this fictitious idea of reward and loss much like a sea lion who receives fish for properly  performing a trick.  Can you imagine what comparisons would take place in heaven if my ridiculous childish theology were true?  I remember being amazed while reading the portion when the 24 elders Revelation 4:10-11 give God what He gave them!  "...The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: 11 "You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created."

Wait a second, I thought to myself.  Why would you cast your crown before the feet of Jesus when you worked so hard for it?  Ah foolish boy!  Do I deserve a crown?  NO.  I deserve death in Hell and eternal separation for God because of my sins.  But out of His grace God grants us forgiveness, rewards, and an eternal heavenly inheritance which will never fade away.  God is the worthy one!  The fact is God gives us new life we are to give right back to Him so He can live through us.  This goes for our money, time, resources, talents, gifts, abilities, and EVEN heavenly reward.  What pleasure it gives me to think I can by His grace give God an inheritance of souls saved through the Gospel which will last forever!

Like Moses we would be wise to pray the words of Exodus 34:9 "...If now I have found grace in Your sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray, go among us, even though we are a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your inheritance."   Isn't it amazing that God delights to do so?  It made news across the world when the trapped miners in Chile were removed using state-of-the-art technology.  Yet without a mechanical hoist, cables, or video equipment, God brought us from the grave to a new life of liberty and freedom through the blood of Jesus.  As it is written in Deuteronomy 9:29:  "...Yet they are Your people and Your inheritance, whom You brought out by Your mighty power and by Your outstretched arm."  Isn't it great that we have the opportunity to glorify and enrich God with our lives?  Let's make God the richer and joyfully lay up treasures in heaven not for us, but for Him!