28 October 2010

Be Bold!

Too many of us Christians lament our lack of opportunity to impact the world for Christ.  By "opportunity" we mean an obvious, fool-proof plan laid out start to finish with no chance of failure.  My friends, this will never exist!  People who are wise in investments make their own opportunities.  While everyone else is reeling, scared to invest, and waiting for "something to happen," successful entrepreneurs manage to create a booming market!  After companies see the success they do their best to follow the formula, usually without success.  They didn't see the opportunity while it remained an option.  Should we choose inaction when we have the Holy Spirit of God?  Christians, there will be no easy opportunities.  Our flesh will resist stepping out in faith.  Satan will try to deceive us to justify why the time isn't right.  The whole world is under the sway of the devil, and we have a message contrary to the world!  We can be so overwhelmed by the scope of potential ministry we do nothing.  And that is the place where most of us have spent most of our lives.  We have missed opportunities because we never recognized them.

You may not be able to change the world today.  But can you help one person in Jesus' name?  That is how Jesus impacted the world - one person at a time!  He says if we offer a cup of cold water in His name we will not be without reward!  Are we willing offer a word of encouragement to someone who is down?  Can we visit one person who is lonely or send them a text message to say we are praying for them?  When we see someone laboring under a load of groceries could we offer help?  When we see someone sitting alone are we willing to sit near them and start a conversation?  We do not need to set goals beyond following the Holy Spirit as He leads us step by step.

Do you know a character trait God has given every Christian, regardless of age?  It is a quality rarely exercised.  You need not be muscular, energetic, handsome, tall, or of great spiritual maturity.  It is boldness!  The disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane before being filled with the Spirit did one of two things:  they ran away or lashed out with violence.  Boldness is a calm confidence a Christian has when he is filled with the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ.  We need not fight with people, nor must we run from conflict.  We can stand our ground, firmly rooted on Christ and the truth of His Word.  Sometimes boldness is opening our mouths when we don't want to say anything.  Other times boldness is saying nothing when we really want to speak!  A little old lady and a small child can have great boldness for Christ.  It will not always take the same form but will always be bourne of the same Spirit!

Some seem to feel that boldness means being rude and confrontational.  We are to contend with error, but we need not be contentious.  God will confront us to be sure, and sometimes He will give us a message not appreciated by those who want to remain insulated from conviction.  Let us make a decision to be bold today for the sake of Christ.  We should not see to fulfill any personal agenda or goal, like trying to get someone to come to church, hoping someone will like us, or to find acceptance.  Let's not limit what God can do though us!  Because we have been accepted by Christ, let us be bold to share that love with others.  People will know by our conduct and character that we have been with Christ.  Isn't that a reason we're living on earth right now? 

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