18 June 2015

Knowing Better Than God

From the very beginning of creation, God set before man a way of life and death.  Man was free to chose to obey God or go his own way.  Before each person to this day, God has freely given the choice of choosing to trust God or rebel against Him.  Those whose eyes are opened to see God in truth, the most reasonable choice is to trust and obey Him - not that we are not often foolish and stray from the path of righteousness.  To the world and even to some in the church today, the Laws of God appear arbitrary and odd.  Others try to explain why God's ways actually make practical sense, for instance concerning the dietary restrictions in the Law of Moses.  The truth is, even if I can explain rationale behind some of God's commands, their good and righteous qualities do not hinge on my understanding why they exist or agreeing with them.  My explanations cannot do them justice, for God's ways are higher than mine.  In trusting God is good and righteous I must also accept His Laws and commands as altogether good, even though I might not understand them.

Consider the command of God through the prophet in Jeremiah 21:8-9, when the inhabitants of Jerusalem faced severe food shortages as the Babylonians waited at the gates:  "Now you shall say to this people, 'Thus says the LORD: "Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death. 9 He who remains in this city shall die by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence; but he who goes out and defects to the Chaldeans who besiege you, he shall live, and his life shall be as a prize to him."  By virtue of being God's chosen people, King Zedekiah and the Jews expected God to protect them and defeat their enemies.  But God said He would turn back the weapons of the Jews upon themselves, and the city would surely fall.  God set before His people the way of life and the way of death.  Those who hoped for refuge within the stronghold certainly die, but any who laid down their weapons and surrendered to the Gentile army who laid siege to their city would live.  That is not what the King nor his people wanted to hear.  Surrender to the Chaldeans?  Don't we serve a God who is mighty to save?  Isn't the temple King Solomon built where God placed His name still standing within our walls?  Surely God would never have us surrender!  The people chose to trust in their own wisdom than trust in God's Word.  What would you do:  trust in the walls of the citadel, defensive strategies, or weapons, or forsake it all in falling upon the mercy of God and your despised enemies?

The commands of God seem counter intuitive to us and therefore require faith.  Adam was told he was free to eat from any tree in the garden of Eden save one:  the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden he was commanded not to eat.  Was it forbidden because the fruit possessed some poisonous neurotoxin which wouldn't agree with him?  Nope.  The fruit looked delicious, no doubt smelled appetising, and tasted divine!  Why else would Eve (after eating herself) give of the fruit to Adam?  There is no evidence there was anything physically damaging in the fruit.  But God had commanded them not to eat of that fruit, even warning them the result would be death.  After eating Adam's body continued to live for hundreds of years, seemingly unaffected by the fruit.  His body would eventually die, but the day sin and rebellion was conceived in his heart his soul surely died.  Only God could save Adam, through faith in God accounted as righteousness.  Adam and all his seed after him was cursed - not because of the pulp he chewed and swallowed, but because of disobedience and rebellion before a holy God.  Sin is attractive and the taste is sweet to our flesh.  Something that feels or tastes so good can't be wrong!  But just like the Jews during the Babylonian siege and many people today, Adam chose his own way.  It is the way of death.

Men, governments, and nations again and again demonstrate they believe they know better than God.  They scoff at His commands and persist in following the dictates of their own wicked hearts.  Even professing Christians mock the Laws of God in the Old Testament.  "Shaving off the corners of my beard is a sin?  Eating yeast on a certain day is wrong?  Gathering sticks on the Sabbath is punishable by death?  You mean I can't eat bacon?"  It is true born again Christians are completely free from keeping the letter of the Law, but it does not limit the reach of the Law.  Christ has ordained a better covenant based upon better promises (Hebrews 8:6), and has given us the Holy Spirit who governs us from within.  But the Law remains good and righteous.  The world and unregenerate sinners are as condemned under God's Law as ever.  It is a mirror which shows us how sinful we are in God's sight, how far we are from keeping the Laws of God, and that we have done countless things deserving of punishment and death willfully and out of ignorance.  Not one person save Christ has perfectly performed with a pure heart all the Law demands and not once did what was forbidden.

Jesus did not come to destroy the Law or prophets but to fulfill (Matthew 5:17).  He came to finish and complete the Law.  The Law remains perfect and good, even if we can't understand why certain laws exist, when reading the Law makes us shake our heads, scoff, or laugh out loud.  These foolish responses reveal how shortsighted, wicked, and desperately sinful we actually are.  In our natural state we are enemies and opposed to God, and we think we know better.  God is not stupid, and His Laws are all forged in righteousness.  He has never uttered a foolish word, and He always means what He says.  God is the one who places before each one of us a narrow way which leads to life, and a broad way which leads to destruction:  the choice is ours.  Eternal salvation, forgiveness from sin, and a relationship with the Living God is found only through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.  Laugh all you want, but it is the truth.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).  No one comes to the Father except through Him.  Because of our own sin, every one of us is going to die.  Trusting in Christ is the only way to be saved.  Which road are you on?  Salvation is more than just securing an eternal destination, but a relationship with God and a new life to be experienced with Jesus today.

Do you think you know better than God?  Can a man stop time or keep himself from dying?  Who is the man powerful enough to challenge, oppose, and rebel against his Maker and live eternally to boast about it in paradise?  Naked we are born, and naked we die.  If we die in our sins, we go to hell.  Only those clothed in Christ's robes of righteousness will gain entry to heaven and find peace in the presence of God.  Revelation 21:5-8 records the words of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God slain from the foundations of the world for sinners:  "Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." 6 And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. 7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. 8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."  Sin brings death, but the gift of God is life through Jesus Christ.  Eating the fruit in the garden brought death, but partaking of the Son of God through faith brings eternal life!

17 June 2015

Praise God!

This morning I woke up with the essence of Psalm 106:1 in my heart:  "Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."  God is so praiseworthy!  Consider the favour He has bestowed upon the lowly, and hears all who cry unto Him.  All He does is good, and there has not failed one word of His promises.  He is beautiful in holiness, glorious in power, mighty to save, and actively loves all people.  He graciously opens His arms to the unwilling and speaks tenderly to outcasts.  God rebukes the foolish and corrects those whom He loves.  He gives wisdom to the wise, knowledge to the understanding, reveals deep and hidden things, knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells within Him.  He is altogether lovely, just, righteous, and does not change. Psalm 28:7 says, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him."  Praise the glorious, unchanging One, all ye redeemed!  Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!

16 June 2015

Sharpening Iron

"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
Proverbs 27:17

Honing metal to a fine edge is a skill which these days requires special equipment.  I do not own a single iron blade, but have many stainless and carbon-steel blades.  The use of grinders, files, and stones are all useful to sharpen tools for maximum effectiveness.  A sharp blade requires less strength and is often therefore safer and more efficient.  In the day when King Solomon penned this proverb, quality tools and weapons were fashioned of iron.  Rubbing iron blades against each other sharpened each at the same time.  In the same way, friends have a way of positively "rubbing off" on one another.  Insightful discussion, sharing thoughts, and working together sharpens the intellect and improves understanding.

This verse is applied easily to the benefit of fellowship in a church fellowship of Christian believers.  But do not mistake gathering together for meetings or activities as fellowship which sharpens.  If I were to drop a handful of iron knives into a drawer, open and close it for an hour, in addition to a sore arm my knives would be more dull than before!  Anyone who has sharpened or tried to sharpen a knife knows there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it.  The knife needs to be laid at a consistent angle.  Even pressure must be applied to remove the material to sharpen the edge.  One or two strokes is not sufficient to sharpen a factory edge:  be ready for a time-consuming process!

Sharpening does not occur accidentally, and so is the process of being sanctified.  We are sharpened when we are challenged, encouraged, and exhorted by brothers and sisters who are walking with Jesus.  It is not our physical proximity or shared activities, but when the truth of God's Word impacts our minds, hearts, and lives.  Most important is time intentionally spent at the feet of Jesus, meditating on His Word, and applying it faithfully to our lives through the Holy Spirit's power.  Listening to sermons or going to church doesn't sharpen you by virtue of the activity alone any more than sitting in the basket with the knives and forks in the dishwasher.  We must recognise our dullness before we can be sharpened, and God has provided the means through fellowship and service with others.  We need the oil of the Holy Spirit to keep us from rust which corrodes and dulls, for iron oxidises very quickly.  It's amazing, really.  As we are sharpened by God's grace, we will sharpen others.  Allow God to knock the rust off you first, and trust He will also see to it others are sharpened as well.

Sharpening is work, and every tool which requires sharpening has a specific use and designed purpose.  As you are sharpened by the LORD, be faithful to do according to God's calling upon your life.  As willing slaves of Jesus Christ, let us heed in our daily activities the exhortation of Colossians 3:22-25:  "Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. 25 But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality."  The God who has called you out of darkness has called you into His marvelous light.  Whatever you do, do it heartily as unto the LORD!  Simple obedience will make a greater impact on others than you can ever know.

15 June 2015

Guess Who?

2 Timothy 3:16-17 reads, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." The Bible is personally applicable and powerful, being the Word of God.  All written in the scriptures is for our learning and edification:  that all people might know their Creator and experience an everlasting, loving relationship with Him.  There are numerous good and bad examples of people who trusted God, a realistic picture of humanity without any attempt to veil flaws.

Apart from the life of Jesus Christ, there are far more bad examples and failures observed in people who trust God than good ones.  It does not require the learning of a brilliant theologian to discern inconsistencies, errors, and major faults in God's people:  they are clear for all to see.  It seems when we are first born again we scratch our heads when we read of the disobedience, rebellion, and stiff-necked stubbornness seen in God's people.  How their stupidity annoys us!  How ridiculous is their poverty of faith!  Their failures are so blatantly foolish it even strikes us as humorous.  How could someone be so weak and shortsighted to make the same mistakes again and again and again?

Do you really want to know the answer?  It is not a hard question from God's perspective.  The answer is simply, me and you.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  The inconsistencies and hypocrisy we see in others are the same ones our hearts naturally embrace.  The biblical characters we view as most vile and disgusting are merely a mirror image of the sinful nature of our own hearts.  Without exception, all characteristics we disdain and condemn in others thrives in us.  "But I've never murdered anyone," you might protest.  From a biblical perspective, you don't need to physically shed blood to have murder lurking in the shadows of your heart.  God sees hatred (which is to love less) as murder (1 John 3:15).  The hatred which God sees as murder thrives naturally in all human hearts.  It is a humbling to see our sin enlightened by the Word of God.  In my flesh I perceive the disobedience of Adam, the envy of Cain and King Saul, the folly of Nabal, the violence of Agag, the hatred of Haman, the idolatry of Ahab and Jezebel, the greed of Judas, and the rebellion of Barabbas, the fearful denials of Christ by Peter - all rolled into one.

God be praised, for all who trust in Jesus are made new creations.  All who repent and place their faith in Jesus are born again and the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  We are then free from the shackles of sin and free to glorify God with a life which genuinely shines forth His righteousness, holiness, and purity.  Like Paul said, in our flesh dwells no good thing (Romans 7:18), but the glorious life and love of Jesus Christ can now be displayed by the grace of God.  The light of God's Word provides a clear view of ourselves in truth, and acknowledging our sins magnifies God's marvelous grace.  Instead of focusing on our faults, God looks upon faith exercised in Him with great delight - and counts it as righteousness.

So whenever we shake our heads and scoff the boneheaded decisions or inconsistency of people in scripture, guess who we are looking at?  Ourselves!