When questioned concerning what was the great commandment of the Law, the reply of Jesus to the lawyer is seen in in Matthew 22:37-39 "'You shall love the
LORD your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first
and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it:
'You shall love your neighbour as yourself.'" Jesus would later give a new commandment to His disciples, that they should love one another as He had loved them (John 13:34). The love of Jesus was demonstrated and culminated on Calvary's cross where He laid down His life for sinners.
In church today we read the passage in Acts 17 when Paul addressed the council, philosophers, and religious people in Athens. He said in Acts 17:30 God "...now commands all men everywhere to repent...". Repentance is a change of mind which results in a change of practices. It is agreement with God concerning what is wrong, choosing to forsake sin, and do what is pleasing in God's sight. Repentance is a command God has issued to all people, for those who have not yet been born again and those in the church. Sin keeps a man from fellowship with God, and repentance is a step in restoring the broken relationship.
As I mused on this during a song of worship to God, it struck me repentance does not happen in the pews. Repentance begins with a commitment but does not stop there: real repentance occurs in the moment of temptation. Let's say you struggle with gossip. Repentance happens when you have a juicy bit of gossip to share but in the moment recall to mind tale bearing is a sin and choose to remain silent. Say God puts His finger on your gluttonous appetites, eating more than you should. Repentance may begin in a church service or on your bed at night confessing before God your gluttony, but it is proved when you choose not to have a second helping of dessert - or forgo it altogether because you have had your fill. Repentance is proved when the opportunity for sin reveals itself, and in obedience to God the repentant heart intentionally avoids doing what is wrong and does the right thing instead.
This is how repentance goes from being a decision in the mind to being a practice in your life; this is how repentance passes from a commitment before God in church in response to a sermon to a way of life. Repentance is simple obedience moving forward. God commands all men everywhere to repent, and praise the LORD He has made a way of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.
In church today we read the passage in Acts 17 when Paul addressed the council, philosophers, and religious people in Athens. He said in Acts 17:30 God "...now commands all men everywhere to repent...". Repentance is a change of mind which results in a change of practices. It is agreement with God concerning what is wrong, choosing to forsake sin, and do what is pleasing in God's sight. Repentance is a command God has issued to all people, for those who have not yet been born again and those in the church. Sin keeps a man from fellowship with God, and repentance is a step in restoring the broken relationship.
As I mused on this during a song of worship to God, it struck me repentance does not happen in the pews. Repentance begins with a commitment but does not stop there: real repentance occurs in the moment of temptation. Let's say you struggle with gossip. Repentance happens when you have a juicy bit of gossip to share but in the moment recall to mind tale bearing is a sin and choose to remain silent. Say God puts His finger on your gluttonous appetites, eating more than you should. Repentance may begin in a church service or on your bed at night confessing before God your gluttony, but it is proved when you choose not to have a second helping of dessert - or forgo it altogether because you have had your fill. Repentance is proved when the opportunity for sin reveals itself, and in obedience to God the repentant heart intentionally avoids doing what is wrong and does the right thing instead.
This is how repentance goes from being a decision in the mind to being a practice in your life; this is how repentance passes from a commitment before God in church in response to a sermon to a way of life. Repentance is simple obedience moving forward. God commands all men everywhere to repent, and praise the LORD He has made a way of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.