15 July 2012

A Useful Tool

Tools are designed for specific purposes.  Pliers, for instance, are excellent for tying wire or holding a bolt steady.  A wrench or spanner is great for busting bolts, but useless for tying wire.  I have seen many good tools used and abused by improper use.  I have a nice 10" Crescent spanner (not as nice as it could be!) that will not open fully because of when I used it as a hammer!

Christians can be compared to tools in the hands of the Master Craftsman.  God could have designed things that at the moment of conversion people would be immediately whisked away into eternity.  But God has manifold purposes for allowing us to remain upon the earth:  to share the Gospel with others, to glorify God through good works, to disciple others, to further sanctify us in preparation for future service, and to encourage, strengthen, and edify the Body of Christ.  It is important for us in the Church to have the singular focus we see demonstrated in Jesus Christ and His followers.  Jesus came to seek and save the lost, having been sent to the "lost sheep" of Israel.  Paul recognised God had called him to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles that they too might come to faith in Christ and be saved.

Jesus always operated in the will of the Father, faithfully walking in obedience and submission to Him.  Sometimes I feel like a spanner that chucks itself into running machinery rather than tightening bolts!  I can forget God's purpose of why He has graciously left me here on earth.  I pray that my lapses of looking away from Christ grow less and less frequent!  Last night before bed, it was as if the LORD pulled back the veil from my eyes to see myself in light of His glory and it was disgusting what I saw.  But thanks be to God who can fashion these flawed vessels into instruments for His glory and use!  It is not amazing that God is able to use weak vessels, but that He chooses to.

So what's your purpose for living?  Are you working to fulfill God's call upon your life?  Everybody may be working for the weekend, but we ought to say in truth with Paul:  for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  1 Corinthians 15:57-58 reads, "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."  May it ever be so!

14 July 2012

Certain Life in Christ

Life on earth is uncertain.  Few people who walk out their front door in the morning think they may have a heart attack, be in a fatal car accident, or be punched unprovoked in the face and never make it home.  Last night a few of us at church were discussing the recent tragic loss of an 18 year old in King's Cross.  It was reported that as he talked on his mobile phone, he was "king hit" (sucker punched) in the face.  When he fell backwards his head hit the footpath and he never regained consciousness.  It's a nightmare no one should have to experience.  Unfortunately, because of this world soaked with sin, these kind of stories seem to occur with increasing frequency.  Our prayers go up for this young man, his family, and those who knew and loved him.

Due to the incident, the security of King's Cross has been much discussed in the media and government.  Steps are being taken to increase the number of cameras and late-night patrols.  There has been talk of reducing trading hours, increasing the public transport, and reducing the amount of liquor licenses.  Whatever we can do to keep people safe is good.  But even if all the talk produces real improvements in the safety of King's Cross, life still remains an uncertainly.  Quoting from the preacher in "Pollyanna," "Death comes unexpectedly!"  The only certainty we have in life is that it IS coming for us all.  Death does not discriminate between young or old, during night or day.  Death is a certainty of life.

It is only through Christ people can have a certainty of eternal life!  The old saying goes, "No one lives forever."  This is a false statement.  Jesus overcame death at the cross, rising from the dead after three days.  Death could not keep Jesus in its grip because Christ was without sin.  The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our LORD.  For all people who die in their sins, they face eternal separation from God in unspeakable torment in hell as their wages for sins committed.  Yet for those who will repent of their sins, trusting in Christ alone as Saviour, we receive the promise of eternal life.  The death of the body does not mark the end:  it is the beginning of life in the presence of God free from sin as He intended.  Jesus says in John 11:25-26:  "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"

So many people who go through life today have no idea of what awaits them after their body ceases to function.  Do you know what awaits you?  Should you die in your sins without atonement, the Bible spells it out clearly:  no second chances, no hope, no life.  God is a Good Judge, and He cannot allow lawbreakers to go free.  For those who believe the testimony of scripture, we have the sober responsibility to warn people of the eternity that awaits them in Hell due to their sins and share the promise of forgiveness and eternal life to all who repent and trust in Christ.  I'm certainly glad someone dared tell me the truth concerning my sinful condition.  Let's take the time and make the effort to tell others about the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Tomorrow might be too late.

12 July 2012

Examine the Bible Yourself

It is lamentable that most people find the evening news more credible than the Bible.  The stories we read in the newspaper, magazines, or rumours passed along through email on the internet are more quickly believed than spiritual truth from God!  I am amazed with some of the nonsense that is believed and passed on before it has been looked into.  An earnest Facebook message turns out to be the third cycle of an internet rumour which started in 2003!  People read the claims, assume it must be true, and perpetuate a lie.  I don't know who said it first, but it bears repeating:  truth can stand examination.  Snopes is not faultless, but the Bible is!

What I find more remarkable than frail arguments against the Bible, is that many who perpetuate them don't care for them to be answered.  I doubt that in the last thousand years there have been any new assaults upon the veracity of scripture.  The arguments have hardly changed.  In the words of C.H. Spurgeon, "Unbelievers only 'glean their blunted shafts, and shoot them at the shield of truth again.'" (Lectures to My Students, pg. 270)  As useless as their blunted shafts may be, unbelievers are happy to gather them back up even after they have been blocked harmlessly to the ground.  Blunted arrows may look intimidating in the quiver of an adversary, but they do nothing to stop the advance of truth.  There is such a thing as a sincere skeptic, but they are a rare breed which must be moved into the "wilfully ignorant" category when they refuse to acknowledge God's truth.

It is not that people have examined the Bible and found it lacking:  they have likely not even examined it themselves.  Many justify their own unbelief by parroting the baseless critiques of others!  When a man reads God's Word, it immediately goes to work upon His mind and soul.  It is not like other books written by men, where one paragraph can be highlighted and another page crossed out.  It is to be believed completely or not at all; it is either truth emanating from the Most High God, or it is a deception without any merit.  God does not force a man to believe Him, but the Holy Spirit compels the conscience to decide.  The whole of scripture exists to reveal to man the Gospel truth:  God has created all things; God made man; man rebelled from God and is separated from God by sin; God sent His Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for sin to reconcile man to Himself; Jesus was buried and rose from the dead; He ascended to the Father and bids all to join Him.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

No one can make another person believe.  This is part of God's divine order to the end that people would freely believe, trust, and love Him.  No man can "make" a woman fall in love with him.  But his tireless pursuit, constant affirmation, notes, gifts, and genuine love go far in winning the heart of his beloved.  God has shown a love of a far greater depth and breadth in giving us His Word and His Son.  The Bible proclaims that every person has a Divine Admirer they would not have known without God's revelation.  Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  It is a demonstration of great folly to burn a winning Lotto ticket because you had never won previously.  It is far more ridiculous to discredit and throw out the Bible as irrelevant when you have not first examined it yourself.  How much more valuable is eternal life and love over money!

11 July 2012

Jesus Does the Impossible

Last night during family devotions we read from Mark 6:45-53 when Jesus told His disciples to go to the other side of Galilee.  When the disciples reached the middle of the sea, they faced strong winds which hindered their progress.  They rowed hard, but the wind was contrary and blew upon them.  Despite their prior experience and strong effort, they made no headway.  When they were in the middle of the sea, Jesus approached and would have overtaken them, walking on the water!  Seeing Christ walking upon the water, the men thought He must be a ghost.  But Jesus told them not to be afraid, climbed into the boat, and the wind and waves ceased.  His disciples were amazed over the power of Christ to transcend the laws of nature.

Jesus told His disciples to go to the other side of Galilee, knowing they would be incapable of doing so.  The stormy, contrary winds and waves were not a surprise to Him.  Being the Creator, the forces of nature are nothing for Him to overcome through His divine resources.  From this we learn that will God command us to do things we cannot do.  Things God tells us to do are frankly impossible for our flesh to accomplish.  We are incapable, but God is able.  When the power of Christ is brought to bear on our impossible situations, Jesus does for us what we cannot.  Our lack of faith hinders us from obeying Christ.  The disciples thought they could muscle up with their oars and make it across the sea, but all their sweat and toil was in vain.  It is never through fleshly effort we can accomplish God's directives, for it is not by might, nor by power, but by God's Spirit we are victorious.

Do you sometimes feel you are pulling at those oars day and night and gaining no ground?  Your hands are blistered, the cold spray lashes the face, all sense of direction has been lost, and your effort seems so fruitless that the only option seems to be to give up and go with the tide.  But when you invite Jesus into your life, right into the midst of the storm, He is able to bring you to the desired haven.  This truth is illustrated in John 6:18-21:  "Then the sea arose because a great wind was blowing. 19 So when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near the boat; and they were afraid. 20 But He said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid." 21 Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going."  When we willingly receive Jesus in faith, He can bring us to where He wants us to be.

Don't try to ride out the storm without Jesus.  When we submit to His rule in the storm He is able to calm both us and the storm.  May we never cease to be filled with wonder and amazement as He saves us!