23 October 2011

Freely Give

Here is an untitled poem attributed to Archbishop Alexander, as quoted by G. Campbell Morgan in the Westminster Pulpit, Volume 2, pages 175-176:

‘If I have eaten my morsel alone,’
The patriarch spoke in scorn;
What would he think of the Church, were he shown
Heathendom, huge, forlorn,
Godless, Christless, with soul unfed,
While the Church’s ailment is fulness of bread,
Eating her morsel alone?

‘I am debtor alike to the Jew and the Greek,’
The mighty Apostle cried,
Traversing continents, souls to seek,
For love of the Crucified.
Centuries, centuries since have sped,
Millions are famishing, we have bread,
But we eat our morsel alone.

Ever of them who have larger dower,
Shall Heaven require the more.
Ours is influence, knowledge, power,
Ocean from shore to shore;
And East and West in our ears have said,
‘Give us, give us your Living Bread,’
Yet we eat our morsel alone.

‘Freely ye have received, so give,’
He bade, Who has given us all;
How shall the soul in us longer live,
Deaf to their starving call,
For whom the Blood of the Lord was shed,
And His body broken to give them bread,
If we eat our morsel alone?”

19 October 2011

What God Wants is You

I love it when a God changes my whole perspective with words spoken with that small, still voice to my heart.  During a time of prayer last night at church, considered my commitment to God.  Had I surrendered all to Him, or was I holding back?  In my heart I prayed, "LORD, I give you my hobbies, money, and my time.  I commit all my possessions and even my desires and dreams to you."  Immediately He spoke to my heart:  "Forget those things.  All I want is you."

God spoke this word of encouragement to me, but I believe it is for all people.  Sometimes we think that it is our sacrifices that please God.  We think if we give more, serve more, and deny our flesh from food or certain activities God will be satisfied with us.  I realized that God wants me to give things to Him - not because He desires them or because I must prove myself - but because those things draw me away from Him.  It is me who God treasures.  He is a jealous God who wants all my loyalty and affection.  It is for the sake of sinful mankind that Jesus came to earth to seek and save the lost.

Do you realize that all God wants is you?  He loves you just as you are, not for any benefits, devotion, or gain you may provide.  Forget trying to offer God things unless you are first willing to offer yourself without strings attached.  It is only then your offering will be acceptable in God's sight.  Then you will not be looking to your works, but be walking by faith in Jesus Christ as LORD, Saviour, and Lover of your soul as you surrender to Him.  Malachi 3:16-17 reads, "Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who meditate on His name. 17 "They shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him."  As a man treasures jewels, so God treasures those who fear Him.

17 October 2011

Tefillin without Torah

When I traveled to Israel in 2005, I noticed small metal boxes permanently affixed to the door jambs.  The metal box and parchment is called the "mezuzah."  A qualified scribe uses special ink and a writing implement to copy selected verses from the Torah.  One of the utilized passages is likely Deuteronomy 6:4-9:  "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! 5 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."  This has been a long-standing tradition observed by Jewish people both in Israel and around the world.

During my trip to Israel I spent several days in Jerusalem, in the walled area commonly called the "Old City" as a point of reference.  It was common to see male Orthodox Jews wearing tefillin (small leather boxes which also contain parts of the Torah) on their forehead and left arm.  Coming from an American background, it was amazing to see people devoted to their religious beliefs and traditions.  I greatly respect those who out of love for God and His word make great sacrifices to honour and obey Him.  Indeed, no sacrifice is too great when you serve the greatest God!  While my Christian theology may be repulsive to some Orthodox Jews because of fundamental differences (I believe Jesus Christ has been revealed as the Messiah and Son of God), I love and highly respect them.

As I looked at the mezuzah in our hostel, I considered the Spirit behind the letter of the Law of Moses.  Hidden under the metal cover were scriptures from the Torah, the Word of God.  But because of the case it could not be read.  Other than meeting the requirement of the Law, what function could the words of truth serve if they remained hidden and unseen?  I read that the parchment is to be inspected by a professional scribe twice during a seven year period.  The same question could be posed concerning the tefillin:  what profit is it to carry the Word of God so no one can see it?  When I read the Deuteronomy passage, I am reminded how God has said that He will write His law upon our hearts.  I ought to love God with all my heart, soul, and strength, and continually teach my children to do the same at all times.  Just like a man would tie a string around his finger to remind and signal him of a task to perform, or how a woman wears a jeweled frontlet between her eyes for beautification, in like manner the Word of God must be valuable and precious to me.  God's Word provides instructions and signs to follow.  The doorposts and gates of a home or city provide security and strength.  As a Christian, my faith is founded on the truth as revealed through the Holy Scriptures.

It is possible that a man may obey all the traditions of men from his youth and still not enjoy a relationship with God.  He might rise early and go to bed late because of much praying, purchase tefillin from revered scribes at great cost, and recite the Torah verbatim daily from memory and still not know God or be known by God.  Jesus has been revealed as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, the Living Bread which has been sent from heaven, and the True Light which has come into the world.  Unless a man knows Christ, He cannot know God.  Jesus said He is the Resurrection and the Life:  the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes unto the Father except through Him.  Traditions are good when they cause us to remember and honour God, but they can be empty as tefillin without the Torah when we simply "go through the motions."

Psalm 119:11 says, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You!"  As a young person, I thought this verse meant I was supposed to memorize passages from the Bible.  But what good is the memorization of scripture unless I heed it?  Jesus Christ is the Word become flesh.  When the Spirit of God dwells within my heart, His presence will be evidenced by a life lived for the glory of God through His power.  The truths of God's Word keep me from sin.  All people ought to treasure and continually bring to remembrance the true sayings of God as revealed in the Bible.  Christians are called by some, "people of the Book."  May we invest our time in the mastery of God's Word so He might have full mastery over us.  What good is a Bible unless it is opened?  And what is the purpose of reading without understanding?  What will knowledge without wisdom profit?

Jesus says in John 16:12-15:  "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you."  Jesus still has much to teach us.  No matter how many works we have performed for God's glory, there are many left undone.  May our traditions and practices draw us into closer communion with our LORD and Saviour, and may others be drawn to the beauty of His holiness!  May Christ Himself be as a sign on our hands and as frontlets between our eyes!

16 October 2011

Train Up a Child

I think it was pastor Bill Wilson whom I first heard say, "The teacher has not taught until the student has learned."  This concept can be applied to the training of children by parents as well.  Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."  This is an inspired statement of truth.  Parents can feel content with the fact their child attends church, memorizes scripture and doctrine, has been baptised, or makes a profession of faith.  But this does not mean the child is being trained.  If we would have our children follow the steps of Christ even as we follow Him, parents have a responsibility to train their children.

Speaking as a parent, our mistake is often made because we misunderstand what it means to "train."  Many parents (me included!) tend to "tell" our children rather than to "train" them.  When a soldier embarks to "basic training," he is not merely addressed verbally by his superiors in a classroom setting.  Basic training is training for the body, mind, and will for a specific purpose:  each soldier is trained for his role in combat.  He suffers deprivation of sleep, food, is worked to utter exhaustion in extreme environments to enable him to endure the battlefield and be a viable member of his support team.  Can you imagine what kind of soldier has never actually run in his boots, cleaned or fired his gun, or faced moments of difficult decisions in the face of enemy fire?  No one is born a soldier:  they are made through training.  The tragic day of moral and spiritual decay in which we live is a testimony that many parents "tell" their children rather than training them.  You cannot train your children without a goal in sight.  If a man is trained as a soldier so he may effectively fight for his country and comrades, for what purpose are you training your children?  To be moral citizens?  To succeed in a high-paying career?  To be tough?  To follow their hearts?  As Christians, we are to train our children to become men and women of God as they grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ.  All morality, a vigorous work ethic, all godly qualities of character, and goodness spring only from this single Living Source.

Notice that the text does not say, "Train up your children..." but keeps child in the singular tense.  This is of great importance.  Every child must be trained differently because they have unique temperaments, inclinations, and personalities.  What may be effective training for one child may not be adequate for another.  Therefore, one difficult job of parents is to intimately know their children and continually initiate communication with them.  We must intimately know their character, current stage of life, goals, loves, concerns, fears, and cares.  The training of children requires their parents to love and take a personal interest in each one.  When we create a false reality where no true freedom nor responsibility exists, we do our children a disservice.  We must encourage their obedience and good choices, while administering appropriate discipline, enforcing consequences, and boundaries.  Instead of sowing discord through ambiguity or outright hypocrisy, we are to be clear and consistent.  This means that we must apologize when we are out of order, even as we tell them to apologize when they do wrong.  That is when the telling becomes training.

It is good for me to continually remind myself that my children measure my words against my life with the precision of a surgeon and the tenacity of a wolverine.  Even a small child has strong views of what is fair and unjust.  My children will not tell me when they see me playing the hypocrite, but their behaviour will often reflect what I do.  For instance, let's say I tell my boys they need to wash their hands with soap before they sit down to eat dinner.  They will watch me to see if I do the same.  If I sit down to the table without washing on a regular basis, they will wonder why they must do something I do not.  In their minds, it is an unjust to demand that they wash their hands when the lawgiver of the house will not submit to his own rule.  Even something as simple as hand washing slowly can erode the ability of a parent to train their children through hypocrisy.  If I place limits upon their screen time or deem what is appropriate or inappropriate based upon content or ratings, I ought to apply limits to myself as well.  A parent may maintain outer compliance through threats and intimidation, but rebellion in the heart of the child will grow.

What is the way our children should go?  Jesus says in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."  Jesus did not simply tell His disciples what they should do, but He was a living model for them to see.  He did not say "You must be the servant of all" and wait to be served by others:  Jesus washed the feet of the disciples as a pattern for them to follow.  Jesus did not admonish His disciples to love one another and act selfishly:  He humbled Himself to become flesh and died sacrificially on the cross for the sins of the world.  His Words carried great meaning:  "Love one another as I have loved you."  How did Jesus love us?  While we were still sinners, Jesus died for us.  Training is not just the exercise of a mind to consider, but a change in the heart to will and do.  It is the indwelling Holy Spirit in the lives of believers who empowers us to live as we ought as it is written in Philippians 2:13, "...for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure."

Every parent wants their children to excel in every facet of life on earth as God should tarry.  But unless we are training our children according to God's Word and Way, we hinder them from the success they should enjoy if we were faithful to our calling.  God has a way of making up for all our deficiencies, but that does not mean we are free from the responsibility to obey Him and pray earnestly for our kids.  Praise God that He has given us the perfect example of being a good Father.  We can look to Him and He will direct us in the way we should go!