23 March 2015

Be Reconciled to God

"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
2 Corinthians 5:20-21

When we moved into our current house over a year ago, it was not long before I realised something strange was happening in our shower.  It was most peculiar.  Over the years, a small gap had opened around the edge of the shower pan, and to my horror I discovered insects were living in there.  After a good clean, I began to notice thin black streaks on the tile.  One night I turned on the light and there were these tiny little bugs racing around in the shower.  I used bleach, I used toilet cleaner, anything to erradicate those dirty little pests.  Nothing worked as a long-term solution.

I decided to ask permission from our land lady to re-grout the gap.  I went to the shops and bought all the necessary supplies:  a tool to remove grout, bucket, float, new grout, and an additive.  For whatever reason, I didn't perform the repair right away.  Months passed as I was busy with other projects or activities.  With my knee rehab I wasn't keen to be kneeling in a small space.  But in all honesty, any reason I can provide is a lame excuse.  I half-heartedly kept up the losing battle with the shower bugs, but finally I was fed up.  "This weekend," I told Laura with fresh commitment, "I am going to fix our shower."

I had put off the task because replacing grout is a serious pain.  It is a tedious job on your hands and knees, removing the old grout, mixing the new grout to the correct consistency, spreading it evenly into the gaps, and wiping up the excess.  Oh the wiping!  Time after time I emptied the bucket and replaced it with clean water.  Again and again I passed the sponge over the tile, removing the cloudy haze from the glazed surface.  Finally it was complete, and I walked away satisfied the battle with the bugs was over.

When a job long put off is complete, a funny thing happens.  I look at the finished product and ask myself, why did I wait so long to finish this job?  I had all the materials, ability, and time:  why didn't I make this a priority months ago and begin to enjoy the beneficial results sooner?  The same can be true about sin in the life of a Christian.  Through faith in Christ, we have been freed from the power of sin.  Why do we put off being reconciled to God or others when it is so wonderful to finally be free of addictions, hatred, unforgiveness, and bitterness?  How is it we have the promises of God and the divine empowerment at our disposal with all the tools granted by God's grace, but we choose instead to keep fighting a spiritual battle through the efforts of the flesh?

I am very pleased to have a renewed shower, clean and free from the corrupting influence of those pesky insects.  How much more satisfying and pleasing it is when our lives are once again free from sin and aligned with God's will in obedience and fellowship?  Jesus has become sin for us so we might be the righteousness of God in Him.  Take to heart the exhortation of Paul today:  "Be reconciled to God."  Once we have confessed our sin, repented, and received Christ's forgiveness and liberty we will undoubtedly say, "Why didn't I do that sooner?"

21 March 2015

The Atheist God Used (to make a Christian live like one)

When I entered Grossmont College as a freshman, I had relatively low expectations.  It amazingly turned out to be an eye-opening season of my life.  I could not have guessed the English professor teaching Advanced Composition would be instrumental in changing me for the better.  A consummate scholar and intellectual, now doctor, author, and acclaimed professor, the man was eccentric, witty, well-read, and captivating.  I felt I recognised and appreciated his brilliant mind more than others:  what was this genius doing teaching at a Junior College?

Our class met on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7am.  Upon arriving for our first day, we were warmly greeted with an interesting question:  "Are there any monotheists in this class?"  I was one of three, and we were directed to sit on the right side of the classroom.  The class was further separated into those with atheistic and agnostic leanings.  The class was heavy on discussion of current events and reading from A World of Ideas by Lee A. Jacobs.  By far it was my favourite class because of the professor I thoroughly admired, with whom I sensed a strange connection.  Perhaps I was able to conceal my admiration, but likely not.  The brilliance of the man in my eyes was undimmed by his worldview, which was admittedly atheistic.  Instead of rejecting me for holding to the view that God exists, I was impressed by his acceptance.  There was a mutual respect which transcended our differences.  I did not always share my professor's views (especially concerning secret messages from Carol LaBeau), but I respected him like no other.

I came into the class believing there was a God.  I grew up reading the Bible, praying, believing God heard my prayers and answered.  I had seen God's answers to prayer.  I knew I had been forgiven and trusted Jesus as Saviour.  It was far more than a mental exercise.  But during my teen years, I had grown spiritually proud and dull.  My heart hardened, though I maintained a clean exterior.  I did not use the crass language of others, drink alcohol, view pornography, or sleep around.  It was of me Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:5:  one who had a form of godliness but denied the power thereof.  As I was exposed to worldly thoughts and philosophies in English class, I was challenged to the core.  It was like I stood in the valley of decision:  would I hold fast to my faith and belief in the scripture, or would I exchange it for a secular, atheistic worldview?  The temptation was very real.  As the weeks passed I realised I could not forsake Jesus who had died for my sins and rose from the dead.  The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was beyond doubt.  The truth was, however, at the time I was not living for God at all.

My first English class in university marked a turning point in my life, to move from knowing about God to living for Him.  God used my atheist professor and the confronting nature of the class to force me to either reject the Bible wholesale as a work of fiction, or actually mix works with my faith.  If I believed God was real, if I believed in the veracity of scripture, then I needed to take steps to intentionally live life for the glory of God.  That class drove me to the scriptures to seek the answers.  As I read the Word of God, I found my feet secure on solid footing.  My confidence shifted from my knowledge to trusting God Himself.  No longer did I feel unsettled by questions or doubts.  I did not know everything, but what I knew was trustworthy, secure, and unshakable.  Once settled with faith in Christ, I no longer felt overwhelmed by the intelligence of my professor or peers.  My conscience was at rest, founded on Jesus Christ and the unchanging truth of the Bible.  I was content with the fact I would likely never be an intellectual revered by colleagues in academia if I held fast to biblical truth.  The class taught me a life marked by Christ's love, grace, and service far exceeds a Christian worldview alone.  It wasn't long before I began volunteering to serve at church, and the rest is history.

I have a great debt of gratitude to the professor God used to change my life for the better.  Shocked out of my complacency, a fire was started in my soul which has continued to burn and spread to this day.  Isn't it ironic God would pull me out of a construction trade over a decade later having ordained me as a minister and pastor?  I would be putting my university education into practice in the most unexpected way as I prepared studies, lessons, and sermons.  I am grateful beyond words how God used that brilliant man to compel me towards Christ.  I love atheists, agnostics, and my fellow believers because God does, and God can use them all for His glory too.  You don't need to believe in God to be used mightily by Him, but how much more glorious it is to know God and be used by Him as well!  To be known by God is more profoundly satisfying than any accolades received on earth.  Our lives on earth will soon be over and we will be forgotten, but the Word of the LORD endures forever!

20 March 2015

Groceries From Jesus

I began trusting in Jesus Christ as a child.  When I look back on my childhood, I can see how God worked to provide, protect, and bless our family.  My faith was not primarily built in a church classroom, but at home by parents who were faithful in trusting God and leading us kids to do the same.

By worldly standards we were not rich by any means, but our home was rich in love and faith in Christ.  I never felt poor or deprived in any way, though money was tight.  God always provided for our needs.  When family, friends, or even total strangers needed a place to stay, my parents opened our home to visitors who stayed for years.  During one of these seasons, we had a family of four staying with us.  I remember having two bunkbeds side by side with a roll out mattress in between.  Construction work had taken a big downturn in the 80's, and my dad worked hard to support his family and guests.  We had to put the dresser in the closet because the room was full of beds!

Years later I was told the whole story of what became a defining moment of God's faithfulness in my life.  My mum opened the cupboards one afternoon and came to the startling discovery there was no food on hand for dinner.  She talked with the other mum and prayed for God to provide for us.  As hungry people do, they started talking about the things they would love to eat.  One suggested a spot of tea would be wonderful.  The day continued on, and nothing was said about dinner.

I was in the kitchen about an hour later when I heard a knock at the door.  I can't recall who opened the door and greeted the two smiling African American women at the door, but I remember vividly I had never seen them before.  They held in their arms brown paper grocery bags.  One of the women said through a broad smile, "We've got groceries from Jesus!"  And in they came.  I watched as the joyful strangers brought in bag after bag of groceries, placed them on the bench (counter), and left.  We never knew their names, where they came from, or how they could have possibly known our dire need - a need I didn't even know we had!

It was like Christmas when we started taking the food out of the bags.  I remember there was syrup bought from a store, something we never had at that time.  My mum was deeply touched to find in the bounty there was even some tea, a special personal touch from the God who loved us so much.  I have always been thankful to those beautiful women I never had an opportunity to thank or express how important their generous gifts were to us.  I have thanked and been profusely grateful to God who loves us, hears prayers, and answers miraculously right on time.  The same Jesus who healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, cleansed lepers, and fed 5,000 men plus women and children with five loaves and two fish, sent me groceries when I was hungry.  He has refreshed my soul when I have been weary, swallowed up my fears with His love, and proved Himself faithful without fail.

Jesus willingly went to the cross, died, and rose from the dead to make a way for sinners to be saved.  He is alive today.  He has done much more for you than giving you a meal but has provided Himself as Living Bread from heaven.  All who trust Him will be forgiven and have everlasting life.  Do you know Him?  I find it fitting to close with John's remarks in John 20:30-31:  "And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name."

19 March 2015

Feeling Sorry for God

At the Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor's Conference in 2005, Bob Coy delivered a message called, "Loving God First."  One of the questions he asked made me think:  "Do you ever feel sorry for God?"  God did so much for His people.  He heard their cries and delivered them from slavery and bondage.  Yet they forsook the LORD and went after idols.  Pastor Bob read from Jeremiah 2:2-5:  "Go and cry in the hearing of Jerusalem, saying, 'Thus says the LORD: "I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown. 3 Israel was holiness to the LORD, the firstfruits of His increase. All that devour him will offend; disaster will come upon them," says the LORD.' " 4 Hear the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob and all the families of the house of Israel. 5 Thus says the LORD: "What injustice have your fathers found in Me, that they have gone far from Me, have followed idols, and have become idolaters?"

In a sense, I do feel sorry for God.  He deserves only the best, and sometimes His people can do the worst.  But unlike men who have been wronged, God does not feel sorry for Himself.  He does not have divine "pity parties" when we do not meet expectations because nothing surprises Him, nor is He self-focused.  He is altogether loving, gracious, and good.  He hears our cries and forgives the repentant and contrite.  Jesus Christ is God made flesh, come to earth to demonstrate God's love for sinners.  This fallen, cursed world cannot be redeemed, but every person in whom God has breathed a living soul can - through repentance and trusting in Jesus.  Some look at the suffering on this earth and think in some way it reflects badly upon God.  The exact opposite is true.  This world is under the curse of sin and will surely perish, and only in God can we be made righteous and saved for eternity.  God stands in holy contrast to all the wickedness, injustice, and pain of this earth.

God allows suffering, and did not insulate Himself from the worst.  Jesus suffered like no man before or since, especially since He was completely righteous and without sin.  God allows people to experience the severe consequences of sin - pain, suffering, sorrow, disease, sadness and death - to bring them to their senses so they might repent and find rest and comfort in Him.  Unfortunately, all the suffering in the world cannot force a person to see their need for repentance and salvation.  The book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ speaks of great plagues people on the earth will face and how their hearts will only be hardened against God and hate Him even more.  Revelation 9:29-21 says, "But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts."  God chastens those He loves, and it is awful so many of the souls Christ died to save will ultimately refuse and reject His atoning sacrifice to their own destruction.

It is one thing to feel sorry, but another thing altogether to take intentional steps to do what is right.  Feeling sorry is an exercise in helplessness if that is where it ends.  Feeling sorry is not enough.  Because of what Jesus has done - not because of what we or others have not done - we ought to love God completely, serve God faithfully, speak of Him boldly, obey Him faithfully, and trust Him loyally.  Ten good things which happen to us in a day can be easily overthrown by one bad thing.  Yet God is not so inconstant.  His delight in those who love and obey Him is not tempered by the fact many have and will reject Him.  He is not looking for sympathy, but hearts responding positively to His love.  When we walk in the way which fully pleases God it does not right all wrongs.  Jesus has already done that!  Our response is to be compelled by the love of Jesus, not guilt or sorrow that God has been slighted.  We are not responsible to change others, but we are responsible before God to cooperate in being transformed according to His perfect will.  Rejoice believer, not in your progress or efforts, but in God who loves you, has delivered you, is saving you, and He will be faithful to complete the work He has begun.