02 July 2019

Swift to Listen

"He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him."
Proverbs 18:13

"Think before you speak," my dad used to say.  "You have two ears but only one mouth so you should listen twice as much as you speak."  There is great practical wisdom in these sayings.  Solomon warned his son of the folly of answering a matter before he hears it.  When people came before King Solomon for judgment, he needed to listen to both sides and also consult God's Word before a decision could be made.  We are satisfied to have knowledge and to share it, but if we answer without first listening it is folly and shame to us.

Jesus provides a great example for us in His first public interaction with the scribes and Pharisees.  After Joseph and Mary left Jerusalem assuming He was with them, Jesus at 12 years of age remained in the Temple and conversed with the greatest elders and scholars in the land.  Luke 2:46-47 reads, "Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers."  Jesus is a unique case because He not only was the author of the Law but also knew perfectly the hearts and thoughts of men.  Though armed with such knowledge Jesus listened first and then asked questions.  I can be guilty of thinking I know where people are coming from before I bother to ask.

In the ancient tradition Jesus assumed the position of a teacher because He sat down.  He was surrounded by doctors, lawyers, and scribes who were astonished at His understanding and answers.  Instead of lecturing or trotting out arguments before those who gathered, Jesus listened.  How instructive Christ's wisdom in listening first is for us!  Questions and statements posed were met with questions from Jesus which revealed a depth of understanding which amazed those who stood around.  When we are asked a question, let us be mindful to ask questions before we rush to an answer.  We can answer a question correctly but miss the point of why the question was asked in the first place, aiming for heads and not hearts.

Better than providing our answer to a question, let us ask ourselves:  how and what has God spoken on the matter?  Are there biblical examples to consider?  The fool does not consider God in his thoughts, and for children of God to ignore what He has spoken is frankly shameful.  James 1:19-20 puts it like this:  "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."  Too often we mix up the order entirely and are quick to wrath, thus rush to speak, and do not listen at all.  Praise the LORD He leads us in wisdom and provides additional opportunities to obey Him in the future.  

01 July 2019

God Who Heals Us

Yesterday I was given the opportunity to deliver the message at Jericho Road Christian Fellowship.  The text the LORD placed on my heart was Exodus 15 which begins with the song of Moses celebrating God's power and deliverance from the  pursuing Egyptian army.  Three days after God brought the people through the Red Sea, however, they complained because they did not find fresh water.  One might imagine a series of obvious miracles and the physical presence of God before the eyes would endow people with unshakable faith and resolve, but this passage shows otherwise.  Bitter water brought out the bitterness in people towards Moses and ultimately God.

God graciously healed the waters of Marah, a picture of what He delighted to do within them.  They had been oppressed in Egypt for 400 years as slaves, and there was a lot of bitterness, resentment, and hurts.  God made a covenant with the people and said, "I am the God who heals you."  When people think about miraculous healing it is likely physical healing like Jesus or His disciples performed.  But that is not the only kind of healing God does:  He can heal us body, mind, and soul.  He delivers us from the poison of lust and greed, of bitterness and unbelief.  A withered hand is not much use for picking up objects, yet a hard heart or seared conscience has far worse long-term spiritual implications.

I am convinced God does not heal us for our convenience but out of His goodness and grace.  The mighty works Jesus and disciples did were similar to what God did in miraculously delivering the Hebrews out of Egypt:  to confirm the truth of the Gospel and covenant God makes with those who trust in Him.  Consider what Jesus said and did after the death of Lazarus.  After Jesus came to the grave of Lazarus, John 11:39-45 reads, "Jesus said, "Take away the stone." Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, "Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days."  Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" 41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. 42 And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me." 43 Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!" 44 And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, "Loose him, and let him go." 45 Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary, and had seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him."  It seems Lazarus was not resurrected for Lazarus' own sake, but so people could see the glory of God, believe on Jesus, and be saved.

I am blessed God has provided Exodus 15, but we do not need this passage to know beyond a doubt God's people can be bitter (sharp, angry, hurt or resentful) because the capacity and tendency is in all of us.  We have thought of the glory God would receive from miraculously healing a person physically, but isn't He also glorified when we ask to be healed from our bitterness?  Being bitter is not a personality trait but is a sin to be repented of because God has placed within believers the Living Water of the Holy Spirit who brings new life, refreshment, and comfort.  Just like the bitterness of the water was exposed when people tasted and refused to drink it, bitterness in us is distasteful to others and especially the God who knows our hearts.

Praise the LORD He is the one who offers to heal us of bitterness, filling our hearts instead with gratefulness and thanksgiving to God.  Through us He dispenses the fragrance and flavour of grace to the world that He might be glorified.

29 June 2019

Management or Ministry?

Something my mum said about children's ministry provoked good thought, that there is a difference between management and ministry.  Sitting the kids in front of a TV or allowing them to play on their devices in class may manage their behaviour, but it won't minister to their souls.  A manager conjures up images for me of a hireling, but a minister is a servant of all.  In a Sunday School lesson, the end does not justify the means--especially when our ends do not line up with God's.  Do we tolerate people or do we love them?  To love others requires an investment of time and effort which benefits others.

Jehosheba and the high priest Jehoiada provide a good illustration of the conduct fitting of God's faithful ministers.  2 Kings 11:1-3 reads, "When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal heirs. 2 But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Joram, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him away from among the king's sons who were being murdered; and they hid him and his nurse in the bedroom, from Athaliah, so that he was not killed. 3 So he was hidden with her in the house of the LORD for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the land."  Joash was a vulnerable infant facing death when Jehosheba bravely stole him away from his murderous grandmother and hid him in the Temple.  For six years he lived in the house of God.

Whilst kept in the house of God, the high priest Jehoiada made preparations for the day Joash would ascend to the throne and be made king.  Not only did Jehoiada speak with rulers and captains of the guard to prepare for the coronation, but Jehoiada taught Joash about God, His laws, and his responsibilities as king.  Without a godly father to teach him of God and his ways, priest Jehoiada prepared the child to rule righteously.  Now most of the kids who attend church are not facing an immediate threat to their lives, but they all have a desperate need to know God and to learn to trust Him.  Joash was threatened by Athalia, and this world will stop at nothing to steal their formative years, deceive, kill and destroy.  Joash was the rightful king Jehoiada took under his wing, and we have an incredible opportunity to teach kids about our good God who desires for all people believe on Him and be saved.

Jehoiada wasn't just interested in feeding, clothing, and keeping Joash quiet and well-behaved, but to prepare him to answer the call God had placed upon His life.  God had a calling upon Jehosheba, Jehoiada and Joash, and He also has a call upon our lives and the souls of those precious little ones God brings to church.  We have the opportunity to minister to these children, not just manage them.  A manager is more concerned about kids being low-maintenance and well-behaved in class, whilst a minister seeks to communicate God's love, how to walk with Him, and to inspire a child to enter into the bright future God has for those who trust Jesus Christ.  Raising infants, toddlers, and kids filled with energy will be messy business, yet God enables us by His grace to be their ministers as unto the LORD.  When we feel like we can't manage, God ministers to and through us.

28 June 2019

Brought Through

God's word is profound and enduring, and even portions of scripture which seem mundane or repetitive can be treasures hidden in plain sight for those who seek God by reading them.  Instead of looking at reading the Bible as a task to be endured it is better to view it as an intentional opportunity to hear God speak into our lives today.  I discovered such a passage today in the book of Ezekiel as the prophet described a vision he saw.

Ezekiel 47:2-4 reads, "He brought me out by way of the north gate, and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east; and there was water, running out on the right side. 3 And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles. 4 Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters; the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through; the water came up to my waist."  Ezekiel accompanied a man who measured the depth of living water which flowed from the temple.  After 500 yards the water reached up to his ankles, and 500 yards later the water came to his knees.  It must have taken a good while to wade through the water which grew in volume as it flowed towards the east and revived the Dead Sea.

During this passage Ezekiel often repeated the man he followed "brought me through."  How well this statement relates to the life of a child of God!  We have come to Jesus Christ through faith and He is the one who leads us through all seasons of life by the Holy Spirit.  It didn't matter if the waters were to his ankles or knees:  Ezekiel was brought through them--even when walking became more difficult as the water grew deeper.  Looking back, we can affirm it is God who brought us through trials which seemed to go on forever, through seasons of depression and weariness.  Many times we have lost all sense of direction and a Christ-centered perspective, but Jesus brought us through.

How many times does scripture illustrate the faithfulness of God to bring His people through difficulties to a place of deeper and greater blessing by His grace.  God did not only bring His people to the edge of the Red Sea or Promised land but caused them to enter and He brought them through even in the midst of their enemies and idols.  Moses was brought to the boundary of Canaan, and though he was not permitted to physically enter God brought him through to eternal life in paradise.  Jesus did not leave His disciples perpetually toiling at the oars on the Sea of Galilee but brought them through to arrive at His intended destination.  God brought them through, and He will bring you through too.

Isn't it strange Ezekiel would walk in the stream which became a great river when he could have walked on the bank?  Most of us would have tried to avoid being wet, but Ezekiel was brought through in the midst of the stream.  We often attempt to skirt or avoid any difficulties--even ones God has determined to bring us through for the glory of His name and the strengthening of our faith.  This testimony of how Ezekiel was brought through teaches me I can trust God's leading in the present difficulty which feels like it will sweep me off my feet.  Trials and pressures of life that even look like are heading for disaster are carefully measured in depth and duration by the One who leads us.  Remember we can always trust Jesus Christ who will surely bring us through, and in the process we will grow in love and adoration for Him.