God rewards those who trust and diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6), and the life of Enoch is cited as an example. Enoch pleased God, and without faith it is impossible to please God. He was translated to heaven and never saw death, and what a great reward eternal life is for all who place their faith in Jesus Christ. Heaven is not the only place where God rewards His people, for we are abundantly blessed with God's presence, love, forgiveness, peace, and fullness of joy even now.
The rewards supplied by God by His grace come to us in unexpected ways. God has set aside for us a "full reward" John alludes to in 2 John 1:8. There are ways we can miss out on the rewards God intends to give us. Paul revealed when followers of Jesus are judged for our stewardship before the judgment seat of Christ we could potentially suffer loss (1 Corinthians 3:15). Perhaps a little story might help this make sense.
There was once a man who worked for his wealthy father as long as he could remember. He toiled away day after day because it was expected of him as the oldest son to set a good example. Before the sun he rose to his duties, but often his heart wasn't in it. He felt he was hard done by, for what did he have to show for his labours? All it did was increase his father's wealth. Let's say he didn't feel there was much upward mobility.
When the season to plow and sow arrived, the father supplied his son with an abundance of seed, farm equipment, and provided access to a well-watered plain. "Feel free to sow all you want," the father said with a gleam in his eye. "No doubt it will be a bountiful harvest." Well, needless to say the son was not impressed. Fine for him to say, the man thought to himself. The rich get richer and the workers just keep slaving away, and for what? What do I have to show for decades of work? The son was glad for his pay and benefits, but could not be bothered to apply himself. His father already was rich and lacked nothing. To rub it in, he was going away on a long holiday as well!
As he continued day after day, the son became increasingly bitter. It struck him how poorly he was being treated, even taken advantage of! He felt under pressure by this expectation of a good crop! So what did he do? He decided to teach his old man a lesson for taking him for granted. His days still began before dawn, but he sowed rusty nails instead of seed. He took long breaks when he should have been clearing new fields, and napped when he could have repaired the irrigation system. Month after month this continued. A meagre crop sprang up from old seed, but it was a pitiful amount, a fraction of previous years. Man, when dad finds out he'll learn his lesson. The look on his face will be unforgettable. He smiled thinking about it.
Having returned from a holiday, the man's father gathered the family for an announcement. He said, "It's no secret I am a wealthy man. Because I value and rejoice over my eldest son who has served me these many years, instead of harvesting and selling this year's crops for my benefit, in addition to his wages as his reward all that grows in all my land is to be sold for his profit. At my own expense I have provided soil, seed, equipment, and will even employ harvesters to ensure none of it is lost. Congratulations, my boy: you will receive all you deserve."If you could look at the son's face, I imagine he wore an expression so full of regret and disappointment we do well to consider always. The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof. We are unworthy to be numbered among God's children, but He is gracious and good. He has provided everything pertaining to life and godliness. He has a full reward set aside for us that is better than money that perishes. The question is, are we working in a way worthy of receiving it? Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:1-2, "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful." May we be faithful sons and daughters that persevere in obedience, faithful to serve our Saviour as He did the Father. Jesus said in John 9:4, "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." Let our lives be marked with integrity for God's glory, for such will receive a full reward.