04 March 2019

Judging Righteously

Kids are impressionable, and things their parents say and do make a significant impact on their behaviour.  It is fun to see the personalities of these little ones begin to emerge, but not all that we see or hear is pleasing because it can be a portrayal of us parents at our worst.  A common tendency in many kids is the ironic and unbecoming attitude I will simply call "bossy."  Watch an older brother or sister for very long and it's likely they will order their sibling around or tattle on them when they are not doing what they think is right.  The demands placed on them are quickly (and in their minds fairly) placed on all others.  It seems for some kids a necessary step in the maturation process, something unfortunately not all grow out of.

This kind of  concrete "black and white" thinking pervasive in kids can be maintained in adults who lean towards legalism.  "That's not fair!" or "That's just wrong!" are phrases often through which the world and others are viewed.  It is true there is a lot wrong in the world and even the church packed with sinners, but it is good to remember we are not the authority:  God is.  Those who are raised in Christian homes and were taught in Sunday School likely received a large dose of what to do and what not to do.  For little concrete thinkers the Law of Moses is Gospel.  Some have responded by avoiding teaching the Ten Commandments or emphasising the love of God instead.  But we need the Law to see we are proud, selfish, hypocritical legalists who desperately need to repent.  God forbid we would teach Law without explaining the modern purpose of the Law, and we should employ it unto that end:  to reveal our need for salvation by grace through faith in Jesus.

Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.  Knowing right and wrong is one thing, but doing it is another matter entirely.  It is natural for us to judge others self-righteously according to Law (and even according to a subjective standard we hold forth as righteous), but Jesus said in John 7:24, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."  We ought to use righteous judgment, knowing that the severity of the judgment we place upon others is the degree God will see we drink to the dregs (Matthew 7:1-2).  Those who are teachers (this includes parents who instruct their kids) will receive harsher judgment even in our age of grace (James 3:1-2).  Not one of us is perfect, even in our understanding of the scriptures we imagine we know well.  Many times Jesus said, "It has been written...but I say unto you..." going far beyond the reach of the Law of Moses and addressing the sin in our hearts.  If we accuse and condemn others in hypocrisy, it is we who are most wrong.

As teachers of God's Word we are called to teach the whole Bible, the Law of Moses included, providing the overarching context of God's grace which saturates scripture.  Without knowledge of the Law we are without that tutor or schoolmaster who leads us by the hand to Jesus.  Can you imagine trying to learn mathematics or English without a teacher?  We live in a world where many people feel they can do no wrong, but God loves us enough to show us otherwise.  Praise the LORD God's power remains without limit to teach people His ways from all backgrounds and perspectives.  His Word is sharp and powerful, and the Holy Spirit transcends man's best efforts to convey truth.  There remains right and wrong, and God is able to show us the times when we were positive we were right but actually were dead wrong.  Instead of judging according to appearance, we are to judge righteously by God's grace.

03 March 2019

The Double-Minded Man

Whilst studying in preparation for the sermon last week, I was reminded of an interaction from years ago.  I was working at a church in El Cajon and often people would come to the office seeking assistance of some kind.  "Walk-ins" were common:  people asking for money, homeless people looking for food or clothes, petrol for their cars, and even a medical emergency.  I believe God did a miracle when we prayed for an older man who was overdosing on methamphetamine and instantly set him in his right mind.

One man came into the office who had recently been released from prison.  He looked to be a tough character, covered in tattoos - and was inked on his neck and face.  I was asked to speak with him.  during our conversation he confided he had an addiction to alcohol which he saw as deadly.  "If I don't quit drinking, I'm going to die.  I'm desperate to do anything to be clean and sober."  I told him of a local ministry I knew that specialised in people like him who wanted to be free of drugs and alcohol, to have a stable job, and affordable housing.  I warned him it was not for everyone, as it required a full one-year commitment.  He was enthusiastic:  "That's exactly what I need.  Sign me up."

He was without transport so I offered to provide him a ride to the ministry office on the other side of town.  A pastor greeted us and explained concerning the program in greater detail.  Nodding in agreement to the rigid structure and requirements, the man sparked up a cigarette.  "And by the way," the pastor said, "just so you know there is no smoking permitted during the program."  The man literally staggered back a step in disbelief.  "What?"  he asked incredulously.  "I don't know...I don't think I can commit to that."  As the pastor tried to reason with him, the man began chain smoking the rest of his cigarettes, clearly disturbed by this development he was unprepared for.

I found the situation tragic and sad:  there stood a man in desperate need of help to kick alcohol, but his dependence on cigarettes seemed an insurmountable obstacle.  He knew alcohol would be the death of him, yet he was unprepared to make a necessary sacrifice for a new life because it seemed unreasonable and impossible.  I don't believe this man's situation or response is different than us in our relationship with God.  There are aspects of our life and behaviour we realise are sinful and want to see our problems dealt with, but at the same time the accomplishment of this work can require sacrifices in other areas we are not always willing to make.  So being undecided and in two minds we can settle for what will destroy us.  It's a confronting example to be sure, but one at some level we can all identify with.

James 1:8 tells us a "double-minded man" is "unstable in all his ways."  It was good the man had come to grips with his need to deal severely with his alcoholism, but because he was double-minded, unwilling to sacrifice what the ministry required to aid his restoration, instability marked every aspect of his life.  This is why commitment and willpower is insufficient to live in victory, for we need to be born again through faith in Christ so we are given new hearts and renewed minds which are in agreement with God.  James went on to write in James 4:8:  "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."  If we will be free and forgiven we cannot approach God on our terms, but we must submit to His righteous demands.  When there is agreement between God and a humble, repentant, and contrite sinner, God graciously restores according to His promise.  Then our feet will be firmly planted on the Rock of Salvation who is Christ, and He is a foundation for new life enjoyed for eternity.

01 March 2019

There Is No Encore

Have you ever been at a restaurant and were inspired to order an appetising dish being placed before another patron?  None of the descriptions in the menu seemed as appealing as the hot meal being served to someone else before your eyes.  You thought to yourself, "I'll have whatever he is having.  That looks amazing."

Ordering a meal based upon appearance is one thing, but this desire to "have what someone else is having" can lead to us want for ourselves the exact experience as another person.  If we are the ones who have had the amazing experience, we want others to partake in it as well.  I remember taking kids in the youth group to a theme park which had numerous roller coasters, and it was great fun seeing them enjoy the thrill for the first time and sprint back to the queue to ride again!  As much fun as coasters can be, the first time can never be replicated for yourself or anyone else.  The first time for another person may be the last time they ever submit to boarding a ride because they didn't enjoy it at all.  When it comes to spiritual matters, do not set your heart on having an experience like anyone else because God has intimate knowledge of you and His plans for you - not limited by the experiences or outcomes of others.

I came across a wonderful quote from C.S. Lewis which speaks to this point:
"It would be rash to say that there is any prayer which God never grants.  But the strongest candidate is the prayer we might express in the single word encore.  And how should the Infinite repeat Himself?  All space and time are too little for Him to utter Himself in them once." (Martindale, Wayne, and Jerry Root. The Quotable Lewis. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2005. page 247)
How many Christians can seek a particular gifting, experience, or outcome of another because it personally appeals to them and ultimately become disillusioned when their desire eludes them!  It is like we wish life or our spiritual pilgrimage was like a restaurant, that if we agree to pay the price on the menu for what we find most appealing we should receive exactly as we ordered, with certain ingredients omitted or exchanged for our personal preference.  Approaching desired outcomes in a formulaic fashion disregards the sovereignty of God and the greatness of the plan He is unfolding which exceeds our vision and expectations.  Often passages from the Bible are employed in this way, suggesting if we will do our part God will do His - in a predictable, timely, and expected manner.  This is simply not the case.

After thrilling experiences we can shout, "Again, again!" but with God there is no encore; He does not stutter.  Just like He never creates two people exactly alike - even those we call "identical" - He never operates in exactly the same way.  Since every person is created unique, why should we expect our circumstances, outcomes, or experiences to be the same as someone else?  God does not repeat Himself, for He makes all things new.

27 February 2019

God and Boundaries

Heaven is God's throne and the earth His footstool.  He has the power to raise up kings and depose them, to overthrow nations and establish them.  God brought the nation of Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand and gave them land in Canaan by lot.  It is interesting to me God made Israel a great nation with clearly defined borders.  God could have given His people all the land on the planet, but He didn't.  He established boundaries for His people, something we ought to consider in our own lives too.  We should be content with our station and all God has graciously provided instead of always seeking to expand.  Godliness with contentment is great gain.

Not only did God provide boundaries for the land of the nation Israel, but He provided them His Law.  God's Law was to govern people's actions, words, duties, and the worship of God.  Left to their own devices and driven unchecked by the lust and wickedness of people hearts, they would become as the godless and wicked nations before them.  God instituted government, a priesthood, and morality upheld by Law which set bounds on what is good or evil.  These statutes were good but had their limitations:  law cannot make a man righteous or provide salvation, for it can only condemn.  Jesus Christ, who established a New Covenant in His blood is the end of the Law for righteousness for all who believe (Romans 10:4).  We have liberty in Christ, but this liberty also has boundaries.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:12, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any."  He continued on this theme in 1 Corinthians 10:23:  "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify."  We should not do things merely because we can or they are considered "legal."  Those activities which prove not to be a help, anything which brings us under its power, and does not build us up in holy faith should be off-limits for us - just like we trespass when we go beyond our property line.  It is no longer the Law of Moses which provides these boundaries, but the fear of God, the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and love.  Love is the "bond of perfection" which is to govern and guide our words and deeds.

God is infinite, yet He has wisely given us limits.  Instead of seeking to always expand our circle of influence, let us be content to bless and love those with whom He has united us.  Paul learned in whatever state he was to be content (Philippians 4:11), and having food and clothes we ought to be pleased.  The exhortation in Hebrews 13:5 also comes with a reminder of how blessed we are in Christ alone:  "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  Let us be content with our homes (whether owning or renting), land, job, marriage, and family.  We have a Saviour Jesus who will never leave or forsake us, and in Him is everlasting love, acceptance, and life.  Should times of increase come, let us not set our hearts on more but rest in the One who gives us all things.