I have seen the fruit of repeated failures turn out to be sweet success. Many times professional athletes and teams fall short before they win the big game. Failure is no guarantee teams that earn a trip to the finals every year will win when the season hangs in the balance. Every person on the planet plays for stakes far higher than million dollar contracts and grand final winning immortality: will we live a life pleasing to God? If our souls are weighed in the balances by the almighty God and Judge of all the earth, will they be found wanting?
The awesome thing about the walk of faith in Jesus Christ is the redemptive value He brings to even our failures. He perceives flaws in us we cannot see and works wonderfully to bring us to a place of recognition and repentance. I was reminded recently how I went for an interview (and subsequently was told I was the front-runner) but quick out of the gate didn't mean finishing first. It was a painful blow to learn the senior pastor position and visa I desired was offered to another despite my best efforts. Looking back I can see with clarity I had begun to imagine myself suitable and capable for a work I could never accomplish. The lesson didn't even look like a lesson at the time because of the sting. But God brought it to a gracious and marvellous conclusion when months later the offer was made to me. Having been humbled by the LORD, the final step of necessary preparation was done.
In the exuberance of my youth I remember saying to God, "I want to be a catalyst for you!" His response was swift and clear: "You're nothing but a hindrance to me." And He was absolutely right and remains so. In my flesh dwells no good thing, and if there is any quality fruit from my life it is His doing. 2 Corinthians 4:5-7 says, "For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus' sake. 6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." What a miracle that God would dwell within sinners He has made saints by grace through faith. We cannot do the first of God's works to live in the way that pleases Him by our best efforts, but He sanctifies us as we follow Jesus.
I was in darkness - I was darkness (Ephesians 5:8) - but inside me the Light of the World shines. One could say failure has led to some of my greatest successes, but the reality is not one "success" is mine: every victory belongs to Jesus Christ my LORD and Saviour. Even if I never was offered the job, it still would have been a lesson learned greater than money could buy because I was made more fit for the Master's use. At times I have been deceived to think I was "the man," but Jesus is and will ever be.
The awesome thing about the walk of faith in Jesus Christ is the redemptive value He brings to even our failures. He perceives flaws in us we cannot see and works wonderfully to bring us to a place of recognition and repentance. I was reminded recently how I went for an interview (and subsequently was told I was the front-runner) but quick out of the gate didn't mean finishing first. It was a painful blow to learn the senior pastor position and visa I desired was offered to another despite my best efforts. Looking back I can see with clarity I had begun to imagine myself suitable and capable for a work I could never accomplish. The lesson didn't even look like a lesson at the time because of the sting. But God brought it to a gracious and marvellous conclusion when months later the offer was made to me. Having been humbled by the LORD, the final step of necessary preparation was done.
In the exuberance of my youth I remember saying to God, "I want to be a catalyst for you!" His response was swift and clear: "You're nothing but a hindrance to me." And He was absolutely right and remains so. In my flesh dwells no good thing, and if there is any quality fruit from my life it is His doing. 2 Corinthians 4:5-7 says, "For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus' sake. 6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." What a miracle that God would dwell within sinners He has made saints by grace through faith. We cannot do the first of God's works to live in the way that pleases Him by our best efforts, but He sanctifies us as we follow Jesus.
I was in darkness - I was darkness (Ephesians 5:8) - but inside me the Light of the World shines. One could say failure has led to some of my greatest successes, but the reality is not one "success" is mine: every victory belongs to Jesus Christ my LORD and Saviour. Even if I never was offered the job, it still would have been a lesson learned greater than money could buy because I was made more fit for the Master's use. At times I have been deceived to think I was "the man," but Jesus is and will ever be.