It was just over two months back my wife Laura and I discussed embarking on looking for a house to buy in a nearby suburb and to see what we could sell our house for. What followed was a whirlwind of driving to open houses and vacating our house for open houses, meetings with realtors, banks and solicitors. Laura handled the vast majority of the administrative burden. To make a very long story short, the LORD provided a house we liked with owners that accepted our offer, our house was sold via auction, and loans were secured. I quite liked our other house, a gift from the LORD that was compact and suitable for our needs. But with all the building in the area the traffic was growing more congested and will only continue. In Sydney it seems the traffic needs to become a hopeless mess before one lane can be added to each side when it should have been a three or four-lane road to start with. It might be 2030 before Garfield Road receives a much needed upgrade.
Our moving day illustrated God's faithfulness and help He has shown through the whole process. I rented a large box truck for 24 hours to move our stuff, and it happened to be one of the hottest days of the summer. The Grisez family plus people from church helped one or two at a time over that period of hustling back and forth. All of us who were outside in the heat were likely suffering from various stages of heat exhaustion as we were cramping up. I don't think I ever had hand cramps before! But God gave us strength to keep going. By the time I drove to return the truck, I was praying for everything: that I could find a petrol station with diesel, drive into the correct bay, that I could unlock the petrol cap, that I would return the truck in time despite traffic. The LORD worked it all out. We had been planning on coming back to the "old" house to cleanup and finish moving in days to follow, but with the help we had--like Gideon's skeleton crew--we were able to have the house cleaned and emptied right when the new owners showed up for their walkthrough.
God's grace has continued as a couple from church came over that evening and helped us haul desks and beds upstairs so we had a place to sleep. That evening there was a massive change in the weather as a "southerly buster" rolled in and we have enjoyed the cool breeze ever since. The house is well on the way to becoming more functional with hot water, internet and laundry going, and there is no doubt in my mind it is the LORD's doing. We are continuing to pray both properties will close on the proper date, and trust God will be with us and will help us every step. When we consider the world He has made with the sun and moon, the living birds, trees, flowers, bugs and how they all live together, we can see God has thought of everything and is faithful. Psalm 107:31 is a fitting conclusion to this testimony of God's faithfulness I desire to practice continually because He is worthy: "Oh,
that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!"
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